How can I convince my father to switch from IE to FireFox?


Limp Gawd
Jun 27, 2005
My father has been using IE forever and just refuses to switch. From the E-mail newsletters he is subscribed he keeps reading about how there are holes in FireFox, but there is less holes in IE. Therefore some how IE is more secure. I haven't had one browser take over... one stupid browser toolbar installed... or any of the number of spyware browser crap happen to my FireFox browser. But he has had all of the above happen to him on IE, and still believe that there are holes in the FireFox browser but none in IE.

Are there any real numbers and things I can show him, etc that will entice him to switch from IE to FireFox?
Download a ton of spyware and tell him it was all IE's fault.

Seriously though, a bunch of dorks on a forum aren't going to change his mind. Old people are stubborn.

If you want to be a real asshole you could just uninstall IE. :p
You don't, when his gets loaded with spyware then you say I told you so with a smile on your face.

Trying to get an older person to change there ways is like trying to teach a dead dog new tricks. You don't do it.
AcidTone said:
You don't, when his gets loaded with spyware then you say I told you so with a smile on your face.

Trying to get an older person to change there ways is like trying to teach a dead dog new tricks. You don't do it.
I have a huge problem with that. He is a Network Admin... he deals with cleaning up Spyware all the time. So trying to plant things on his computer would be pretty hard and he would trace where it came from. Also we have a pretty big home network... soo...
Raystream said:
Are there any real numbers and things I can show him, etc that will entice him to switch from IE to FireFox?

Heres a question - why do you think he needs to switch?
handguns work well to convey your message.

no seriously though..
FireFox better than IE?
Mozilla Firefox 1.5:

Browser Security Test Results

Dear Customer,

The Browser Security Test is finished. Please find the results below:
High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0

*Extentions: adblock, flashblock, noScript, sessionsaver, fireftp, gmail space, showIP, html validator, chatzilla, Pong!, downthemall!, restart Firefox
You could just do it? "Uninstall" IE and install FF. (yeah, I know you can't really uninstall IE, that's why it's in quotes)

You might piss him off. But, you might also open his eyes...
Don't bother. What would be the point?

I am the family "computer guy". And I'm a dick. I tell my family members that i'm installing firefox and to stop using IE while I am cleaning out their system. I also tell them that if they use IE again, I won't work on their system again.

They are more terrified of losing their free tech support than they are of switching browsers. Most of my family uses firefox now. The ones that don't, don't get any tech support from me. End of story.
Raystream said:
I have a huge problem with that. He is a Network Admin... he deals with cleaning up Spyware all the time. So trying to plant things on his computer would be pretty hard and he would trace where it came from. Also we have a pretty big home network... soo...

So why make him switch. If you have a box setup right ie works fine. Sounds like he can take care of himself. Just because you think firefox is better doesn't mean it is better for him. Personaly I use opera as I like it more then firefox and use ie as a backup for sites that don't work right in ff or opera.
Malk-a-mite said:
Heres a question - why do you think he needs to switch?

Exactly. And if he's a network admin....he knows (well....SHOULD know) how to avoid malware ridden sites and trojan laden warez P2P programs.

Perhaps he also needs to deal with some websites that don't work under FiredFox.

With a liiiiiiitle bit of common sense, quality antivirus, Windows Updates, and a decent antispyware software, IE is fine.

Perhaps he's like me and prefers Opera! Tired of the hiccups in FiredFox.
swatbat said:
If you have a box setup right ie works fine.
Oh yeah; three people I know had their box setup right, and the metafile exploit worked just fine, riddling their systems with spyware, adware and malware.

. . .

Pfft, you're not 1337 unless you code your own browser from the lynx source code to navigate with vim bindings. And it has to be black. With black text.
Raystream said:
I have a huge problem with that. He is a Network Admin... he deals with cleaning up Spyware all the time. So trying to plant things on his computer would be pretty hard and he would trace where it came from. Also we have a pretty big home network... soo...

Not to sound like a dick, but if he is a network admin they he should know that IE is filled with holes and shouldnt be used. Like I said if he doesnt want to dont try and force him.

my .02 cents
O[H]-Zone said:
Oh yeah; three people I know had their box setup right, and the metafile exploit worked just fine, riddling their systems with spyware, adware and malware.

I had my system running ie up untill when opera went free(I had used it years ago but it just wasn't better then ie then). I will admit that I have hit maybe 3 highjacks with ie but I was able to clean them up pretty quick. I used K-Meleon in the past(based of mozilla) because it was pretty much a tore down mozilla. I ened up going back to ie because it just worked better. Even now when I use FF I'm just not really impressed. For the most part I use opera as it really seems to be the best of both worls.

The father may have some very good reasons to stick by ie. Depending on what he does it may be the best option.
O[H]-Zone said:
Oh yeah; three people I know had their box setup right, and the metafile exploit worked just fine, riddling their systems with spyware, adware and malware.

"Setup right" would include a real antivirus program. Most of the better antivirus programs detected this exploit during hour zero....with hueristics! :D Users of crappy antivirus....LOL at them!
So, uh, you try 1.5 yet?

