How are these hologram animation being done?

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004

how come CNN never air this ? And w/ animation this big? how are they being done?
It appears there's no coverage about it because it is not real:

The video was originally created by a company called “Magic Leap” in order to demonstrate the potential capabilities of their technology. While the Magic Leap device is still shrouded in mystery, several articles written about the device explain that it’s a wearable device which deals in “mixed reality,” layering unreal, virtual objects over real, tangible ones.

Users will be required to wear something over their eyes (similar to Google Glass or Microsoft’s HoloLens) in order to see three-dimensional virtual imagery:

All the YouTube videos show people having to stare off to the side to interact, which suggests that they are watching animation layered over a camera feed instead of interacting with a hologram.
good one. I'm since notice 1 or 2 of these scam since. There is a guy who uses youtube tyring to sell car replicate for $15K instead of the original Ferrari price. Turns out he's using youtube as a scam. So these kind of video should have clearly label as fake. And in the case of that car guy, remove from youtube
Neither the real thing nor the scam thing is a hologram. Either way it's CGI.
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Watching all the videos of this, it is definitely a camera video feed with CGI superimposed on it and that is what the subjects are looking at.