How come no one here use Grado?


Mar 1, 2004
I see alot people here using sens, how come no one has commented on Grado? These are asome nice cans. SR80 for example is one of the best value in headphones.

just curious...usually you see equal amount of people vouching for either brand.
It may be because a lot of people on here are gamers, wich demands more bass and better soundstaging than the grado's provice.

Personall, I really can't stand grado's for very long...too brigh and in-your-face for me... On the plus side, they do have a lot of deatail!
On the plus side, they do have a lot of deatail!

Pft ... who cares about detail when the cans are not wearable for extended periods? :D

But you nailed the other part of your reply.
Poor comfort and fatiguing sound are a bad choice for gaming cans. ;)

As far as the Grado SR80s being the best value in headphones.
I disagree.
IMHO That title goes to the HD497s. :cool:
poor ufokillerz....we should hold a charity event and try to find him some real headphones...
Originally posted by Zemo
poor ufokillerz....we should hold a charity event and try to find him some real headphones...

good idea, who's willing to send me some real headphones?
I'll send you some opamps to get you's that sound? :D
Originally posted by Zemo
monday son, monday.

dang =\ hey atleast my grados sound better then my $25 pair of koss r80s from before i discovered headfi =P
NOW find something that sounds better than your grados....shouldn't be too hard! (where the hell is the devil smiley!?)
Originally posted by Zemo
NOW find something that sounds better than your grados....shouldn't be too hard! (where the hell is the devil smiley!?)

finding new can's should be no problem
i have 7 blocks from me
i grado is a 15 min train ride from me as well
Lucky you! Grab your X Audio amp, and take a walk! Try out all the cans you can get your hands on (in your price range)!

Shure E5/E3
Etymotic ER6

+any others that grab your eye.....happy hunting!
Originally posted by chesebert
I see alot people here using sens, how come no one has commented on Grado? These are asome nice cans. SR80 for example is one of the best value in headphones.

just curious...usually you see equal amount of people vouching for either brand.

1) We recommend what we like
2) As a whole we don't like Grado's

That seems fairly logical to me :D
Originally posted by Zemo
NOW find something that sounds better than your grados....shouldn't be too hard! (where the hell is the devil smiley!?)

The sound quality on Grados actually isn't bad, especially for the price.
I use SR80 with a headroom amp and I like the openess of the sound.

Please allow 100+ hrs of proper burn-in before listening to bring out the base as well as tame the tremble.

Base is accurate, full, but not as extended as 600, much better than 497 though.

mid-rage is accurate, female voice sounds true, fairly revealing (not harsh).

IMO, the instruments comes alive and just overall a very lively performance.

comfort -- Please pull on the side of the band until you can ware the cans without them falling off, so you don't have the foam pressed firmly against your ear..

I have heard the 600 out of a home amp's headphone out, was not very impressed for $300..they need a dedicated amp to bring out the goodies.
Originally posted by chesebert
I see alot people here using sens, how come no one has commented on Grado? These are asome nice cans. SR80 for example is one of the best value in headphones.

just curious...usually you see equal amount of people vouching for either brand.

Do you KNOW they're one of the best values in headphones, or did you just hear that from somebody else? Entirely too much opinion on headphones is based on "Well, I heard..."

Oh...right, post right above mine. Whoops.
It's true though.
Originally posted by chesebert
I have heard the 600 out of a home amp's headphone out, was not very impressed for $300..they need a dedicated amp to bring out the goodies.

I believe everyone here who recommends them understands the amp factor

Originally posted by finalgt
Do you KNOW they're one of the best values in headphones, or did you just hear that from somebody else? Entirely too much opinion on headphones is based on "Well, I heard..."

Oh...right, post right above mine. Whoops.
It's true though.

See sig :D
I use SR60's at work with my iPod and SR225's at home on my PC. I actually sold my Senn HD600's to get the SR225's and I'm very glad I did.

I much prefer the Grado sound. The Senn's were just too laid back.
If you're going to listen to rock, then there's nothing better, but they're not the best comp phones.
None of the above.

Modified Stax
Originally posted by BP
If you're going to listen to rock, then there's nothing better, but they're not the best comp phones.

I hope you don't mean gamming....because I still find 5.1 or 7.1 speaker system best for gamming.

And what's a comp phone?
Grado definitely makes good cans, just not what I was personally looking for. Neither Senn nor Grado are better than the other, it just depends on whats right for the useage.

