Hot! Abit IP35-E $71 AR

shh, it's a price mistake :)

DONT CALL, was 98 AFTER rebate, which was still cheaper than most places by $10

I ordered mine a couple hours ago, and hoping that it will ship and not get cancelled
Came out to $80 shipped AR for me. Hope it's not a pricing mistake...

Thanks :)
HMMM! I'm thinking about selling my Brand New IP35 to get the IP35-E. Should I?
HMMM! I'm thinking about selling my Brand New IP35 to get the IP35-E. Should I?

If you're not doing any high fsb overclocking the IP35-E is a great solution, I still haven't managed to get it stable at 500fsb with my e6300, my old DS3 managed a 515fsb 8 hr orthos run.
Was considering the Pro but seeing as this is less than half the price after CA tax/shipping + rebate, I bit.
Well, I got to the last step of the order, and changed my mind. Is this board better overclocker than the GA-P35-DS3L? The latter one was 95 shipped somewhere ( I don't remember where, ) and has solid caps.

NVM, here is comparison between the two boards: linky they seem identical, the only difference is the gigabyte has one pci x slot more + com and parallel ports. I'd rather go with the Gigabyte.
I don't know if Newegg still has it, but it was 80 after MIR last week. I got one, not the top end solution, but also only 80 bucks great bang for the buck.