How are you liking IE8?

How do you like IE8 so far?

  • I can't use it. (using OS X, Linux, Win2k, etc)

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Oct 11, 2007
I just updated to IE8 (I'm a FF user), and man, it's actually not half bad. They really streamlined some of the UI it seems (last time it felt like tabs were and after thought), now they seem to be built in pretty good. I also like how it instantly opens compared to FF. Selecting text also makes a little button that gives you quick access to google the selection, etc (similar to right clicking in firefox and picking that option).

Probably go back to FF anyway, but I can say right now that it's 100% better then before. It also seems they removed all that phishing filter BS that slowed down web page loading.

EDIT: Just tried Google Chrome too, wow, that thing is blazing. Only things off the top of my head that I can say I don't like: No smooth scrolling, no ABP addon, and searching google through the address bar is nice, but if I type in "youtube" I'd prefer it went to the page directly (like I'm feeling lucky). Having no title bar also makes it feel kind of weird, almost want the taskbar to be blocked out too.
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Yeah, I'm still using FF most of the time.

Anyone know which one is more secure though?

Security is probably my top priority (since FF and IE8 kinda have some similar functionalities)
It's nice and from using it for a couple of days on an older laptop I would say that it's the best IE yet. It's far from that turd MS pushed out right before the release of XP. However I won't give up FF as my main browser because of the vast amount of great extensions out there. So unless the next version of FF kills off extension support or the Mozilla team does something to really fuck it up, IE will only be used whenever I browse a site that requires it.

I also like how IE now starts up the INSTANT you release your mouse button whereas Firefox (no extensions) kinda dicks around for about 5-10 seconds before opening a window.
Don't like it. Since MS decided to push it via windows update I installed it on my main work pc so I can prepare for the phone calls. Not all of my systems are on WSUS.

It's slow, sluggish, flash loads like crap on it. Frequent "error on page" on the bottom left toolbar. Compatibility view helps sometimes. But people won't know how to do that.
I don't think it's ready for prime time yet. Anxiously awaiting a few rollup fixes.
I used it to DL Firefox. Thats about it. It would be nice though if we could get tab previews on the taskbar like IE8 in FF.
finally updated a few days ago. first time i tried to go to google with it, it took like 7-10 sec to get there. i immediately closed it and opened google in firefox and it took less than a second or two.

i hate the thing. although i must admit i haven't given it a remote chance so far. regardless, chalk another one up for "it sucks" and i don't care who tries to convince me otherwise. ff and chrome ftw
finally updated a few days ago. first time i tried to go to google with it, it took like 7-10 sec to get there. i immediately closed it and opened google in firefox and it took less than a second or two.

Lol, that would piss me off too :D
Don't like it. Since MS decided to push it via windows update I installed it on my main work pc so I can prepare for the phone calls. Not all of my systems are on WSUS.

It's slow, sluggish, flash loads like crap on it. Frequent "error on page" on the bottom left toolbar. Compatibility view helps sometimes. But people won't know how to do that.
I don't think it's ready for prime time yet. Anxiously awaiting a few rollup fixes.

second that
Not enough options on the poll but that's a given. I would have chosen "It works and it works well, but I use another browser" because the "It's nice" option there doesn't quite cut it. :)

Firefox, all the way...
I used it to DL Firefox. Thats about it. It would be nice though if we could get tab previews on the taskbar like IE8 in FF.

I used to be able to say the only thing IE is good for is downloading Firefox, but I just started making sure I have Firefox on a flash drive before hand, so I don't even need IE for that anymore. :D
I agree with others that ie8 is definitely a step in the right direction, but it's still got a long ass way until I consider using it as my primary browser. Too many errors and compatibility mode bs to deal with. FireFox is still king.
IE8 is a good browser. But it just can't compare to FF due to the addons.
Anyone else have problems with gmail? I can't get any images to display in gmail even after clicking "allow images" or "always allow" and setting compatibility mode.
Chrome has been giving me issues, lots of "whoops" screens. But I like the clean interface. FireFox scrools slowly, i'm assuming there's an option or something I need to change though, haven't looked into it much. Haven't really had issues with IE so never really used another browser since I don't care to have more than 1 installed, but since I can "remove" IE8 from Windows 7 I think i'm going to migrate over to FF. Might check out Thunderbird, I liked how Live Mail handled my hotmail account, not sure about Thunderbird though.
One thing that sort of irks me is that IE8 now defaults to sharing its sessions when you launch up another window (not tab). Have to use File -> New Session now. Not that big of a deal, just behavior I had gotten used to.
Anyone else have problems with gmail? I can't get any images to display in gmail even after clicking "allow images" or "always allow" and setting compatibility mode.

I get pictures in gmail, make sure 'display mixed content' is set to enabled in internet options, security tab, internet zone, custom level configuration although I think that's only a solution if you use the https gmail server, which I think most people do not. If that doesn't do it, try putting and in your trusted sites list. And are you sure you're using the final, not the beta or rc? Cause I think I had similar problems in the earlier versions. Hope this helps.