Houston Schools Ban Sexting

I imagine the parents paying MONTHLY for cell phones on contracts will love that.
Just a thought, but if parents (or the party paying the cellphone bills) are also charged in the distribution of child porn (from those kids that do get caugh.) You'd probably see sexting in schools go down way more.
Just a thought, but if parents (or the party paying the cellphone bills) are also charged in the distribution of child porn (from those kids that do get caugh.) You'd probably see sexting in schools go down way more.

That puts responsibility on the parent. There's no way in hell anyone would want to do that.
I did just fine in school without a cell phone. There should simply be a no cell phone rule during school hours.
So they're 'banning' something that's essentially illegal anyway. I look at it in three ways: to increase awareness among the students who don't keep track of the law, to be able to set their own standards that are more restrictive than the law, and to increase public perception that they're protecting the children.

Maybe school districts should just ban cell phones altogether (I know that will never happen though because some parents will complain). No school or teacher wants to get into a situation where find something that might be illegal but must report it anyway - it's a choice between potentially damning the student for doing something that might be innocent (see comment below) and getting the entire school and faculty in trouble for not reporting it.

With the law, courts, and the public inconsistent and irrational about what constitutes child pornography, I'm not terribly surprised when someone gets accused of possessing child pornography for having or receiving non-nude non-sexual pictures - which I think happened with one of the underage sexting cases.

Banning cell phones will go a long way to preventing this from happening; sexting will still happen but will happen more outside of school where (ideally) it's the parent's responsibility to deal with it - not the teachers or the law.
This is retarded. Parents shouldn't be letting kids take their phones to school anyways. Kids have been without cell phones for centuries, they don't all of a sudden need them in school now.

I did just fine in school without a cell phone. There should simply be a no cell phone rule during school hours.

QFT! I'll never understand what's going on with parents today...

That puts responsibility on the parent. There's no way in hell anyone would want to do that.

I hear ya... nowadays, it's never the parent's fault... it's the internet, the media, my dog, violent videogames, and the list goes on and on...
Sheesh guys, I don't this isn't that hard.

"If we catch you with your cellphone, you earn 1 day of detention".

You still keep your phone, your phone is still available in emergencies, and the kids will probably stop. Wasting their time in detention is the best way to get a kid to stop doing something. You can "punish" them by taking it away for their existing class periods, but the only way to hit the idea home is EXTRA time at school. Any issues past that (if a certain kid still does it without fear of detention), then honestly that kid isn't going to respond to ANYTHING the school does anyway. It's up to the parents job to actually, you know... parent.
To those saying you should ban cell phones in high school.....oh please. Let's make school even more unrealistic!

I can't even tell you how many study halls my smartphone got me through (all home work is done). Not to mention, the calendar and syncing with outlook over the air was simply awesome for homework assignments and projects. I never needed to carry around a flashdrive, had all of my documents and projects with me at all time, could send and receive emails from teachers and prove that I sent them assignments when they lost them, etc. Not to mention the apps - scientific calculators, physics apps, electric engineering aps, etc.

The world is evolving. School administrators hate to admit it because they know that they are becoming dinosaurs, but school should focus more on TYPING instead of HANDWRITING, and should EMBRACE technology like smartphones instead of banning cell phones (in my experience, MOST kids have a smartphone, iphone, or blackberry vs a normal phone).

I don't know about you, but I'm sure as fuck not going to be walking around my job with an "assignment book" and handwriting my 30 page marketing report.
^^^ I'd agree, but also look at it this way. You don't permit them to talk to each other the whole time during class. So why do you allow them to text each other during class?

There still *is* reason to ban it during class. During study hall or whatnot I really don't see the harm in it but if you were giving an important presentation at a business that required someone's approval, and that person was on his phone the whole time not paying attention, you'd be mad.
^^^ I'd agree, but also look at it this way. You don't permit them to talk to each other the whole time during class. So why do you allow them to text each other during class?.

If the texting is disrupting, than by all means I believe the teacher has the right to stop it.

But if it's not, and the kid isn't bothering anyone, why should the teacher care? Odds are that the kid is bored out of his mind (I know I was in high school). Hell, when the computer teacher was absent he asked me to teach the class for him a couple of times.

For some kids, high school is pretty much useless because they know it all already. For others, they have decided that they would just rather pass with minimum effort and go to a trade school.

Either way, the kids are there against their will due to either societies conventions or their parents forcing them. If it's useless for them and they aren't bothering anyone, why should the teacher care?

