How do i overclock?


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2005
This may sound really stupid, but I'm new to all of this, and I'm thinking about building my first desktop next year when im in college. Can you guys give me some advice about how to overclock properly and what it is exactly? Get as thorough as you need to, I’m ready to learn.
Turn the a/c off in your house, go into your bios, go to frequency and multipliers, then to FSB multiplier and jack it up to about.....290.....oh, and jack up the volts too.

turn the fans down too if you have fan control. Overclocked cpu's don't like wind.


Then, after do this, go buy new parts, then READ and do a search instead of being lazy and asking us to hold your hand...

so far I haven't had to ask a question about oc'ing, because there is so much info on this site already.

just search and read....................
clownvomit said:
Turn the a/c off in your house, go into your bios, go to frequency and multipliers, then to FSB multiplier and jack it up to about.....290.....oh, and jack up the volts too.

turn the fans down too if you have fan control. Overclocked cpu's don't like wind.


Then, after do this, go buy new parts, then READ and do a search instead of being lazy and asking us to hold your hand...

so far I haven't had to ask a question about oc'ing, because there is so much info on this site already.

just search and read....................

Way to be a smart ass... :rolleyes: Seriously.

Anyway, you want to overclock? I haven't done it myself, but I believe you just do it in the BIOS. Just be sure your PC is well-cooled to avoid any disasters. I have no reason to overclock at the moment, so I'm good to go. :)
Thank you, both of you :). I am not planning on doing it out of necessity, i wanna try it out for fun :), thanks guys
When I was in college I didn't OC @ all... for fear of torching my prescious hardware.
Now that I'm a highly compensated ##@@## engineer, I OC the crap outta my gear because I can afford to replace it.

If you can't afford to replace your hardware think twice about OCing.
heh. man, that came off kind of harsh, didn't it?

I did OC a few times, just for screenies now and then, so I guess what I'm saying is, just be careful m8. :cool:
I tried overlocking once, which was 4 years ago; planning to do an overlocking for 3Ghz to 4Ghz on a dell 9100 computer soon.
good luck to me.
p0intblank said:
Way to be a smart ass... :rolleyes: Seriously.

Anyway, you want to overclock? I haven't done it myself, but I believe you just do it in the BIOS. Just be sure your PC is well-cooled to avoid any disasters. I have no reason to overclock at the moment, so I'm good to go. :)

You have a lot of nerve calling me a smartass. Here you are, totally ignorant on the subject, and I quote, "I haven't done it myself, but I believe....." and yet you feel the need to dole out instructions to him?

OH..OH...exuse me, you "beleive"......, let me tell you something, telling this kid how to make changes to his machine that could possibly damage it is totally irresponsible.

Now why don't you shut your mouth and go read as well so that next time a noob comes here and cries to be led by the nose at least you can tell him the dangers as well as how to, "just do it in the BIOS"..
clownvomit said:
You have a lot of nerve calling me a smartass. Here you are, totally ignorant on the subject, and I quote, "I haven't done it myself, but I believe....." and yet you feel the need to dole out instructions to him?

OH..OH...exuse me, you "beleive"......, let me tell you something, telling this kid how to make changes to his machine that could possibly damage it is totally irresponsible.

Now why don't you shut your mouth and go read as well so that next time a noob comes here and cries to be led by the nose at least you can tell him the dangers as well as how to, "just do it in the BIOS"..

Calm down. You are the only one causing a problem here, by giving the OP bogus instructions. I suggest you shut your mouth. :cool:

sin01, try here...and next time always remember to check stickies before posting ;)
Aelfgeft said:
Calm down. You are the only one causing a problem here, by giving the OP bogus instructions. I suggest you shut your mouth. :cool:

sin01, try here...and next time always remember to check stickies before posting ;)

Um, ok, obviously you are slow if you can't see what I was trying to do in that post...

Fine I give up, to the person who made this thread just listen to the first idiot and go into your BIOS and mess around, then cry to this guy when you shit breaks.
Ok I have this question to Clownvomit:

Who here would shut off their Air conditioning to overclock a pc, as far as I know one pc cannot heat up a whole room or better yet a whole house.

The suggestions you made for overclocking only would have the outcome of destroying a pc, thus telling him to buy new pc parts.

I am not a hardcore overclocker, but I do know how to properly overclock. One of the steps to overclock is to go through the bios, well it really depends what kind of motherboard you have to.

Seeing the suggestions that Clownvomit have made, I see that he has an old motherboard that has nothing but jumpers on it and have to manually do it w/o needing to access a bios for it. And is on a pc that is more dead weight, build like a brick and takes up alot of wattage to run, Aka a mainframe.
I am not a stupid and/or irresponsible individual; I will not do something without the proper precautions.
Scorpionjwp said:
Ok I have this question to Clownvomit:

Who here would shut off their Air conditioning to overclock a pc, as far as I know one pc cannot heat up a whole room or better yet a whole house.

