How do I install ATI Catalyst drivers on my Dell 6400?


Oct 6, 2004
I know it sounds really, really dumb, but I cannot get the installer to install. It coughs out with an error saying that I do not have any video drivers installed it can reconize. This laptop has a Radeon X1400 in it and the only drivers that seem to work are the ones on Dell's site, except the newest one is from last Fall sometime. I'd like the 7.1s that came out not too long ago.

Anybody know?
Even then, laptop OEMs soemtimes modify the circuitry that supports the graphics chip. I had a 9300 with an X300 chip and the Mobility Catalysts would not load.
Thanks for the info. I feel like a total dumbass now. The mobility drivers worked it seemed. I never saw them on the ATI/AMD site at fist because since I have XP MCE I just clicked that and there are no mobilty options under that.

Thanks, that solved that problme lol:D
The Mobility driver are hidden at the Ati/Amd site because we are supposed to download them at the notebook's manufacturer site.
Sometime the manufacturers tweak the driver to work correctly with there hardware.