How about an updated writup of Quality settings?


Limp Gawd
Mar 10, 2007
It's been a while since I have seen a good review of quality setting options and their effects, interactions, and performance impact. Mainly I find myself guessing my way through all the AA options. We have in game AA settings, driver level "enhance the app" options, and about 5 transform options. Not to mention two ambient occlusion options and 4 texture quality settings. I typically start with high quality settings all around and start turning stuff down if I have performance issues, but I don't know where I get the most "bang for my buck".

Yes, these have been touched on individually, but I haven't seen a comprehensive review of them since the options have expanded. If you have please point the way.
First rule of modern gaming is to always turn off Ambient Occulsion (SSAO) and Tesselation.
They do nothing but cut your fps in half. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the input. I'd still like to see numbers and screen caps if the editors have time.
I just asked Kyle the same thing via email a few days ago. I hope they do it because there are just too many settings in and out of game.
It dawned on me after reading the last vard review they posted that [H] is not using only in game settings. Well to a lot of you that may be "common sense" but I had never messed with settings outside of the game so I would love a comprehensive guide on what to do in the driver and what do do in games.
I know it would be general but that is what I need to get started.