The suggestions you made for overclocking only would have the outcome of destroying a pc, thus telling him to buy new pc parts.

I am not a hardcore overclocker, but I do know how to properly overclock. One of the steps to overclock is to go through the bios, well it really depends what kind of motherboard you have to.

Seeing the suggestions that Clownvomit have made, I see that he has an old motherboard that has nothing but jumpers on it and have to manually do it w/o needing to access a bios for it. And is on a pc that is more dead weight, build like a brick and takes up alot of wattage to run, Aka a mainframe.

wow...this thread must be attracting some idiots.....maybe you should read the post I made to Aelfgeft

Here, I'll repeat it for you:

Um, ok, obviously you are slow if you can't see what I was trying to do in that post...
Before you overclock, make sure you have proper cooling ready, example, extra fans, a fan controller to throttle up the fans in speed. Inside of your case will be abit hotter with the cpu being overclocked.

I don't recommend using a stock heatsink/fan, try looking toward other third parties for cooling. Coolermaster, Thermaltake and others have good heatsinks that you can try.

Overclocking is pushing your cpu, memory, motherboard, and vga card past its designed limits and getting a higher speed all while having your pc stable.

In the bios, up the settings by one, then 2, then 3 and so forth. If you notice when booting your pc, that programs hang, fail to boot properly, throttle the settings back till you feel that your computer is stable.

Sorry I can't be anymore descriptive, I'm currently at work and haven't woken up fully.

And a note to clownvomit, I see you were trying to make a sarcastic post, I like that you point out that anyone that posts is called an Idiot.
Just do a search on the web about ( how to overclock ) lol your trying to ask people the limits of a oc and simple fact is every machine is different depending on your ram/cpu/psu/mb/vc and on and on and on. But I tell you this much

1. dont do it until you know what your doing :)
I like that you point out that anyone that posts is called an Idiot.

Thank you for assuming I meant everyone, I'm sure they will all be happy that you lump them in with you, the idiot I was talking about. There, I fixed it, happy?

Oh BTW, that noobish description really would help him. Seriously, that overview doesn't describe, in detail, anything.

Why wouldn't you just tell him to read, like the sticky at the top of the forum instead of trying to spout off with some basic knowledge trying to "show me" your skills.... :rolleyes:
Every bit of additional information is helpful. I have already opened the main overclocking information thread, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t value others information.
If you guys want to call someone an idiot, then just call me an idiot, whatever makes peace and happiness envelope the world.
Yea there the sort of people who toss out bs a few too many times and end up on the banned list. You can really get alot of good information from the stickies, and supplement it with some online guides. Once you've got the gist, if you have any more specific technical questions they will be alot better to pose here for answers. Alot of times your wondering something that I'm sure alot of people here know, but all the searching and googling in the world won't give you an answer ;)
That is for sure, so far this forum has been a tremendous help and resource, thank you everyone who has helped me, it is quite amazing.
I can search through the stickies and read through each. But if during that time, I am confused about a certain item in the stickies, I will post a question.

I can only overclock to an extent, it all depends on the hardware I use. I have came across that some motherboards overclock well, and some don't overclock or will not overclock.

For example, I have tried unsuccessfully to overclock on a soyo SY-P4I865PE DRAGON 2 Plus V1.0. I have upped the settings up by one, if I go higher, than 9 the motherboard will not boot and I am forced to take the Cmos battery out.
With money and knowing what hardware that overclocks you can do so. But when you are scraping the bottom of the barrel, you get what you have to.

Cooling is another factor in Overclocking, can you make your cpu cool and have your pc stable at the same time. The answer to that question is yes. I have seen alone that alot of people have moved to watercooling for overclocking.

I was trying to be as basic as I can, If I was more descriptive, I would do so.
wow what a bunch of babies. *chough*clownvomit*cough*

The guy just asked for help with OCing.

Like the others have said, go read the stickies and then if you have questions, search the forums, then if you still have questions, ask them here and try to be specific. There's a lot of really smart people here that can help if you give them the information you need, but some will get annoyed when you don't help yourself where you can.

Oh, and welcome to the [H], sin01.
brionbastian said:
wow what a bunch of babies. *chough*clownvomit*cough*

The guy just asked for help with OCing.

Like the others have said, go read the stickies and then if you have questions, search the forums, then if you still have questions, ask them here and try to be specific. There's a lot of really smart people here that can help if you give them the information you need, but some will get annoyed when you don't help yourself where you can.

Oh, and welcome to the [H], sin01.

Please quote the exact words where I said he couldn't ask questions. I told him to read.

Usually, searching and studying is expected on a board, because most basic questions have already been answered, a 1000 times.....

I'm sorry you considerd trying to save everybodies time, and the boards resources, crybaby like.

Stop the bitching, or I close the thread. Clownvomit, stop arguing with everyone, and everyone, stop arguing with Clownvomit.