How Apple Killed Macworld Expo

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Most Mac users aren’t to happy with Apple’s decision to pull out of MacWorld and editorials like this are proof positive people are pissed. The fallout from Apple dropping support for MacWorld has also caused other trade shows (Apple Expo) to cancel their shows indefinitely.

Instead, Apple issued a cold, heartless press release that its dropping the show and not coming back. Oh, and by the way, Steve isn’t even going to take the stage to tell everyone the bad news, he’s sending Phil to do his dirty work. Apple just broke up with its long-term girlfriend via text message. Nice job Apple. Way to treat your vendors and customers. Personally, the whole thing reeks.
Why are people up in arms over this? Is your life going to end because you can't go see the messiah in person to do his sales/marketing pitch on some new overpriced I-gadget?
Yeah, it seemed like a very odd move for a company that depends heavily on public image and Steve Jobs.
Is anyone really that surprised? Apple has been kicking its hardcore users around ever since it broke out of the nearly failing niche market. $600 iphone to rape hardcore fans and then drop the price $200 a month later anyone? They got their use out of the early fanbase, and now they don't need them anymore. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't like the way the company acts stop buying their products.

Although you've got to wonder if this has to do with Jobs's health. Whenever he shows up for one of these things looking the least bit pale, their stocks drop. This might be the first step toward disentangling the company from him.
The real reason Apple ditched MacWorld is to take Steve Jobs to chemo-therapy and make sure he still lives for another 20 years. I can see it now, Apple ditches Macworld. Shortly after, Steve Jobs dies of cancer. Apple gets new CEO. Apple embraces a NEWER, BETTER, MORE SHINIER MACWORLD!

But yea it's pathetic that people are whining about it this much. Who cares if you can't go to some show and get free stuff to listen to marketing bullshit about the upcoming products. How is this painting a bad picture for Apple?

I hate Apple like any intelligent tech =), but this is stupid. They do not deserve this backlash for ending MacWorld. Well maybe they do, they spend so much money creating and recruiting their iCult with their marketing and practices, that they created the pussies that complain about shit like this. So.. i guess reap what you sow...
Am I the only person who still doesn't get what the big deal is? Ok, so what if the "show" that was focuses around a single companies brand's products shut down. Are apple products so "special" (short bus special) that they needed a whole separate show for them? Are the apply fan boys just pissed that they will have to go to other electronics shows to see a apple presentation and have to endure dealing with non apple fanatics?
Am I the only person who still doesn't get what the big deal is? Ok, so what if the "show" that was focuses around a single companies brand's products shut down. Are apple products so "special" (short bus special) that they needed a whole separate show for them? Are the apply fan boys just pissed that they will have to go to other electronics shows to see a apple presentation and have to endure dealing with non apple fanatics?

If I turn my iPod upside down and backwards it says, "doPi," which is applé for "Steve is dead."

True story.
i like apple and i dont see what the big deal is... most trade shows are going away, just not worth the money to set up and execute when you can just do a webcast or something... look at comdex and even E3 to an extent... trade shows are just becoming irrelevant
Think about this:

It's called "Macworld", and Apple is the inventor of the Mac. They pulled out of the show.

Err, duh - THAT'S how they killed Macworld.
Meh. Not worried about it.

Macworld has been another press tool for them to release their new products, but now they are finally taking off and releasing too many products to keep the personal touch the way they have. Especially with Steve aging the way he has been.
I do see where the "outrage" comes from, the fans and supporters of apple even during the lean years were there for not only the company but the people working inside realized that there WERE people on their side.

Now once the company is stable and in a very good position, instead of saying that there will be one last one and a large thank you, then explaining the reasons (schedules/releases etc. are not going to always be in line with Macworld, and that it raises to many expectations stock jitters) all they get is "don't call us,we'll call you"
I don't get the outrage. Apple aren't the only ones that told IDG to piss off; Google, Adobe, everyone is bailing this year. Same thing happened with IDG and E3 a few years back when they drove away the entire gaming industry.

Conventions are dead, there are much better ways for companies to get their message out these days. The only people that are going to miss this are the "fans". They need to get over it.
I've noted my concerns in the other threads about this but I'll repeat it here just for redundancy...

This wasn't going to be just any MacWorld in January - it's the 25th anniversary of the introduction of the Mactinosh.

If you want to drop out, that's fine, but wait till 2010 for fuck's sake. My god...

All that I keep having appear in my imagination, all the relates, is this:

Am I the only person who still doesn't get what the big deal is? Ok, so what if the "show" that was focuses around a single companies brand's products shut down. Are apple products so "special" (short bus special) that they needed a whole separate show for them? Are the apply fan boys just pissed that they will have to go to other electronics shows to see a apple presentation and have to endure dealing with non apple fanatics?

