How big is to big.


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2007
At 2ft.. How big can i go without having to turn my head down to look at my Windows button?

I want a big monitor, who doesnt, but after hooking up my 32in sammy LCD and it making my eyes bleed after 20 mins (it was 720p so that didnt help). Im thinking you can do to big. Does anyone regret buying too big a monitor?

I just bought a 22 Dell after having a HP W1907. I feel happy with it but should i get a 24 or 26?
I just purchased a Samsung 2443BWX, a 24" model. I also sit about 2-3ft away. Everything is comfortably in my field of vision, I think a 26" would still be fine but begin to push it. A 26" at 1920x1200 should be great, since the higher dot pitch should allow you to back up a little. I've been a little dizzy though playing COD4, but I'm sure I'll adjust quickly.

I couldn't decide between a 22 or 24 but coming from a high quality 19" 1280x1024 LCD, I prefer a higher dot pitch.
I just got a Hanns-G 28". Its great for games and movies, but it's a little too big for web browsing for my tastes.
I think 24" is perfect for all-around use. This is all personal preference, however. Your best bet would be going to an electronics store and looking at 19"-32" displays next to each other.
I have 25.5" NEC 2690 and I find the size OK. Could be maybe a bit larger :)
But look at the monitor from the distance of ~70 cm.
I agree with the above. I just picked up a 26" Planar and I feel anything larger would be too big. It's awesome for games and editing pics. For web browsing I never go full screen.
For me it's 24-26". Anything bigger and I feel like I'm at a tennis match (turning my head from side to side)
At 3 feet away, I can comfortably read web pages and whatnot on my 37", 5 feet is perfect for movie viewing and gaming! (1920x1080 res)

That's me though :p A 24" or 26" display looks tiny to me.
Ive got a 30 inch. Gaming at the res is amazing and runs surprisingly well on my video card. But reading the web can be hard on some peoples eyes.
Well I bought a Aquos LC32GP3U back in march (32in 1080p) and at first it was quite an adjustment (was on a crappy 17in). However, sitting at 2ft and gaming at 1080p is amazing and after a while you get so used to it and wouldnt want to go much smaller. For me font size is scaled equally to other computer monitors and It doesnt seem to strain my eyes even after hours of use.

At 2 feet, much over 37in and you would be missing some of the action. 32in IMO is a great choice however as the 1080p is very sharp and the picture is simply orgasmic. Not to mention that 1080p isnt as taxing on the hardware as most 30in 16:10 monitor out there.

Comes down to preferrence
eh, I dunno if there is such a thing as too big ... maybe anything bigger than a set of triple QuadHD 52" monitors. I've got a 20-30-20 setup now and it doesn't feel big at all.
As long as you can see the entire viewing area within you field of view, there is nothing too large. That unless you have a screen so large the sheer distance required to sit from it would mean the haze from nearby cities hampered the quality.:p
I can easily get 2 browser windows side by side on my 30 incher, and that's pretty awesome.

I had a 24 before that I use as a portrait wingman which just quite couldn't do that well enough.
In my opinion I would say that it all depends on how cloce you are sitting and how big your desk is ;)
i have a 20inch widescreen but soon am upgrading to 50inch for the movies in bed :)

plus a 50inch monitor is a central point of any room!