Hot Info! BF2 Patch 1.1 (formerly known as 1.03)


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2005
From the Planet Battlefield Forums:

The new patch will be a full version patch not just a quick fix like the 1.0x implies. The new patch will be called 1.1, not 1.03.

Translated from
"Beginning October brings out EA and DICE the new patch. These so-called 1.03 patch had been meant initially solve the bugs which sit in the current version. Halfway august have DICE decided extend the patch with new features and the name of the patch has thus changed of 1.03 to 1.1 to indicate this step. Some days after this notice EA have asked all Trusted partners they would want which features gladly see in the new release. Its dozens of ideas forward come and the most requested new features have been handled by DICE.

In the previous weeks much of these new features to outside have been leaked. DICE indicate that possibly not all called features come in the new patch sit because there is this time private no half provide work. All new fixes and features are firstly internally tested and over 2 weeks are released to closed beta group. This group a reflection will be of the average gamer. The patch must on all kinds of types hardware and software configurations is tested for a new debacle to occur. Of gone wrong at the release of the first patch EA and DICE much have learned fortunately.

A small overview of the new features which is confirmed by DICE:

*More than 160 server - and clientside bugfixes
*New ingame server browser with support for "favourites", "history" (the servers visited for an overview of last and improved search algorythem)
*Squad leaders get reported if someone wants join itself at its closed squad
*Special Ops gets points if they break the radar, artillery or the UAV of the antagonist
*The support, Medic and Engineer class get a limit on the number of aid points that they can use deserve by of their special kit on each other player separately. These classes can continue use, however, their kit, they get only no extra points. (anti point-farming)
*If you sit in a vehicle you can see who still more in the vehicle to sit there, moreover to see you which kit they has
*In - and zoom out on the card it is adapted to the mapgrootte
*Teamkills are registered in a new manner and are settled. Thus it becomes impossible teamkills for for example bringing down the Black Hawk get helicopter which then prompt on a group team degrees crash down
*The transport helicopter is adapted. The Black Hawk get something less powerful onboard miniguns. Also it will be no longer possible the helicopter in air continue repair.
*The ticketratio of ranked server are made dependent of the maximum number of players. At present the ticketratio are dependent on the mapgrootte
*Better teambalance: commanders and squadleaders are no longer moved to the other team.

At this moment DICE work for very important features still two which has not been confirmed:

*The serverside software are extended with "reserved slots". Clanmembers can play this way always on the server. These reserved spelerslots confiscate up to 20% of the total number of slots and have been always reserved. If there no clanmembers use of this function, and this function stands activated wél in the configuration of the gameserver, then the server reserves always some slots.

*A new assessment in the ranks and medals which must ensure that starting players will increase more rapidly in rank and unlocked weapon to get. All players probably minimum één rank will increase.
There a real chance exists that above two features will not sit in the new patch! They will come then in één of the continuation patches."

Is there someone who speaks Dutch who can translate this better?

Updated from the :gag: Planet Battlefield forums, without a source, dutch or otherwise this time:

BF2 patch 1.03
Alpha - 2 Sept
· Beta - 19 Sept
· Final - 23 Sept
· CQC/ECG Sub - 28 Sept
· Release - 3 Oct

Wake Island· In a surprise move, forces of the People's Liberation Army have attacked and captured Wake Island in a bid to threaten US lines of supply. USMC forces have been short-stopped from their deployment in Manchuria to respond to this new threat. The airbase on Wake Island is the lynchpin of the Chinese air threat, however it is highly susceptible to ground attack from either the northern

Compare Feature· By clicking the COMPARE button in BFHQ, you can search for another players name and load their current stats into BFHQ. Using the arrow buttons next to the name in the top-left corner of the menu, you can toggle between your stats and their stats. You can also load a player's stats by double-clicking on their name in any leaderboard.

Favorites/History· There is a new tab in the MULTIPLAYER menu that holds a list of the last 20 internet servers you have connected to, plus a list of servers you have selected as favorites.