You're much closer to the mark than you realise, and no, there's nothing to "get"...

A lot of Apple Fanboys treated Apple and followed Apple the way they do because of the culture and "experience" that they got from being Apple followers.

Take out the MacWorld rite-of-passage convention attendance and you have eliminated one of those big things that makes an Apple Fanboy an Apple Fanboy.

They're pissed because they thought the whole deal, the MacWorld Events, having Jobs do his "And one more thing" spiel, the hype before the announcement, etc... is what sets apart Apple from anyone else.

While it does, Apple really is just another PC Clone maker and eliminating the MacWorld tradition strips away another little magical thing they had going for themselves.
most trade shows are going away, just not worth the money to set up and execute when you can just do a webcast or something... look at comdex and even E3 to an extent... trade shows are just becoming irrelevant

Irrelevant, not sure. Expensive, oh yea.

But I think a lot has to do with boredom. We're not all flashed starry-eyed anymore over a piece of silicon like we were. Back in the days of Comdex, we were still naive, didn't know who was going to win or what kick ass product was coming. There were so many different companies all doing things. Computing and the internet were fun.

Now everybody is out to control and squeeze anything they can get for the dollar. They’re trying to control software, hardware, bandwidth, and all else. And the generation growing up in all this isn’t impressed by the touch phone with rotating screen. We either don’t care or we have become desensitized to technology.

Maybe if a fundamental shift occurs it could be fun again. Maybe self-aware software or optical/quantum processors could make us feel interested if even for a short time. But, now, silicon is boring and drab.

Although, I am planning on Computex in 2010. If nothing else, just for the pilgrimage. Oh yea, and I love Asian women. :D
Irrelevant, not sure. Expensive, oh yea.

But I think a lot has to do with boredom. We're not all flashed starry-eyed anymore over a piece of silicon like we were. Back in the days of Comdex, we were still naive, didn't know who was going to win or what kick ass product was coming. There were so many different companies all doing things. Computing and the internet were fun.

Now everybody is out to control and squeeze anything they can get for the dollar. They’re trying to control software, hardware, bandwidth, and all else. And the generation growing up in all this isn’t impressed by the touch phone with rotating screen. We either don’t care or we have become desensitized to technology.

Maybe if a fundamental shift occurs it could be fun again. Maybe self-aware software or optical/quantum processors could make us feel interested if even for a short time. But, now, silicon is boring and drab.

Although, I am planning on Computex in 2010. If nothing else, just for the pilgrimage. Oh yea, and I love Asian women. :D

i think thats probably closer to the mark...

really computers have bored me for the past 10 or so years, sure things have gotten faster and (Somtimes) cheaper... but remember the first time you saw a Voodoo2 running quake and said "Holy @!%$!!!"... i havent had one of those moments in a long, long time...

its just more of the same, slightly beter, give us more money... zzzzz
I bet Apple will be really upset to read the backlash that's coming out of the community because of this. It's probably going to hurt them pretty bad. Oh well, they'll just have to cry themselves to sleep on their vast piles of money.
What's with all the hate for mac fanboys? I don't really like fanboys of any type but the hate that's coming out of you guys is crazy. I think it's dumb for apple to pull out of this and Jobs not even showing up is a very stupid move seeing how loyal a lot of apple consumers are.
i think thats probably closer to the mark...

really computers have bored me for the past 10 or so years, sure things have gotten faster and (Somtimes) cheaper... but remember the first time you saw a Voodoo2 running quake and said "Holy @!%$!!!"... i havent had one of those moments in a long, long time...

its just more of the same, slightly beter, give us more money... zzzzz

Spot on. Nothing has really turned me on with computer hardware for ages. Alternative technologies like the Amazon Kindle book reader have excited me much more than anything in the computer space over the last ten years. The last thing that blew my mind in a game was the Half Life 2 demo at E3 in 2003 (which btw, I was in the first group to witness :D ). Physics is old news now, and while graphics are getting better, eh, its all incremental compared to the massive leaps we were seeing in the era of Quake and the N64.

That said, I wouldn't ever want to trade what we have today in terms of operating system security and stability with what we had ten years ago. :)
When will the mac community finally realize that Steve Jobs does not care about them, all he cares about is liberating the money in their wallets to go to Apple? Lets see, they build a fairly nice O/S (rather, modified Unix), got tired of spending gobs of money on the motorola platform and had Intel whip up a cheaper, faster system and threw it out to the blinded masses at the same insane price rate it was years ago. ITS A PC! One that you paid 3 times as much for as a regular pc with windows or even linux.

*shakes his head*

And to the person who asked why all the hate? Watch those "I'm a mac" commercials and look through them at the attitude that Apple is selling, thats why mac fans get so much hate from everyone else, they think they are better than us.