HL2 Problem...help?


Limp Gawd
Aug 10, 2004
Lately my half-life 2 sound just stops, the game keeps on going, its just that my sound randomly shuts off no matter what settings i put it to. I updated my sound drivers and same thing. It randomly just turns off, there is no pattern, i'm virus/spyware clean and am up to date on everything. Anyone had this problem or know of any solutions? snd_restart is becomming a chore since i have to do it once every minute, literally. Thanks.
Don't know what is causing it and this is not a permanent solution. But you could bind a key to "snd_restart" that way you could easily reset the sound instead of having to open up the console. Other than that I don't know what could be causing it but I hope you end up being able to fix it.
thanks for the advise man, i forgot about keybinding (god damnit what is wrong with me). anyways, if anyone knows, feel free to post.