BF2 Account Tag · You can add a 6-character prefix to your account nickname which will be displayed in-game next to your nametag in the scoresheet, in game messages, and above your player. This prefix does not change your account name or statistic information (e.g. the prefix does not appear next to your name on the leaderboards). You can change this prefix at any time at the account login menu.

Server Reserved Slots· Server admins can define a list of player BF2 account names which will reserve VIP slots on the server.

Engineer/Helicopter· Modified the rate at which engineer can repair a helicopter while sitting in the helicopter. It now takes longer for the engineer to repair the helicopter.

Vehicle/Control Point Capture· Only one person in a vehicle counts towards a control point capture. If passengers want to increase the rate of the flag change, they must disembark from the vehicle.

Vehicle/Soldier interaction· Improved physics of vehicles against soldiers so that soldiers are not as easily killed by moving vehicles. Bring on the wing-walkers!

Auto Balance· Auto team balance no longer moves the commander or squad leaders to the other team.

Point Farming· Limits placed on ability to point farm.

Rank/Awards· Criteria for gaining ranks and awards has been changed.

Supply Drop· The commander's supply drop now has an icon on the minimap and a 3D-map icon in the world.

Please, oh please do not go over there to read it yourself...unless you speak leet speech and use your daddy's computer. I am, however, willing to take a bullet for the [H]ord.
finally. was wondering if they were just going to wait for expansion to update the game.

about damn time, dice.
NumbLock said:
From the Planet Battlefield Forums:

Is there omeone who speaks Dutch who can translate this better?

riiiigghhtt.. they can take their mapgrootte and stick it where the sun dont shine...

Umm, whats a mapgrootte? :D

All in all, its "readable"

I would like the 160 client/server bugfixes identified in the readme/patch
I would tend to disagree with their "anti-point-farming" technique by limiting the number of instances you can use it on a single person (I tend to keep my local anti-tanker quite stocked up on urban maps)
I agree with the blackhawk mini-gun, but somehow nerf it against troops, more effective against vehicles (my opinion only)
If I READ it correctly, it doenst say anything about helicopter hover-caps, I'd like to see this changed or defined.
I agree with Spec OPs getting points for blowing up permanent enemy stuff (UAV trailer, Scan trailer, Arty) but please let it extend to pilots who like to use their bombs on non-troopers.

All in all, I agree with about 90% of the stuff, I REALLY look forward to the game-browser changes
Bullitt said:
riiiigghhtt.. they can take their mapgrootte and stick it where the sun dont shine...

Umm, whats a mapgrootte? :D

All in all, its "readable"

I would like the 160 client/server bugfixes identified in the readme/patch
I would tend to disagree with their "anti-point-farming" technique by limiting the number of instances you can use it on a single person (I tend to keep my local anti-tanker quite stocked up on urban maps)
I agree with the blackhawk mini-gun, but somehow nerf it against troops, more effective against vehicles (my opinion only)
If I READ it correctly, it doenst say anything about helicopter hover-caps, I'd like to see this changed or defined.
I agree with Spec OPs getting points for blowing up permanent enemy stuff (UAV trailer, Scan trailer, Arty) but please let it extend to pilots who like to use their bombs on non-troopers.

All in all, I agree with about 90% of the stuff, I REALLY look forward to the game-browser changes

Dude are you serious about the nerf minigun vs infantry but make it more powerful vs vehicles? Should be just the opposite ^-^ Infantry should die easy by mini-gun .. vehicles like t90's etc should just look at the blackhawk.. laugh and blow it out of the sky..
Dillirium said:
Dude are you serious about the nerf minigun vs infantry but make it more powerful vs vehicles? Should be just the opposite ^-^ Infantry should die easy by mini-gun .. vehicles like t90's etc should just look at the blackhawk.. laugh and blow it out of the sky..

