how do you backup your settings for BF2 and CS:S

TheGoat Eater

Nov 26, 2005
I am talking about key layouts and that kind of stuff - friend is rebuilding his computer and I am trying to help him out.
TheGoat Eater said:
I am talking about key layouts and that kind of stuff - friend is rebuilding his computer and I am trying to help him out.

I dunno about CS:S, but for BF:2 back up the entire \My Documents\Battlefield 2 folder and you'll get it all. He should he reinstall BF2 before restoring the files, and he should NOT restore the \My Documents\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\cache folder (which contains the machine-specific optimized shaders). It'll be recreated the first time he starts the game again (which should be after a defrag, and followed by a defrag ... it's a bit of a pain, but he'd be able to tell the difference in responsiveness :: from BF2 Tweakguide).