[HOT]: CoolerMaster Aerogate 4 fan front panel control - 4.99 low ship!

Looks like a sweet deal! Would hop in on it, but I already got my Sunbeam :D
They've been this price for awhile, but they are still a steal, I've had one for a couple months now, not only do they look cool, they work
Shipping costs more than the product itself!! That's not "low ship" IMO.

The silver housing is nice - would match an aluminum case nicely.

Other than filling up a 5.25" slot and supposedly reducing noise, I really don't see the purpose of this fan speed controller. :confused:
yeah, the idea is cool, but how often are you gonna change your fan speed? and the one i had had bright as HELL LEDS, it's like having a bright light on at night, you can't shut them off at all.
I bought this a while ago from SVC. Just did a willcall pickup. Its a pretty decent fan controller, the only problem is that the knobs are kinda slippery. As a clarification for the title... Its an Aerogate 1(!) four fan speed controller, not an Aerogate 4 (dunno if they even't made a aerogate 4 yet..).
Can you use these fanbus controllers with fans that are not variable speed? I assume this is like a dimmer switch which will work with any incandecent lightbulb.
yep you can. I have a diff fan controller in my rig; and i can silence my pc by turning it down. Crank it back up when ig ot the headphones on playing a game or blaring music.

it paid for itself when the gf complained about the noise, i silenced it and we...

well, you know
WOW another thread about this ;)

Good Deal jumped in on this a waaaaaaaaaaaaays back like in mid June...I think those guys ordered to omany of them :p
I bit. I got some acric silver for $0.25 and a 4pin to 3pin fan adapter for $0.99 also.
dukefett said:
yeah, the idea is cool, but how often are you gonna change your fan speed? and the one i had had bright as HELL LEDS, it's like having a bright light on at night, you can't shut them off at all.

On mine I can shut the LEDs off, and change colors as well (red/green/blue.) They aren't too bright either.

And I lower my fan speed a lot when I need/like my PC to be quiet, for example when I'm on the phone or when I'm sleeping.

Also be careful with some fans at the low speed (7V.) The plain Speeze fans I have in my system and the AMD HSF fan work fine on 7V. However I have a (crappy) UV green fan that stops running when I turn it to 7V.

Speaking of the AMD HSF fan they include a little splitter that gives 2 connectors for a CPU fan: one to report the fan speed to the mobo fan header and one for the fan power from the fan controller. Pretty neat...

IMO well worth it for $5!
It makes it so you can set your fans at 7 volts instead of 12 volts. At 7 volts you still get most of the air throughput, but the fans become almost silent. This is really important for people that have four 120mm fans for their water cooling. Without it, it'd be unbearable.
I'd be interested to know if I can lower the speeds of my BFG 6800GT fans. They are the loudest things in the system. The fans plug into the card but I am not sure if they are the standard voltage that case fans use.
hey, submitter here:

Just to clarify the title - I meant it could control 4 fans (Not that it was an aerogate 4 - sorry!)
It is an Aerogate 1

Shipping is low bc it was only 4.99 + 4.25 Priority Shipping to Texas for me - not too bad for a really good fan controller!
Quanticles said:
It makes it so you can set your fans at 7 volts instead of 12 volts. At 7 volts you still get most of the air throughput, but the fans become almost silent. This is really important for people that have four 120mm fans for their water cooling. Without it, it'd be unbearable.
One of these will do the same trick, without eating up a front bay.


My fans tended to stay at the same speed I originally set them at, so I eventually just hard-wired all of my fans for 7 volt operation and took out the controllers.
yeah I really like this controller. It looks... nice and I like having all my fans quiet :eek:
Does anyone know if the Aerogate I can handle a tornado?

here's an example of when you need to adjust fans often for noise reasons.

edit: SVC is a great company, the 2 black panaflow fans pictured above were purchased there.
This has been on sale for months. I got one, and 4 4-3pin adapters. Prompt shipping from svc.