T90s already laugh and blow it out of the sky.
Bullitt said:
riiiigghhtt.. they can take their mapgrootte and stick it where the sun dont shine...
Learn to punctuate properly before you mock any online translation...;)
Sounds like theyre headed in the right direction. The only thing that bothers me about the fix list is there is no mention of the flag cap bug (where the flag youve capped shows your side in-game, but opposition on the minimap and allows the enemy to spawn in), the C4 bug (where you chuck an expack, switch to the detonator, hit fire and insted of a boom you throw another expack at your feet), and the teammate bug (where your teammate shows in-game as red/enemy).

I'd also like to see the abilty to prone while jumping completely removed and the stingers made about 10% more effective at tracking/hitting aircraft.
Opie said:
The only thing that bothers me about the fix list is there is no mention of the flag cap bug (where the flag youve capped shows your side in-game, but opposition on the minimap and allows the enemy to spawn in)...
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's experienced this. I've had this happen ALOT.
I'm an Anti-tanker, and quite a few times, I fired directly at an oncoming Tank/Truck, and the rocket seems to fly right through it, as if it weren't there. I could understand if maybe there were a lag issue, but not straight on. I like to shoot people as well with the AT, but sometimes when they are prone, it travels though their bodies and blows up behind them. I find that happens a lot to me. Even missing that close, should cause immediate death due to splash damage. If I can take down a tank with 2 shots, then why not 1 shot very close to a person? Has anyone else seen this?
The guided missles can go under vehicles. Or it could be latency related, i.e. it LOOKed like the vehicle was there, but it actually wasn't.
I thought of that too, but that "not really there" Truck ran my ass over, and splattered me!
Dillirium said:
Dude are you serious about the nerf minigun vs infantry but make it more powerful vs vehicles? Should be just the opposite ^-^ Infantry should die easy by mini-gun .. vehicles like t90's etc should just look at the blackhawk.. laugh and blow it out of the sky..

for gameplay, yes. for realism, no my suggestion clearly sucks ass.

It is just my opinion, but I find that the only thing that holds a blackhawk back is lack of people inside. As for it being an anti-tank weapon, no, clearly silly. I intended it to be more an anti-light-vehicle, anti-air weapon.
so it takes them 2 1/2 months to fix just that. Give me a break. It shouldnt take that long. I was expecting to see a lot more things for the amount of time they have been working on this patch. ALL I WANT THEM TO FIX IS THE GOD DAMN TKING PENATLY.
TomJesusBrady said:
so it takes them 2 1/2 months to fix just that. Give me a break. It shouldnt take that long. I was expecting to see a lot more things for the amount of time they have been working on this patch. ALL I WANT THEM TO FIX IS THE GOD DAMN TKING PENATLY.

Would you rather have another 1.01 patch then? SURE bring on the MEM leaks!
Patch good sounds. Many fixes it seems to have. When out will it be?
Moog said:
Patch good sounds. Many fixes it seems to have. When out will it be?

Looks like you adapted to the mapgrootte there, friend.
Beginning October brings out EA and DICE the new patch.
Nice, it will be out at the same time then the expansion so you won't have to download the patch. You will have to buy the expansion to have the patch...

Well, better later than never.
I am just saying it shouldnt take 2 1/12+ months to fix this crap. But if everything is fixed next patch and the tking system is fixed, then i will be happy. If not well then they are morons, to release a game filled with bugs and can not fix it after 4 months. Stupid......
New info posted in OP. Good info there as source though...

I am posting these to save you the pain of actually going over and reading in that fucked up forum...god save me from 12 year olds on daddy's computer.
BF2 Account Tag · You can add a 6-character prefix to your account nickname which will be displayed in-game next to your nametag in the scoresheet, in game messages, and above your player. This prefix does not change your account name or statistic information (e.g. the prefix does not appear next to your name on the leaderboards). You can change this prefix at any time at the account login menu.

If true, this is really nice :D Though, I guess some people will be pissed because they will have two tags before there name...