My thing is that I'm hooked on the extensions. Especially Hit-a-Hint, which allows you to completely ignore the mouse on non-flash pages. But it's all about the efficency for me. And the options. And the faster browsing. And the fact that I haven't really had problems with it, ever. What are these mysterious issues that you've run into that I have never gotten the faintest whiff of?
Well heck, as long as some third-party apps caught the problem, then I guess it's OK for M$ to leave gaping holes in their security. And I guess all those companies that were really scared by this exploit were just a bunch of nancy-boys who ran around for nothing...
Gee, it's a good thing you're here to explain it all away.
My dad is just as computer literate as anyone here, and he won't use firefox or opera. He tried both, but he hates incompatibility on certain sites. He's a stubborn 'old' man too... I tried telling him to just use the 'open this page in IE' trick, he said fuck that lol. Firefox FTW!
Keep in mind that 'admins' rarely have much to do with setting policy in the corporate or government world. (next part with sarcasm) They have special people with lots of education and no computer experience to come up with those.(/sarcasm)

I work as a systems and network administrator for a very large and very diverse organization. We use IE because it is a standard... and because of this it is very hard to get any alternative browser approved. That being said, I use IE at work 100% of the time. I enjoy spyware/malware/trojan free browsing. It's not because I'm some uber admin or because we're running tons of security measures... it's because I limit what I do at work...

At home I use Firefox on my primary machines and IE on everything else... and I don't necessarily limit myself at home but I'm not searching for 'free crosswords' and clicking on the first thing I see.

I have a large home network, use NOD32 and have a router.

For the record - the last time I caught a virus... I had an 8088 with DOS.

Just because you think something is better does not make it so. I still have to open IE for a good number of the websites I frequent because they have something that either looks/behaves better in or requires IE for access.

It's a debate nearly at the level of "Linux vs Microsoft vs Mac" ... but in the end it'll be personal preference over all... so if you like FF, that's great! If he likes IE then leave him to it. I very seriously doubt he'll be rebuilding any sooner than you simply because of IE.
Axman said:
So, uh, you try 1.5 yet?

My thing is that I'm hooked on the extensions. Especially Hit-a-Hint, which allows you to completely ignore the mouse on non-flash pages. But it's all about the efficency for me. And the options. And the faster browsing. And the fact that I haven't really had problems with it, ever. What are these mysterious issues that you've run into that I have never gotten the faintest whiff of?

Yes I have it on one of my Thinkpads. I don't use it all the time like I did the prior I dunno if it's gotten more stable yet. I didn't get too much into the extensions. However I find Opera FAR faster, especially on forums where pictures are concerned. I love the mouse gestures feature too.

Hey, whatever browser works for people...that'e the beauty of living in a free country and having a choice...right?
Hey I HAVE to give a shout out to Portable Firefox... It is so awesome, I can go out of town and have my EXACT browser with me...all bookmarks links etc etc....

Yeh about your dad.... my dad is the exact same way.... all too "USED" to IE...
Honestly I am not trying to force FireFox on him and I love Opera. I just want him to use "anything" other then IE! I am finally getting our home network Domain Controller up and running, and I don't feel like having the whole network exploited because of holes in IE or anything that has happen to networks because of IE.

His articles came from TechRepublic and the like about FireFox having more holes. And he doesn't like change is his reasoning for trying something new. I pretty much have the entire family using FireFox already, and they love it to death.
Raystream said:
Honestly I am not trying to force FireFox on him and I love Opera. I just want him to use "anything" other then IE! I am finally getting our home network Domain Controller up and running, and I don't feel like having the whole network exploited because of holes in IE or anything that has happen to networks because of IE.

His articles came from TechRepublic and the like about FireFox having more holes. And he doesn't like change is his reasoning for trying something new. I pretty much have the entire family using FireFox already, and they love it to death.

Implementing forced Windows Updates under group policy, or running a WUS/SUS server, will take away the majority of issues. I'm sure you dad, if he works in IT, is familiar with Windows Updates. Long as your up to date with them...the # of exploits it tiny. You're letting the tin foil hat dominate you.

Remember, the browser in the spotlight will be the one targeted by exploits. A year ago as Firefox grew in popularity...l often said "Just wait...they'll come". And sure enough, here they are. The gap is closing.

As Opera grows in popularity also, I'm sure you'll see more exploits targeting Opera.
I use IE. I'm a network admin. I haven't seen the real reasons to switch as of yet (other than extensions). I have no spyware, no viruses, no malware, no trojans (that i know of! :p ). You just have to be smart about it. If he's smart, why switch?
Hear hear for Orinthical! This debate brings me back to my newb days trying to learn Linux (still got a soft sport for Mandrake) and banging my head after crashing my last .make/install program for like the 15th time. I asked a Linux guru why doing anything in in Linux was so freakin' hard. He basically said, "If you know what you're doing, it's not that hard". Well, building on that, as long as you know what you are doing and are a pro at it, using FireFox really isn't that much of a big deal if you already know the pro's and con's of using IE in general. Your dad is a network admin and unless you think he's some sort of poser then you should just trust his judgement. It works well for him. Personally, I use IE with an AvantBrowser shell. And yes, I'll be going with the new FireFox version of AvantBrowser not because FireFox is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but because I am used to the AvantBrowser interface and trust the software coders. Oh yeah, haven't been hit with a virus in 4 years and I regularly hit "bad" sites. You know what they say, honor among thieves.
Axman said:
Pfft, you're not 1337 unless you code your own browser from the lynx source code to navigate with vim bindings. And it has to be black. With black text.
best quote EVA!
If he doesn't want to switch don't make him. I use mozilla and i tell others to try it but if they don't want to or don't like it i just leave them alone. Each broswer has their own problems and bugs and they always will.