holy moley! don't ask how i got it...but i got it!

Doom 3 is old n00z. Im already beta testing doom 4, in the new, upcomming cartridge form for pc.

coofoostu said:
Doom 3 is old n00z. Im already beta testing doom 4, in the new, upcomming cartridge form for pc.

OMG hook me up! I want to play Doom 4 cuz i already beat Doom 3 (it's overrated :( ).

Sure the graphics are good, but where's the enthralling storyline!? The ending sucked, for lack of a better word.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
highlight to read!
Both Trinity and Frodo die in the end, but not before Trinity conceives Frodo's baby! The real reason why I want to play Doom4 so badly!!
oh hell yes, I need a copy of that shit too, I will go dig out my nintendo 64 and h4}{><0r it into my pc so I can play that.
SacLANd said:
latest Doom3 screenshot found. leaked screenshot from the final build of doom3:
lol doesnt that look like the map on counterstirke (forgot the map) where u shoot the peice of crap in the toilet and it explodes
DRJ1014 said:
lol doesnt that look like the map on counterstirke (forgot the map) where u shoot the peice of crap in the toilet and it explodes

cs.militia, the only map I know with the exploding turd.

Can we close this thread, considering its's obvious it's all bs?
ehZn said:
cs.militia, the only map I know with the exploding turd.

Can we close this thread, considering its's obvious it's all bs?
your apparent lack of a sense of humor is what's obvious, ON WITH THE THREAD!!
haha no I love the humor, it's just that it should have it's own thread, but if we are going to continue, then by all means bring on some more pre-school drawings and sharpie'd cd's!
Yes, let's make more jokes regarding the fact that Doom 3 isn't out yet, usually involving some hand-drawn pictures...because they're just so fresh, and funny.

I can't wait until somebody else comes up with some new way to make fun of it, so then 5 other people can think it's funny and copy it exactly, because they're so unoriginal that they can't even think of their own way to come up with a bad joke. :rolleyes:
finalgt said:
Yes, let's make more jokes regarding the fact that Doom 3 isn't out yet, usually involving some hand-drawn pictures...because they're just so fresh, and funny.

I can't wait until somebody else comes up with some new way to make fun of it, so then 5 other people can think it's funny and copy it exactly, because they're so unoriginal that they can't even think of their own way to come up with a bad joke. :rolleyes:
bitter party of one?
ehZn said:
cs.militia, the only map I know with the exploding turd.

Can we close this thread, considering its's obvious it's all bs?

I already sent in a report but no mods have taken action. This is really a thread of $pam.
ok the first post sucked.

The other uber secret spy shots = teh W1N!!!11