It's the same with college attendance courses. It was our 2nd day of classes today and the teacher told a story about a kid who showed up just for the midterm and final and got an A. He was like "Geez, I didn't used to take attendance but after this kid got an A without showing up now I do! If you skip you will fail, regardless of how well you know the material".

I'm sorry, but that entire ideology and method of thinking is just so ass-backwards that it isn't even funny.
You see, that's the thing. If you were giving a presentation and someone was on his phone instead of taking attention, they have deemed that you are either doing a poor job presenting or that it is not important material.

In other words, why not be on the phone? In the real world your above example happens ALL THE TIME. It simply means that you are doing a bad job and will likely be fired. That's just the way the world is.
A ban on sexting implies that the teachers should actively investigate what students use their phones for; that's my problem with the rule. I don't know about you, but if I were a teacher and a kid was distracting the class with his cell phone, then I would confiscate it (at least until the end of class) without looking at it. I don't want to know what he/she was using it for.

It gives me some plausible deniability in case the kid was actually doing something illegal - which I think should be handled by the parents not by the law. If I suspect the kid was doing something illegal, then I'd have to report him. If he/she ends up being a 'sex offender' then I'll have trouble sleeping at night.
When I graduated in 2008, our cellphones were banned from use during school hours (before and after school was fine)

seemed like a pretty decent solution to me....
When I was a sophmore in 1990... our school banned off campus lunch, you want to talk about cruel and unusual punishment! We wanted food we were restricted to what we brought and what they school sold in the lunch building (not a cafeteria)... you ungrateful younger whipper snappers! :)

Now I'm on the other side of the teachers desk, college level mind you, I simply tell my students my class that boring that you need to text through it deal, then get outside and text with your ear to the door so you can hear when a test is coming.
To those saying you should ban cell phones in high school.....oh please. Let's make school even more unrealistic!

I can't even tell you how many study halls my smartphone got me through (all home work is done). Not to mention, the calendar and syncing with outlook over the air was simply awesome for homework assignments and projects. I never needed to carry around a flashdrive, had all of my documents and projects with me at all time, could send and receive emails from teachers and prove that I sent them assignments when they lost them, etc. Not to mention the apps - scientific calculators, physics apps, electric engineering aps, etc.

The world is evolving. School administrators hate to admit it because they know that they are becoming dinosaurs, but school should focus more on TYPING instead of HANDWRITING, and should EMBRACE technology like smartphones instead of banning cell phones (in my experience, MOST kids have a smartphone, iphone, or blackberry vs a normal phone).

I don't know about you, but I'm sure as fuck not going to be walking around my job with an "assignment book" and handwriting my 30 page marketing report.

Ok here we go again, computerpro and his 220 IQ and how school is a bunch of BS cause he knew more than his teachers spieel again...

Look you are the exception rather than the norm, so stop thinking everyone is like you. We went through this the last time you lambasted your education. Not everyone is a bright intelligent person in high school, as a matter of fact 90% of my kids are below the 4th grade level. Their cell phones are a major distraction, and not a single one use their blackberry for remotely any academic purpose. Whenever I give a test I can guarantee which kids are going to pass and fail by which ones have their cell phones out. I let it go on for about two months then removed the cell phones in class and guess what happened? Holy shit test grades went up, so guess what the rule is? No cell phones.

Would a smartphone or netbook be benficial for kids to learn and to use responsibly? You betcha, but guess what? You have to show you're responsible first and to not abuse the privledges given to you and I can rightfully say after teaching in California and now Colorado at both public, private, and charter schools the majority of high school kids can't be trusted with the most miniscule of tasks let alone using a smartphone in a responsible manner in school.
When I graduated in 2008, our cellphones were banned from use during school hours (before and after school was fine)

seemed like a pretty decent solution to me....

I graduated in '04, and we had the same rule the entire time I was in high school. If a teacher saw your phone in class it was confiscated and held in the front office until a parent came and picked it up. When they did, the parent had to sign a form saying that they understand the school bans cell phone use and that if their child was caught with a phone in class again they could be given a week of detention.
You see, that's the thing. If you were giving a presentation and someone was on his phone instead of taking attention, they have deemed that you are either doing a poor job presenting or that it is not important material.

In other words, why not be on the phone? In the real world your above example happens ALL THE TIME. It simply means that you are doing a bad job and will likely be fired. That's just the way the world is.

Go ahead and text message and listen to your MP3's while your boss is giving a presentation and then tell him he does a bad job at speaking and see what happens. Not only is it rude and disrespectful and shows a lot about you as a person, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that 99.9% of the time you're also going to get fired.
Ok here we go again, computerpro and his 220 IQ and how school is a bunch of BS cause he knew more than his teachers spieel again...

