How can I play BF2 at 1920 X 1200?


The man behind the curtain...
Jan 13, 2001
I have a 2405FP monitor with a native res of 1920 X 1200.

so I've been trying to play some BF2 at 1920 X 1200 but there's no option for that resolution.

anyone know how I can do this?
bostesseger69 said:
does your vid card support that resolution?

now what kind of question is that? :confused:

ummm, I have a 7800 GTX so I would hope it would support 1920 X 1200. if not then I must be typing in the blind everytime I turn on my computer. :p
well, didnt know you had a 7800 :) you didnt tel me, haha, uhh...try replacing all drivers and updating, and patching bf2?
thats weird...i play bf2 at 1920x1200 and its choice in the options for me...if you play online then most likely you have the game patched. maybe uninstall and install the game?...i dont know what to tell yas :confused:
Add, "+szx 1920 +szy 1200" to the end of the target shortcut on your desktop.

DirtyApe said:
thats weird...i play bf2 at 1920x1200 and its choice in the options for me

No its not.
the game seems to choose availible rez's based on your vid card and monitor. My 6800gt system shows just 800x600 and 1024xwhateva, my x800pro shows much more.

Another silver spoon boy who doesn't know how to work his own equipment.

Why not donate it to me so that card gets the full usage out of it.

A silver spoon connotates old money. Some of us work for it.

If you get BF2 playable at that res, with that card, I know where my next paycheck will be going. Please set some sort of benchmark up for us!
from a guide i downloaded...

pagoon said:

Another silver spoon boy who doesn't know how to work his own equipment.

Why not donate it to me so that card gets the full usage out of it.


silver spoon boy who's been a member since 2001??? Pretty bold statement coming from a noobie member against an established member like ozz. (or i'm taking this too seriously cause i'm in a cranky mood)

and this thread is HOW to get full usage out of his equipment...i had to go to forums on how to get full resolution for my 2005fpw. Do what fallguy said, it works perfectly.
sfuller said:
Works in what settings...FSAA and such?

as in the game looks perfect at whatever resolution you put in the shortcut....since i have a 2005fpw i have mine set to 1680x1050 and that's what resolution the game plays at. To me it doesn't look stretched, but i've heard some say it does. And it DEFINITELY looks better than any resolution i can select in game
i just run 2xAA and 8X aniso (8x sometimes... game's high filtering setting is 4x so only if I remember to force it) with the res hack and it looks great to me. Same setup - wild guess.. that GTX is on a 2405FPW isn't it? ;) Err... nevermind it's in your post

They say it isn't true widescreen because rather it zooms in a bit, chopping off the top and bottom. I understand other games strecth the HUD even when the res hacks work, I just wouldn't think that would happen with the BF2 method. If it didn't look so damn good, I guess I'd do a little screenie comparison myself, but free time is for playing BF2. :D
PureBooYah said:
silver spoon boy who's been a member since 2001??? Pretty bold statement coming from a noobie member against an established member like ozz. (or i'm taking this too seriously cause i'm in a cranky mood)

and this thread is HOW to get full usage out of his equipment...i had to go to forums on how to get full resolution for my 2005fpw. Do what fallguy said, it works perfectly.

Taking it too serious :) That's why I added the /jealousy thing.

I think my crankiness was the same level as yours when you posted.

For the record, I've been here for a long time. I mostly lurk and recently changed handles.
I have the setup listed below and I don't feel comfortable past everything high at 800x600, bare bones (with FSAA off and such) am I reading that I should back off to the medium texture quality?

sfuller said:
I have the setup listed below and I don't feel comfortable past everything high at 800x600, bare bones (with FSAA off and such) am I reading that I should back off to the medium texture quality?


Hmm... more ram? Just setting the general textures setting to high caused hitching for me. Well, when I ran a gig and an x800XL. Medium got me playable framerates at high res's with a more handleable pagefile hitch. Has to be why your being backed into such a low res. That's the weird thing though, ram may help you get more high settings back. This game basically just fills up a whole damn gig and then maybe a little more into the page file, and riding on it's settings quickly takes you into no-no ville.
I think it's my "broadband" I'm in bumfart MO. Moving soon to civilization, where troubleshooting will follow. Not to mention shopping, food, etc..