[Hot]? Foosball table for 83$ total


Aug 19, 2001
Not sure about this one.... I love foosball (even if i'm not spelling it correctly) but I have no idea if these are any good, but it seems like a decent little thing... maybe you could replace the mens and it would be decent. Its a little over 3 feet long which by my recollection is pretty close to a full size.... although you do have to put it together yourself, which means its a manufactured job, which means the screw holes are probably not aligned correctly and you will have a ball that rolls to one side, but thats what old college notebooks are for right?


3 dollars shipping is pretty hot if nothing else
I played this game all my life, i really like it. Excellent price, speically only $3 shipping is even making it HOTTER.
Not to hot as I have seen these for $99 in retail stores. I have played semi-pro here in the midwest and if its not a Tornado Table its for kiddies. The Bars bend easy the mens feet snap off and the balls are like 3 year old gumballs. Definately not for the the user and abuser. but great for just goofing around with. If you look around you can usually find an old bar coin op for about $150 then put another $150 in new bard men and balls and be way ahead of the game. I few of my friends have done this and I would buy a table if I had the room. As it stands I just use theirs.
nothing like a Pull-Kick Slider across the table for a clean goal. No Slop Hell yeah.