How can I explain this to my dad...


Jan 27, 2006
I could sell this for $700

X2 3800+
A8N SLI Premium
7950GT 512MB
450W PSU
TT Tsunami
Two DVD Burners

I could buy this for $991.66

8800GTS 640
250GB HDD (I already have a TB, but I'd need to buy another 250 for the above PC)
Gigabyte 965P-DS3
450w PSU (already have 550w, 450 would go in above PC)
Antec P180B

So basically, I would get a brand new PC for $300, which is cheaper than it would cost to buy an 8800GTS outright and stick it in my PC. I have all of the money to pay for the initial $1000 to begin this, but I don't have a credit card (I am 18, but I'm still living at home and "moving out on my own" isn't an option right now since I'm starting college soon, which he'll be paying for). He thinks I'm just wasting cash since the PC I want to sell cost around $1400 over a year ago and he's not letting me sell it for so "cheap", when $700 is actually a REALLY good price for my PC...

So, in essence, I'm really just pissed right now because my dad is technologically retarded, I have no CC, and my options are limited. How the hell can I explain to him he's being an asshole for not letting me have control of my own money? I practically spent this much on my PSP alone (it was $250) so I don't see why he's being like this, I am by no means low on cash...
Well from your fathers point of view he'd rather you use that money to help pay for college, and your computer is fine for what you should be using it for (Hint: College).

Sorry I can't take your side.
My college is practically paid for, he has all the money in the bank. That will provide me with a place to say (dorm) and food (3 meals a day on campus). I have over $7000 in the bank, he pays my insurance and gas, so the only money I have to spend is for weekend endeavors such as movies and going out to eat.

He owns a store, we aren't hurting for cash by any means. I guess he wants me to be a "smart consumer" and not waste cash, but this is IMO the best way to spend my cash right now period. I have 4 months of summer before school, and I'd like to get some good gaming time in, some good maxed out Oblivion with QTP3 time. Unfortunately, he seems to think otherwise :(
Get a paypal account. Link a new checking acct (not your current one) to paypal acct. Use paypal acct on Newegg to purchase parts.
You already have a buyer for $700? or you just speculating?
Already have a buyer.

Go for it then, if you don't mind suffering your father's wrath when he finds out you went behind his back and purchased the computer despite his objections. The money that you have in your bank came from him, correct? And you still live in his house as well, so you can't expect to be able to make every decision for yourself.

If you made that $7000 in your bank through your own sweat and tears, then, by all means go for it.
Actually, about half of it was made from me working, about a quarter from my grandma, who occasionally gives me money which I always put up (she gambles a lot and when she wins "big", she always gives me some), and another quarter from graduation money. The thing is, I don't WANT to go against his will, I want to show him that this is a good purchase. I have no desire to flat out ignore my father and do as I please when he does so much for me (like I said, he pays gas, insurance, and is paying all of my college...).

I just can't figure out how to show him that this is a really good deal and will boost my PCs performance by almost twice as much (considering I get 20-30 fps in Oblivion now not even close to max settings, I'd say getting around 40-50 at max settings is at least twice the power).
Man I wish my life was so hard. I wish I could game all summer on my 1337 PC (see sig). Sadly I have to work full time this summer to help pay for college...

/end bitterness

Anyway, I would write up a proposal for your dad - show that you are selling your PC for an excellent price (try and find a similar system that sold for much less?) and maybe show performance comparisons on how much of a boost you would get with minimal investment. The key is to show, outside of your own words, the value of the upgrade. It would be a no brainer to most people...
Man I wish my life was so hard. I wish I could game all summer on my 1337 PC (see sig). Sadly I have to work full time this summer to help pay for college...

/end bitterness

Anyway, I would write up a proposal for your dad - show that you are selling your PC for an excellent price (try and find a similar system that sold for much less?) and maybe show performance comparisons on how much of a boost you would get with minimal investment. The key is to show, outside of your own words, the value of the upgrade. It would be a no brainer to most people...

Not a bad idea... put it into a nice presentation format on word with charts and everything. When he sees you put so much research into it and that it's a no brain upgrade, he just might be proud enough of you to let you go for it. Good luck with that!

RWalker2: your sig rig makes me sad. work hard for that money so that you can graduate college and make the real money.
Show him current prices for building your current rig brand new and how selling it off used is really a good deal. Show him how you can build faster AM2 based systems for even cheaper than what you're selling. Explain how unlike antiques, technology depreciates in value with time. Show him benchmarks (and not just games!) for productivity software like Photoshop, AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max (maybe something that pertains to your major or intended career path), etc.

Essentially, just try to approach this topic from his point of view. You have to admit that for gaming, $1000 for a machine is pretty hard to swallow. However, if it provides tangible benefits beyond that then it may be worthwhile.

If worse comes to worse, just upgrade your current rig one piece at a time. The Socket 939 platform is still viable and can take a few more video card upgrades alone. I think, $300 or so for the video card is easier to persuade anyways and should help make your gaming rather enjoyable. ;)