How do I remotely control a computer on my network?


Dec 3, 2004
Here's my setup, and I'm running VNC, I need a crash course on how to remotely control a computer in this setup? What is the best free way of doing this?

Edit: I forgot to specify, Deathstar is the computer I'm on, I want to remotley control PRINTSERVER...I listed the IP addresses in there too for you guys

EDIT #2: I'm also posting this in the Software forum because I feel this will suit both of them, if not, admins, please move to the proper forums
What operating system is printserver running? You say you are running vnc - does this mean you have a vnc server on printserver? If so, just connect to that. If printserver is just that, a print server and nothing else, I would just use ssh to control it. Without knowing more about your setup and what exactly you want to do, though, it's hard to make a good recommendation.
I'm running Windows XP Pro on both comps, and I want to be able to setup downloads and all that good stuff remotley from the comp in my room to that printserver...In summary, my comp heats up my room like mad and the print server is in another room that I rarely go in....
Use mstsc for sure. If you are running pro, it's already installed. I love it and use it all the time.