Hot Glue on PCBs

...glue getting to hot and burning some components. i've never messed with hot glue that much, but you should check and see what temperature that stuff is at, and then check the temps in the specs of whatever you're glueing on...

now, more importantly, what do you need to hot glue on a PCB? more then likely it'll need to be soldered..
Hot glue is fine, the stuff's wonderfully non-conductive. I've repaired a monitor flyback with it before...

Just be careful hot-gluing electrolytic capacitors - they don't particularly like high temperatures.
When I modded a friend's xbox I hot glued all the wires after soldering them - just to be extra safe. Worked like a charm the wires wouldn't budge! Before doing it I first tested the conductivity of the hot glue - and let me assure you - it is a very good insulator - in both liquid and solid forms! Knock yourself out with it - it won't harm a thing.
I've worked on name-brand computers where a lot of your connections were hot-glued down to keep them from coming loose, people opening the case and messing with them, etc.
Originally posted by Mr. Baz
I've worked on name-brand computers where a lot of your connections were hot-glued down to keep them from coming loose, people opening the case and messing with them, etc.

POS emachines that they dont want you to upgrade...
"Hot glue" otherwise know as "non-conductive solder" is used in practically everthing electronic
Originally posted by chopsuwe
"Hot glue" otherwise know as "non-conductive solder" is used in practically everthing electronic

:D :D :D

It's a good vibration dampener too. Maybe mount my hard drive with hot glue.... nah.
Originally posted by plot
POS emachines that they dont want you to upgrade...

ah yes... i had one of those. i think it was a 333c... PSfan sucked. PS sucked. CPUfan sucked. CPU sucked. umm... it sucked? lol sorry.... i just had to let off some steam : )
I have a 40 watt glue gun, and the glue is not that hot, unless you let the gun sit at max power on a table for over 15 minutes without using it. Even there, if you drop glue on your fingers (happened several time... that stuff sticks everywhere), it usually wont burn you, so you should actually be more worried about the duration of time you let your soldering iron in contact with your electronics.
Wattage and temperature are two different things. A high-watt glue gun just indicates that it can apply more glue faster and longer without pauses to heat back up.