How can you order and receive DOOM 3 sooner?

time warping delorean.

tell me who wins the world series (go rangers!) and some lottery numbers while you're at it. :p
Depending on who you preorder from, you can get the game as early as august 3rd, two days before the august 5th date.
ebgames will probably get it in the 4th or 5th as they always do two days late with ut2k4, madden, and plently of other games i just can't think of right now. (at least with my store)
(Editor's Note: Activision later informed us that 10 select Best Buy stores, covering 6 markets -- Chicago, Washington D.C., Miami, Los Angeles, New York and Dallas -- will offer the game at 12:01AM on Aug 3 as part of a special midnight madness sale. We were unable to find out if any other stores will be conducting similar promotions.)

It isn't pre-order, but it will put D3 in your hands pronto. Of course you will have to call BB in your area to see if they are participating.

id Software talks DOOM 3 and beyond (PC)

Tim Willits, Todd Hollenshead and Marty Stratton talk about their highly anticipated return to Mars and what's next on the horizon.
By Sal Accardo| July 22, 2004
anyone know when best buy will get this game? I have a 200$ giftcard there that i got for free :p
At my bestbuy (where I work) we have it scheduled to come in august 2nd on our monday night truck....
nope....we're in montgomery alabama, we dont have enough pull for something like this, only football games like ncaa get a big hit here....good news is we just put up our big ass DOOM 3 banner over the software department this morninig :) I've already got dibs on it for my wall
Anyone know when the demo is coming out? Maybe that will help our anticipation....or just make it worse. :D
Hmm, so looks like most Best Buy stores are going to get it for the 3rd (not surprising since they're a huge chain), so worst case scenario is that you have to wait until they open in the morning.

Meanwhile, I'm stuck here in Hong Kong. Meh. Oh well, my copy should be here on the 6th. WHICH IS STILL THE 5TH FOR YOU WHORES ANYWAY! :p :D
I can usually get PC releases a day early from Babbages/Software Etc./Gamestop here. There isn't a great demand for reserving copies in this small town so they end up getting a pile of them that are ready to go. Doom III might be a different story.
im in the austin, tx area and the quickest place to get games is EBgames. they beat BB, curcuit city, etc. by at least two days.