HL2: Own it if you like it or not!

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Limp Gawd
Jul 12, 2004
So I've been forced into owning HL2. At first I bitched about MP problems, Valve this Valve that, grabbed it "over the internet"*cough*, finished it. Now I find out I have 2 copies coming to me this Christmas, one from the GF and the other from my sis.

Noooooooooooooo! Valve you wicked marketing masters! (Even laugh from Gabe)

So my question is, is there a future for HL MP? I can't return these copies, as the return policy will be expired by the time I open them. I hear HL DM is so lag, and CS, well is same old CS.

Am I now the proud owner of two boxes, full of recyclable plastic and paper?
Ebay one of them. Or, trade it in somewhere with a lax return policy - they'll move the copy either way, since there's plenty of people out there who do want the game.
i had some bad lag the first few days, but the servers have gotten better and i havn't seen any lately

i think there is unlimited possibilities for DM, there are some many things that could be done with it, now if only i could code
QuakerOatz said:
So I've been forced into owning HL2. At first I bitched about MP problems, Valve this Valve that, grabbed it on Bittorrent, finished it. Now I find out I have 2 copies coming to me this Christmas, one from the GF and the other from my sis.

Noooooooooooooo! Valve you wicked marketing masters! (Even laugh from Gabe)

So my question is, is there a future for HL MP? I can't return these copies, as the return policy will be expired by the time I open them. I hear HL DM is so lag, and CS, well is same old CS.

Am I now the proud owner of two boxes, full of recyclable plastic and paper?

Admitting to pirating a game around here isnt smart (assuming your bit-torrent wasnt paid for). Why dont you just tell the people who are getting it for you that you dont want it as you already "have" it.
QuakerOatz said:
Thx for the tip, ur smart!
Don't be an asshat. He's just trying to help you not get banned.

And maybe this is your reward for pirating the game in the first place. More HL2 for free than you can handle. :rolleyes:
The thousands of people who bought the game and can't play it isn't humorous either, it's theft.
I guarantee all the "you're stealing" saints practice one of the following:
1) Download Mp3's
2) Photocopy any printed material (the stuff you didn't author)
3) Look at porn you didn't pay for (ya that's copyrighted too!)
4) Have images on your PC (whats your background?) that you don't hold right to use,
on and on.

The fact is 99.999999999999% of people break copyright laws on a regular if not daily basis. That's theft baby! So don't go all high and mighty on me, just because you were suckered into buying the latest and greatest game, just to find out you dropped your $50 into an empty pit.

I really don't see the moral objection to trying something before you buy. They don't charge you with grand theft auto for test driving a car! Just because it's intangible intellectual property, there are different rules? I bought Quake 1-3+ all the mission packs, BF1942/BFV+ RTR, HL1 and they deserve my cash, these are all great value games, each had/have a long and illustrious multiplayer periods. Some of them had demos, some didn't. And a few I tried "in advance". But I promise you I went out and pruchased full retail versions shortly after recognizing the value within.

There's one major reason there is no HL2 demo, and trust me it isn't because of a time constraint ROFL. It's because if 90% of the people who bought the game, had a chance to play HL:DM on Steam, then most of them would not have shelled out 2c on HL2.

I'm returning these copies of HL2, I don't need a $100 pair of bookends.
who cares, you loser, it's worth the money.

go make another thread and whine about something else you've stolen.
QuakerOatz said:
I guarantee all the "you're stealing" saints practice one of the following:
1) Download Mp3's
2) Photocopy any printed material (the stuff you didn't author)
3) Look at porn you didn't pay for (ya that's copyrighted too!)
4) Have images on your PC (whats your background?) that you don't hold right to use,
on and on.

The fact is 99.999999999999% of people break copyright laws on a regular if not daily basis. That's theft baby! So don't go all high and mighty on me, just because you were suckered into buying the latest and greatest game, just to find out you dropped your $50 into an empty pit.

Agree. But don't come up here bragging about where you got it from. Just keep it to yourself or atleast make something up on how you managed to play and finished it. Not that i care if you do but your waving it to the forum that strictly prohibits talking about piracy and they have reasons for it.
i wish i was 13 again, so i could make pointless threads with ROFL, typos, and LOL's in them.