Look you are the exception rather than the norm, so stop thinking everyone is like you. We went through this the last time you lambasted your education. Not everyone is a bright intelligent person in high school, as a matter of fact 90% of my kids are below the 4th grade level. Their cell phones are a major distraction, and not a single one use their blackberry for remotely any academic purpose. Whenever I give a test I can guarantee which kids are going to pass and fail by which ones have their cell phones out. I let it go on for about two months then removed the cell phones in class and guess what happened? Holy shit test grades went up, so guess what the rule is? No cell phones.

Would a smartphone or netbook be benficial for kids to learn and to use responsibly? You betcha, but guess what? You have to show you're responsible first and to not abuse the privledges given to you and I can rightfully say after teaching in California and now Colorado at both public, private, and charter schools the majority of high school kids can't be trusted with the most miniscule of tasks let alone using a smartphone in a responsible manner in school.

Maybe your kids would respond better to your "teaching" if you stopped assuming they were a bunch of drooling morons.
Go ahead and text message and listen to your MP3's while your boss is giving a presentation and then tell him he does a bad job at speaking and see what happens. Not only is it rude and disrespectful and shows a lot about you as a person, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that 99.9% of the time you're also going to get fired.

If my boss was an idiot I would find another job. That's why I work for myself.
Ok here we go again, computerpro and his 220 IQ and how school is a bunch of BS cause he knew more than his teachers spieel again...

Lookneed a comma here you are the exception rather than the norm, awkward; should be two sentencesso stop thinking everyone is like you. We went through this the last time you lambasted your education. Not everyone is a brightneed comma intelligent person in high school, run-on sentence as a matter of fact 90% of my kids are below the 4th grade level. Their cell phones are a major distraction, and not a single one use should be plural their blackberry for remotely any should be "remotely any" academic purpose. Whenever I give a test I can guarantee which kids are going to pass and fail by which ones have their cell phones out. I let it go on for about two monthsshould have an "and" here then removed the cell phones in class and guess what happened? Holy shit test grades went up, so guess what the rule is? No cell phones.

Would a smartphone or netbook be benficial for kids to learn and to use responsibly? You betcha, but guess what? You have to show you're responsible first and to not abuse the privledges given to you just a horrible run on sentenceand I can rightfully say after teaching in California and now Colorado at both public, private, and charter schools that the majority of high school kids can't be trusted with the most miniscule of tasks did you really just write this badly of a run on sentencelet alone using a smartphone in a responsible manner in school.

You know, after reading this, I don't think the kids are the problem. You're nothing but a typical teacher.
You know, after reading this, I don't think the kids are the problem. You're nothing but a typical teacher.

You know I was going to do the same to your posts, but there were too many errors and I just said screw it, besides I got a laugh or two out of your corrections. Anyways you're just obfuscating the fact you're wrong and trying to justify yourself and your attitude, which is to be expected.

Actually I could care less really about all this and I'm glad you've done well for yourself and I wish you continued success. But I would recommend going to an inner city school district and volunteer your time there teaching technology and computer applications since that seems to be your forte, or perhaps English and grammar. I'm being serious though. Go to an inner city school or an alternative education center and volunteer your time. You work for yourself so I'm sure you can find the time to do so and the kids would obviously benefit from the knowledge you can impart and I'm sure the teachers wouldn't mind the help either. I'm sure they would learn a lot from you as well.
I think its bs the receivers were charged. You don't choose to get a Txt, it just comes through. Now if they did anything other than delete it right away, then i could see getting them

YHPM. Oh, and I've already called the cops on you. Hope you get to your PMs before the cops do.
Even if you don't delete it right away, you didn't send it and it's not like there aren't 18 year old girls in high school.
You know I was going to do the same to your posts, but there were too many errors and I just said screw it.

Please do. I may make the occasional error here and there but seriously - the English level of your post is somewhere in between 1st and 2nd grade. You will NEVER catch me writing run on sentences like you did.
Please do. I may make the occasional error here and there but seriously - the English level of your post is somewhere in between 1st and 2nd grade. You will NEVER catch me writing run on sentences like you did.