Originally posted by Riftgarde
None of the above.

Modified Stax

No need to rub it in our faces. :envy:
Originally posted by Harkamus
DT 770. :D

lol... nothing like a major contrast.
The SR80s are bright with a poor bottom end (don't confuse that mid bass hump with a bottom end) and the DT770s are extremely bassy with a very poor top end.
Combine them and see what you get... oh wait. HD590s. :p
Combine them and see what you get... oh wait. HD590s.
I certainly hope you mean poor low end, poor mid, and poor highs..... :D

If you're going to listen to rock, then there's nothing better, but they're not the best comp phones.

I certainly hope your kidding! Rockers like a bass end, and the fact of the matter is that many rock albums are mixed poorly and sound cluttered.... sounds like the antithesis of Grados (no bass, lots of detail)....
Originally posted by Zemo

I certainly hope your kidding! Rockers like a bass end, and the fact of the matter is that many rock albums are mixed poorly and sound cluttered.... sounds like the antithesis of Grados (no bass, lots of detail)....

I don't think most "rockers like a bass end." Grados are often recommended as a good choice for rock listeners. You're the first person who I've seen say otherwise..
ok, try this for me:

1-pick out a rock CD....any one will do.
2-listen to it.
3- go back to step one, substituting classical, jazz, acoustic, world or whatever for "rock"
4-tell me wich had more bass

Why do you think producers and recording engineers made it sound that way? Why do you think punk kids with lots of daddies money put dual 15" subs in the back of their car while completely neglecting the actual speakers responsible for everything but bass?

Still don't agree? ok, let's try this one.....

1- pick out a rock CD
2- listen to it (pay attention)

notice anything? Maybe a restricted soundstage? instruments covering eachother? anything in there seem unclear? maybe a little out of place? try to imagine the position of each instrument...can't do it, can ya? wanna know why? because it was mixed poorly (DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying ALL rock CDs are poorly mixed...just most) Instruments are overlapping in the frequency spectrum. Instruments are panned willy-nilly. Often vocals/bassdrum/snare are out of core to the sound....etc...

Saying SR80s have bass (aka - good for rock) is an oxymoron.... and anyone that doesnt think so is half of that. A just plain old moron.

Flame away! :D
#4 - rap, techno, disco, and dance music all have more bass than rock. I think that pretty much ends your whole arguement right there. And what idiot kids do with daddy's money has no bearing on this discussion. There is some bass in rock music, obviously, but it is not the focal point of it, and sound systems set up with a focus on bass are not set up optimally for rock music.

I don't see why rock music being mixed "poorly" has anything to do with Grados suitability for it.

You should take the rhetoric you posted here to head-fi and see how far it goes.
You should take the rhetoric you posted here to head-fi and see how far it goes.

Ummm, yea. :rolleyes:
This is not Head-fi ... most of us have actually owned the SR80s and as such we speak from experience.
Can't say that about to many of those Head-fi wanna-be gurus can you?
Now let me ask you if you have ever owned these cans. :)
#4 - rap, techno, disco, and dance music all have more bass than rock.
you forgot hip-hop!

Ok, so you've named 4 + my 1 genre that has more bass than Rock....lemme name a few that have less: acoustic, alternative, celtic, modern, classical, avanteguard, jazz, smooth jazz....I could go on into world genres if you like....pakistani mondo rhythmica, middle eastern raga, tintaal....I think I've made my point. That is, Rock is on the upper end of the bassey-scale....Grados are on the "non-existant" side of the bassey scale. Good match? DEFINETLY!

I don't see why rock music being mixed "poorly" has anything to do with Grados suitability for it.

Because grados have a higher level of detail, the fallicies and anamolies in the mixing/mastering process are made more apperent than the sound engineers would begin to hear how poorly it was recorded....if you want to ENJOY rock, lose the grados

So try this experiment....

1-Turn on your audio system and put in a rock cd.
2-Now listen to it very carefully. Ok.
3-Now plug in your Grados and listen to the cd all over again.

Do you think the grados come anywhere close to sounding nautural? a natural setting the highs have off axis attenuation as well as natural attenuation do to the acoustics of the room. Can't say that about any of the Grado lineup can you?
Originally posted by X86Dude
Ummm, yea. :rolleyes:
This is not Head-fi ... most of us have actually owned the SR80s and as such we speak from experience.
Can't say that about to many of those Head-fi wanna-be gurus can you?
Now let me ask you if you have ever owned these cans. :)

Well, yeah, some of the Head-Fi guys are wanna-be gurus, but unless something drastically changed recently, the ratio of knowledgeable headphone users to wannabes was much better over there than it ever was here. "Most of us have actually owned the SR80s"?, and maybe a few other people? I suppose we don't have many posters on the audio board here, so 5 people could be a majority...