Thanks for bringing those "news" NumbLock.
I know one thing that aggravates me is when I am running behind a corner and end up getting shot and killed when I'm out of view.
NumbLock said:
*A new assessment in the ranks and medals which must ensure that starting players will increase more rapidly in rank and unlocked weapon to get. All players probably minimum één rank will increase.
There a real chance exists that above two features will not sit in the new patch! They will come then in één of the continuation patches."

NumbLock said:
Rank/Awards· Criteria for gaining ranks and awards has been changed.


am i the only one that thinks that this is total fucking bullshit?

I played my ass off to get to seargent and now they are going to fucking make it easier for the poor lil noobs?

what kind of shit is that?

"we're sorry johnson, noob will be promoted before you... you see he just started a couple weeks ago and it's not fair you got to play the game so long"


fuck that shit

Vol said:
Nice, it will be out at the same time then the expansion so you won't have to download the patch. You will have to buy the expansion to have the patch...

Well, better later than never.

lol just like SWAT4, NO sarcasm
Opie said:
Sounds like theyre headed in the right direction. The only thing that bothers me about the fix list is there is no mention of the flag cap bug (where the flag youve capped shows your side in-game, but opposition on the minimap and allows the enemy to spawn in), the C4 bug (where you chuck an expack, switch to the detonator, hit fire and insted of a boom you throw another expack at your feet), and the teammate bug (where your teammate shows in-game as red/enemy).

I'd also like to see the abilty to prone while jumping completely removed and the stingers made about 10% more effective at tracking/hitting aircraft.

I completely agree with these bugs to be fixed,... its dam annoying i thoguth that my mouse was fux0rd
Bender_Unit_22 said:

am i the only one that thinks that this is total fucking bullshit?

I played my ass off to get to seargent and now they are going to fucking make it easier for the poor lil noobs?

what kind of shit is that?

"we're sorry johnson, noob will be promoted before you... you see he just started a couple weeks ago and it's not fair you got to play the game so long"

So you'll just get your next rank sooner, or maybe already have it after they lower the requirements, and you'll still be ranked ahead of the "poor lil noobs." So what's the problem exactly?
I hope they fix the enemy friendly name bug.

Also, I'm glad about the no fixing in the bh but, nerfing the miniguns isn't necessary. I'd rather make the other helicopter have guns as powerful as the minigun.

It'll be a slim chance to kill someone with the new nerfed guns... cant kill anything with the mechina helo guns.

Sad, no mention of a no-cd patch.
I'm looking forward to the fact that Spec Ops will get points for blowing trailers, satellites, and artillery. When I play Spec Ops I love sneaking out to the enemies main base and blowing all of their shit up. Especially if the other team has a commander that knows what he's doing and his artillery is ripping up our troops. It's good to see a reward for the players that potentially sacrifice kills and teamwork points in order to cripple the other teams resources.

I think the browser upgrades will be a very welcome improvement. It sucks having to remember the bunch of servers that I like to play on then having to search for them in order to see if there is anyone in them. Hopefully the browser upgrades will make it easier to keep track things much like BF 1942 and its various mods and expansions.

It just sucks that it will take until October to have the patch out...even though most of the changes really shouldn't take that long to fix.
Bullitt said:
for gameplay, yes. for realism, no my suggestion clearly sucks ass.

It is just my opinion, but I find that the only thing that holds a blackhawk back is lack of people inside. As for it being an anti-tank weapon, no, clearly silly. I intended it to be more an anti-light-vehicle, anti-air weapon.

anti vehicle does not necessarily mean antitank does it? I'm bettin it just means that it'll blow up trucks, humvees, etc. much faster than before. waht's wrong w/ the tk punishing? I think that it should take off 0 pts if they forgive you.. but I can see why they'd put in punishing.. sometimes a friendlies kill you if you take their jet or somethin stupid. On the other hand.. I think it' s pure stupidity when a teamate punishes you for running into your claymore or mine.