How can I bypass Server 2003 Finding a DNS


Jan 1, 2003
Exacly how i put it....This is really hard to explain, but since I have no registar for a DNS over the internet, When a workstation tries to log onto the domain, its about 2 minutes to log on cause of what me and my boss belives it trying to reach a DNS that not there, cause we put a foney DNS in....Is there any wasy to disable this or bypass this optioion since were getting internet access though a rounter though a cable modem...

Any help, would be appreciated and if you AOL IM me that would be greatly appreciated

Are all of the workstations looking to your Windows Server 2003 domain controller for DNS or to an external DNS server?
To be honest with you im really not sure, im guessing is looking toward the Server for the DNS, how would i manage it to look for a External DNS.....
All of the workstartions should be pointed to the Windows Server 2003 domain controller for DNS.

Using a fake domain name (i.e. won't cause problems as long as your clients are using the DNS server on you Win2k3 domain controller.
Yes, use your active directory's DNS server for ALL DNS-related issues. On your AD server, you can set it up to do DNS forwarding (forward requests NOT pertaining to your domain to go to an external DNS server...such as your ISP).
Check the event logs on the workstation. If it's trying to register it's hostname via DDNS then just disable that "feature" for the clients.

You don't have to have the clients all registering their names.
your workstations must use an internal domain dns service... active directory requires it.
to browse the internet from a workstation; enable dns forwarding on your dns server...
j4zzee said:
your workstations must use an internal domain dns service... active directory requires it.
to browse the internet from a workstation; enable dns forwarding on your dns server...

Clients trying to register their host names won't cause this delay. This is due to the fact that the clients are using the AD dns server. It's required for proper fuctioning of the domain.
yes clients use AD for DNS and setup forwards to your ISP dns server, but if you and your boss arn't familar with the product why aren't you having someone with more experince on the project?
oakfan52 said:
yes clients use AD for DNS and setup forwards to your ISP dns server, but if you and your boss arn't familar with the product why aren't you having someone with more experince on the project?
Well..this I can understand actually.

I can't tell you the number of times I've come into a position that had been, previously, a "high turn around" position. Where I am, tech help that's affordable is non-existant. So people will hire nimrods that installed windows once to run a network. 1 week, maybe a month goes by, and a problem crops up, and they have ass fix it, then leave for "greener pa$ture$" ( ie: They don't want to be around when their fuck up is found out ).

Alot of people are sick of this, and have just stopped trying to find someone externally, instead trying to see if you can get someone internally to do it. The logic here being, at least they are going to try a bit harder than some jack off off the street. It's actually quite a smart move.

Geeze, now that I think about it, that's where I've gotten all my jobs, is cleaning up the mess of others. *shrug*
I work for a small network company and we save small business a lot of money buy to employing a full time IT person(s). for instance we have a support contract with a company for 3500/m. You may say well they can get someone for that. But they have a Serrver 2003 citrix server, novell file server and a novell e-mail server, a frame rely T1 w/ a 2600 cisco router and are going to consolidate they're other site 600mi away by putting all users on citirx. so where do you find a compentant person that can do all that for 3500/m?
And yes we spend a lot of time cleaning up some jokers mess.
lol, wow....uhhh ya.....well its not that big of a deal....its a profit free comapany anyways no big deal but thanks for all ur help...