HOT EVGA 6800gs $164+4.69day=168.69 ar at newegg


Dec 31, 2005
i'm slowly yelling at myself over and over for getting a 7800gt. this card performs almost as well as a 7800gt for much less.
johnnq said:
i'm slowly yelling at myself over and over for getting a 7800gt. this card performs almost as well as a 7800gt for much less.
No, you made the right purchase as long as you had the cash on hand to afford the 7800GT. Unless you're running older games or at low resolution, there is a very noticeable difference in speed between the two. Benchmarks are around to show it, but my point here is that you don't need benchmarks to see the difference between the two cards immediately.
yeah.... I am glad I have a 7800GT. it was a huge step for me from the 6600GT. heck, I even feel that the 7800GT just isn't enough horsepower.

besides, think about it like being able to skip another generation. since you have the 7800GT, you dont' have to get the next gen cards because it will probably be just fine for over a year.
how do you slowly yell at yourself?

On topic, this is a pretty good deal
Why do people keep saying this is almost as good as a 7800GT ? I went from a 6800U to a 7800GT and theres quite a difference.

Anyways amazing deal, to think that last year 6600GTs were at this price.
woog3150 said:
how do you slowly yell at yourself?

On topic, this is a pretty good deal


On topic, if only they made these in AGP i'd have a new video card for my brother.
I picked up this card 2 weeks ago at 189. Working great here. Im going to order another one next week I think.
johnnq said:
i'm slowly yelling at myself over and over for getting a 7800gt. this card performs almost as well as a 7800gt for much less.

I think the 7800GT is about 2x as powerful. SLIed 6800GS's can't toguh a 7800gt.