I'm glad you pride yourself on your writing abilities. Now, would you like to stop being egotistical about your abilities; And condescending of the abilities of others?
I really wish people would take responsibility for their own (or their children's) education. Teachers, professors, and the educational system have become a sort of lightning rod for any grievances rampant egotists have. Look at most research in sociology of education and you will see that the biggest determinants of academic success are student effort, family environment and background. Yet everything is the teacher's fault, as people don't realize that they are not the only ones in class.
I really wish people would take responsibility for their own (or their children's) education. Teachers, professors, and the educational system have become a sort of lightning rod for any grievances rampant egotists have. Look at most research in sociology of education and you will see that the biggest determinants of academic success are student effort, family environment and background. Yet everything is the teacher's fault, as people don't realize that they are not the only ones in class.

I'm sorry, but I remember high school. 90% of my teachers were idiots.
I'm glad you pride yourself on your writing abilities. Now, would you like to stop being egotistical about your abilities; And condescending of the abilities of others?

Here is the thing. Computerpro can rip on my posts all he wants. I don't treat writing on a computer forum the same as I do on say a dissertation or a publication and neither does Computerpro or anyone else. He can say that my writing falls between the 1st and 2nd grade, that is ok because his posts aren't any better or worse than mine, same for the majority of posters. The truth is that the majority of people's informal writing falls somewhere between elementary and junior high for language mechanics, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.

Computerpro's post is filled with mistakes from all of the above as are many of mine. The problem here is that he feels teachers are to blame for high school students shortcomings. Every kid throughout history has had boring teachers and subjects they hate. Kids are no different today than they were 2,000 years ago. Not every teacher can be engaging or as thoughtful as another; however, this does not give students the right to be disruptive, disrespectful, or rude. Texting is all of the above, you are not at school to socialize during class times you are there to learn. If you are not learning in the class because the curriculum is too easy then the onus falls onto you to let the administration know. If they don't accommodate you then it is because they either don't have the resources to, or they are really bad staff and don't care, or you're not as smart as you thought you were.

The accusations that teachers are bad or are idiots is what riles me the most. Are there horrible teachers that don't care? Of course there are and that chaffs me even worse. However, after remembering my time in high school and now working in the high schools, I can say that I've met a plethora more "idiot" students than teachers. Are all students idiots? Of course not. Yet the vast majority of high school students are so short sighted they can't see past the end of their nose so they don't take their studies seriously until their senior year most times. Actually in Colorado over 50% of students drop out before their senior year and if I remember the statistic right 70% of those drop outs are due to teen pregnancy.

That is not the teacher's fault. It is a breakdown across many areas; yet again the onus falls onto the students and parents themselves. Like it or not texting, sexting, and general overall disregard for teachers and school are part of what amplifies the problems happening in high schools throughout the country, not the teachers themselves.
People talk (or used to in states where it's now illegal) on the phone while driving, does that mean that driving is so bad/boring that they decide to talk on the phone? Not necessarily, it's mostly because it's something else people would rather do. Same thing about those talking in the supermarket, just idly chatting away, is shopping such a boring and bad experience that you need to talk on the phone? No, it's because people would rather be doing other things.

You give a choice between not going to school and going to school, 9 times out of 10 you'll get kids not wanting to go to school regardless of how great the teachers are.
Well if schools would simply confiscate any cell phone used during class and hold it until the end of the year stuff like this would go away fairly quickly.

Parents would be up in arms, demanding a teacher be fired, if a teacher dared to discipline their child. The reality is that teachers have very little recourse when dealing with disruptive students.
Parents are the problem

i couldn't imagine how much worse my grades would have been if i had my blackberry back then
I love when places "ban" things. Right, like anyone can really stop anyone else from doing something they want to do, short of killing them of course.
However you feel about your teachers doesnt change anything I said.

I suppose I'm just a rampant egotist. I'm crazy to want a teacher to actually know something about the subject they are teaching. I'm insane for wanting a teacher to do more than just say this is your home work and here read this book. I must be a lunatic for daring to criticize teachers. I have achieved where I am today despite some of my teachers, not because of them.
Parents are the problem

i couldn't imagine how much worse my grades would have been if i had my blackberry back then

I would be a homeless bum right now if i had a BB back in highschool lol

When i have kids, any electronics i think will distract from school will be in my hand before they leave the house. They can have it back when school is out.
I suppose I'm just a rampant egotist. I'm crazy to want a teacher to actually know something about the subject they are teaching. I'm insane for wanting a teacher to do more than just say this is your home work and here read this book. I must be a lunatic for daring to criticize teachers. I have achieved where I am today despite some of my teachers, not because of them.

Yeah, rampant egotist sounds about right. Or you must have gone to some craptastic schools if you were truly the god you say you were.