How do you Install a retail Windows XP over a system that did not pass WGA?

Cannibal Corpse

Sep 22, 2002

I have bought a retail OEM Windows XP Pro CD, and I would like to know how to install it over an OS that does not pass the WGA.

This is for a friend, who has lots of information and deleting and reformatting her Hard Disk is not an option.

If I simply insert this CD and during the text based portion of setup, choose 'Repair', is it going to do the trick?

Or is she out of luck and we need to do a complete install?

Thanks in advance!
I would format, no point in having haxed windows files incorporated into an ORIGINAL copy and having that original copy getting tainted as bad for whatever reason.

Tell your "FRIEND" that she should stop using haxed software for numerous reasons, especially if she uses credit cards or paypal or shit like that, as a shitload of haxed windows on the net also come with a pile of backdoors and other goodies that can be used to easily gain access to your/her pc.

Also, what your "FRIEND" does affects us all by increasing the price of OS's and other software.

In anycase, format the bitch and then format her pc and put a proper copy of windows on to it.
I think you can just change the key from the one that doesn't pass to the retail key you just got, and then WGA will pass. There are a couple programs that do it, I think this is one of them.

edit: Scratch that, I'd go with Menelmarar's suggestion. Didn't know it existed.
Put the drive in another machine and copy over the data which needs to be saved. Then format and reinstall with the legit copy. Simple as that.

BartPE, move all good files to a separate folder like C:\backup , then with bartpe delete all folders like windows, program files, docs and settings, etc.

Now restart computer with the valid windows install disk, and install in original partition without formatting.

Once windows is installed, give drive a GOOD defrag :D

hope it helps