How Do YOU Clean Out Your Case?


Dec 16, 2003
I have always turnned off my computer and sprayed it with the can of air. Then I got my vacuum to suck out any debris that was floating around (making sure to NOT touch anything or even get close to touching anything)

after i loostened up the dust i would turn on my computer and the dust would get blown out the back, done deal.

I was just wondering what other ways the ppl at the [H] have come up with to clean out their cases.
Power Washer

Major air compressor at my work, blows the shit out of everything.

Its nice, can of air just does not have the same power as a compressor.
Canned air. Filters up front and close to a small air filter/ionizer.
while the computers on, I spray it down with water from my house inthe backyard, using one of those high intensity nozzles, it really gets the dust out, make sure you have your fans all the way up. :-D
evey now and then whipe it down from the oustide with a damp cloth (cleaning the outside and dust off the fan grills)

then take it out to the garage and hit it with the compressor (Its like a can of air you only have to pay for once) if i didnt have a compressor, id probably buy a little tank, and just refill it at a gass station for free

once that is done i whipe the inside out with a damp cloth, and then with alcohal
Can of air too.. I spray off the dust when I think its dusty. I usually turn it off but if a fan sounds funny I usually spray it while its on.
I am too lazy to bring out the vaccume so I just hold my breath and spray.
i get the good ole compresser out put it up to 140psi and let her rip.

insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! amount of air

i like blowing it tward my face:D
Cleaning interrupts the natural mating cycle of the illusive and endangered Dust Bunny. Don't clean.
Originally posted by lord_emperor
Cleaning interrupts the natural mating cycle of the illusive and endangered Dust Bunny. Don't clean.

Save the Dust Bunnies!!!
I'm trying to prevent the dust with some cheese cloth over my (newly cut-out) intake fan.

But before that, I just blew in manually with the computer off. With my eyes closed. Then washed my hair and face and everything.
yeah my dad has a vac that runs off 220V amd has a 6ft tall bag in his shop. that sucker would sck the machine out of the case:D

to clean my case: i get the dust off of it with a vacuum cleaner if it looks bad when i disassemble my computer.
Fan filters in the front, and then i take it out every so often and blow it down w/ a can of air.
when u guys say that you have fan filters on the front, what exactly do u mean by that? do you have ur el cheapo material or did u actually go out and buy that stuff that svc sells? i have this:

wo0t h4x!! :D
I like to hook up a hose air nozel to my 4500 psi scuba tank blow it out. It works realy well for that [H]ard to get dust.
The one the only. DUST BUSTER vacuum. Works wonders. Along with a can-o-air. This way I don't kill the dust bunnies I just relocate them.
My sisters a hair dresser, so i steal her hair dryer, set to cold that thing has one hell of an output. so i take the case outside and blast it for a while, dust clouds galore !
when can o air becomes to expensive, i use hair dryer with heat turned off. not that effective, but is nicer than kicking it a lot and hope the dust gets scared and leaves
80mm tornado to blow everything out. I would use a compressor if I had one. Its high on my wishlist but its not gonna happen for a while.
i like to hang mine out on the clothes line so it can get that
fresh 'spring air' scent!
Originally posted by ST|FFY
when u guys say that you have fan filters on the front, what exactly do u mean by that? do you have ur el cheapo material or did u actually go out and buy that stuff that svc sells? i have this:

I use some really nice stuff i picked up from Home Depot that's meant for filtering the rectangular vents in your house. I got like a 24 pack for abotu $4. Just cut them down to size and they work perfectly.
I use one of these:


Pumps on both upstroke and downstroke, it's safer than a compressor, doesn't create static like a vacuum cleaner, and it works a hell of a lot better than a piddly can of compressed air!

A soft paintbrush to move the stubborn 'clingy' dust from fan blades, a blow out with the pump, and it's clean as a whistle :)
One of my co-workers asked me to clean up and tune up his rig, I popped it open and it is loaded with smokers know, the gummy kind of dust that the can-o-air won't blow out. So what do I use to get this shit out of the case??????
take every thing out and take a brush to it.

if not a torch does well


IC7-MAX3 W/ 3.0E
IC7-MAX3 W/ 3.0C
AI7 W/ 2.0A

it might... wont it:D :p