(even laugh from me)
I would have expected higher moral standards out of a Quaker... no laughs?

Seriously, you're stealing. I'm not going high and mighty, I'm going straight and dirty.

You = software criminal.

And I'd like to point out you can copy printed materials up to a certain point without violating copyright laws... Maybe you should look up your facts before flaming the whole board?

Anyway, oatz, HL2 is spending money in a good company, you should be proud of the money that was spent on you... it'll make more good games down the road, and for the fact that it was not paid for in the first place.
QuakerOatz said:
just to find out you dropped your $50 into an empty pit.

very true! ...if by an empty pit you mean many great mods, updates, new hl2 content and engine updates over the next few years.
you're goin straight to hell, buddy
1. I'm an athiest, there is no hell.
2. Over billion muslims think you're going to hell for being Cristian.

who cares, you loser, it's worth the money.
You're a child, go play with a plush toy.

But don't come up here bragging about where you got it from. Just keep it to yourself or atleast make something up on how you managed to play and finished it. Not that i care if you do but your waving it to the forum that strictly prohibits talking about piracy and they have reasons for it.
How am I bragging about doing something millions of people can do for free. P2P is insainely easy, how am I bragging? I suppose since I'm typing this I'm bragging that I know how to use a computer?
Keep it to myself? Oh ya that's the best thing to do with social/legal/technological issues that driectly effect evey person in the forum/community. This "keep it to yourself" attitude is completely BS. Everyone walks around like a saint just because they bought one game then flames a person for bittorrent, then goes on to their normal life of repeated IP crimes that they are a) completely ignorant of b) in complete denial of. Unless this forum consits of clergy gamers, you're all guilty of IP crimes. Don't like to talk about it? We'll that proves you already have a guilty concience.
Does this forum prohibit talking about piracy? Or facilitating actual piracy? I'm not posting links here buddy, there's a huge difference.

i wish i was 13 again, so i could make pointless threads with ROFL, typos, and LOL's in them.
You wish you were 13 again? I can't remember what that was like? Can you? Fresh in your mind is it?

very true! ...if by an empty pit you mean many great mods, updates, new hl2 content and engine updates over the next few years.
We'll see!
You could have left the part about pirating the game out. No one wants to know whether you stole the game or not. Don't ask, don't tell. And this thread so far has nothing to do with gaming, it's basically a flame fest, IMO.
Noodle Boy said:
You could have left the part about pirating the game out. No one wants to know whether you stole the game or not. Don't ask, don't tell. And this thread so far has nothing to do with gaming, it's basically a flame fest, IMO.
Ok you're right, there was no need to specify cetain things. I just thought it was ironic that I ended up with 2 boxes of a game I don't want. Maybe it was fate? Not that I beleive in that sort of thing... But, I thought it was funny and wanted to share it with you. Now I'm a HL2 owner and I just wanted to know how optimistic people were now that HLDM is out and people are not exactly loving it. Are we on track to another awesome multiplayer FPS?

Right now it looks like the train derailed just as it left the station.

Yes this has become a flame war, I don't think I started the flaming. So I guess I hope that this thread dies or happens to be on one of Kyle's deathstars. Click Click Click!
QuakerOatz said:
you're goin straight to hell, buddy
1. I'm an athiest, there is no hell.
2. Over billion muslims think you're going to hell for being Cristian.

lol, i was just joking, but since you decided to put up your dukes:

1. can you prove there is no hell? no. ahh atheists, illogical by nature.
2. who said i was a 'cristian'?
doh-nut said:
lol, i was just joking, but since you decided to put up your dukes:

1. can you prove there is no hell? no. ahh atheists, illogical by nature.
2. who said i was a 'cristian'?
I prove that there is no hell because there is no scientific evidence that it exists. By your logic, something must exist if it cannot be disproved? So.....I propose, that not only does hell exist, it is ruled by donkeys who bought HL2 and think it has great replay value! Disprove that!

Christian, my bad. If you're not, you shouldn't be saying I'm going to hell, there's a lot worse things you can say..... INIFDEL!!! or Mac User! (ok that was mean)

Keep this up and I'm going to lose this Newbie tag :D
QuakerOatz gets a week's vacation from his posting privileges for admitting and advocating warez.
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