How long ago was it that HD-570 recommendations used to go unchallenged here? Not that long ago, let me tell you. Go to the General Hardware board and ask about Zalman 5.1 headphones and I'm sure they'll be rated as highly as HD-600s are in other places. That is not to say that the [H] is devoid of knowledgeable people, but in the past, it has been my experience that Head-Fi is a bit more edjamacated when it comes to headphones.

Personally, I don't own a pair of Grados. Never said that I did. :) I'm just rebuking general claims such as "rockers like a bass end." If you take a look, I never actually commented directly on the Grados.

Originally posted by Zemo
you forgot hip-hop!

Ok, so you've named 4 + my 1 genre that has more bass than Rock....lemme name a few that have less: acoustic, alternative, celtic, modern, classical, avanteguard, jazz, smooth jazz....I could go on into world genres if you like....pakistani mondo rhythmica, middle eastern raga, tintaal....I think I've made my point. That is, Rock is on the upper end of the bassey-scale....Grados are on the "non-existant" side of the bassey scale. Good match? DEFINETLY!, you haven't made your point. Of course I could name a billion sub-genres of music that aren't bass heavy. I can name just as many sub-genres that are. Rock is an extremely broad category, that encompasses many sub-categories, such as acoustic and alternative. OK, sorry, maybe disco and dance music are pretty similar, but for the most part, those are also broad genres. C'mon..."jazz, smooth jazz"? Why not "baroque 53bpm classical bavarian folk" and "baroque 74bpm classical bavarian folk"? You obviously didn't see the poor form before, so I doubt you do now, but it is seriously faulty logic. Not only that, but if you were to assume that your genre listing was acceptable, alternative, avantgarde and classical musics all often have prominent bass elements, especially alternative.

Rock is far too broad a genre to pin down as "bassey". But, for the sake of arguement, listen to stereotypical rock music (The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, even crap like Bon Jovi or Bruce Springsteen) and then listen to some rap or techno. Lots of similarities in the bass qualities? Didn't think so.

At most, I could agree that "rock" is middle of the road, as far as the "bassey-scale" is concerned.

Originally posted by Zemo

Because grados have a higher level of detail, the fallicies and anamolies in the mixing/mastering process are made more apperent than the sound engineers would begin to hear how poorly it was recorded....if you want to ENJOY rock, lose the grados

So try this experiment....

1-Turn on your audio system and put in a rock cd.
2-Now listen to it very carefully. Ok.
3-Now plug in your Grados and listen to the cd all over again.

Do you think the grados come anywhere close to sounding nautural? a natural setting the highs have off axis attenuation as well as natural attenuation do to the acoustics of the room. Can't say that about any of the Grado lineup can you?

Can't try the little experiment, as I don't own a pair of Grados. But I can say this. Sennheisers have a "higher level of detail" and can very easily point out the flaws in music, yet I still find rock 'n roll to be very enjoyable with them. And my HD-580s are even less "bassey" than Grados. They may not be the ultimate rock cans, but they certainly don't detract from the music, and still make for a pleasureable listening experience.

It may possibly be true that Grados do make poor rock headphones, but your evidence so far has proven lackluster. If you just want to say "I don't find that Grados are good for rock", that is perfectly acceptable. Music is very subjective. However, you are not doing very good trying to justify your opinion with facts.

Originally posted by X86Dude
Ummm, yea. :rolleyes:
This is not Head-fi ... most of us have actually owned the SR80s and as such we speak from experience.
Can't say that about to many of those Head-fi wanna-be gurus can you?
Now let me ask you if you have ever owned these cans. :)

Originally posted by Zemo

I certainly hope your kidding! Rockers like a bass end, and the fact of the matter is that many rock albums are mixed poorly and sound cluttered.... sounds like the antithesis of Grados (no bass, lots of detail)....

There's something in the way Grados present guitars that sounds so much better than just about any other phone I've heard. Bass isn't the focal point of rock. In fact, I can't really listen to rock with those bassmonster dt-770's too much, it's too overpowering and the mids are missing. Not very fun phones with that.