How do you shutdown your PC...

I run mine 24/7. Folding = l33tness. :D

I only turn my client machines off if I'm going to be gone for a few days. My server never gets shut off...ever.
FusionXP said:
How does your computer turn on when you move your mouse? Mine doesn't do that. Is there something in the BIOS you have to set?

I know mine does with the mouse, whats the difference between using your mouse and hitting a button on your keyboard though???
Main rig - Shutdown every night, unless Im downloading
Laptop - hibernate with the occasional weekly restart
Server - up for 4 months and counting!
HTPC - off unless I need it, then I turn it on

Work PC - 2 Months and counting
I have a question:
I just opened shutdown.exe from the command prompt and typed in an ip address of a computer on my network. I hit enter, ran to the room where the computer is located, and lo and behold, that computer shut off. wtf!??!! you can shutdown any computer on a network without permision from that computer? are there any restrictions, because you could really wreak havok at work or at school/uni.
I shut down my pc by simply clicking the option of ( windows shutdown ) and when Im really just too lazy to press the little button in windows I just walk away from it and leave it on. lol