How do I bypass surf lock from work?

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Jan 5, 2006
I only like to keep an eye on my Mob Wars from facebook but it seems facebook was just blocked at do I bypass it? I tried hidemyass proxy but didnt quite work...any ideas please?
Thanks guys! :)
Yea, surf the internet AFTER you get home, and quit screwing off on company time.:rolleyes:

Thread-lock anyone?
Only way I know of doing it is setting up a proxy server at home and connecting to it at work via it's IP, then it pulls data and sends it to your work PC so the blocking software think it's just data coming from that IP. I don't know how to set it up though.
Yea, surf the internet AFTER you get home, and quit screwing off on company time.:rolleyes:

Thread-lock anyone?
Look moron...I take stupid calls all day for a computer company tech support and between calls I have 15-20mins of wait I am hardly stealing from the company...I dont play or browse while I am helping a customer.
On top of that, if you are not here to help then wtf are you posting for? Get a life... :rolleyes:

bigdogchris, I was hoping for an easier solution but maybe I will just do something else.

The Networking FAQ Q23

Q. How do I bypass/circumvent my school, work, or service provider's firewall/proxy/security?

You don't! Those types of devices are in place for a reason and if you choose to attempt to go around them you merely open yourself up to being expelled/fired.

Keep in mind that (a.) many people who frequent this forum are network administrators who's job it is to monitor and maintain the networks you guys use, and (b.) it opens the forum owners up to legal action should something illegal happen with help from this forum.

Should you have a truly legitimate reason for raw access to the web you must ask your network administrators for permission. Period.

(1) Absolutely NO FLAMING, NAME CALLING OR PERSONAL ATTACKS. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm.
shaolin95, I hope you will spend the next week contemplating the forum rules.
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