hl2/fc...yes I am very sorry guys


Sep 5, 2001
I am sorry, there are elevnty-billion hl2 threads but its my turn.
I hate comparing hl2 and d3. I thought d3 sucked really bad so I don't see a need to compare that game.

Far Cry on the other hand was up to that point one of my favorite games ever. I just started hl2 and am loving it.

In your eyes how does hl2 compare with farcry? I don't think there has to be a "better game". But, which do you find more enjoyable/innovative/new? Voice your opinions about anything. Even your new found hatred for me starting another hl2 thread. :p
JeanClaude said:
I am sorry, there are elevnty-billion hl2 threads but its my turn.
I hate comparing hl2 and d3. I thought d3 sucked really bad so I don't see a need to compare that game.

Far Cry on the other hand was up to that point one of my favorite games ever. I just started hl2 and am loving it.

In your eyes how does hl2 compare with farcry? I don't think there has to be a "better game". But, which do you find more enjoyable/innovative/new? Voice your opinions about anything. Even your new found hatred for me starting another hl2 thread. :p

FarCry was good but Half Life 2 was way better IMO.
theNoid said:
Couldn't compare, ... I refuse to play HL2. :eek:

Your loss, SUCKA!!! ;)

I could get flamed for this, but fry cry sucked. SUCKED!!! Personally it was much like Doom 3 to me, fancy graphics... thats it. Yea it has semi explorable enviorments, WHO CARES, the gameplay was horride. Granted i'll give fry cry the benifit of the doubt, its way better than that turd Doom 3, but still not really anything special in terms of the genre. Far Cry didn't hook me in, the story was sort of silly at best, and a tired idea. I hope to see better stuff from Crytek in the future, this wasn't a bad shot.

Half Life 2, IMO, has no one that can hold a flame to what this game is. NO ONE. Not a single FPS has sucked me in as well as HL2 has. I find myself wanting to play every second I get, that never happend with Doom or Fry Cry for me. Its the most realistic shooter to date, it turely is the best FPS game out there right now. All those that praise and love Fry Cry can keep it, i'll play my HL2.

Insert Flame here --->
well i disagree. to be far cry has to be the worst game out there.
domm 3 is better then far cry. but half life 2 is better then doom3.
u cant really compare doom 3 and half life2
its like apples and oranges. well that my opion
I loved far cry, and HL2. Personally if I had to pick a better of the two I would pick farcry because of the outdoor jungle settings and the more realistic weaponry. I also felt hunted in FC, and the vast spaces in the game just made it more realistic to me.

HL2 was far less demanding on my system as far as framerate/eye candy goes. It looked sweet, it had a great story, but was a bit too short...at least compared to farcry.

Both are fantastic games. I just like the feeling of space you get in FC.
Aaron_ATX said:
HL2 was far less demanding on my system as far as framerate/eye candy goes. It looked sweet, it had a great story, but was a bit too short...at least compared to farcry.

For me Farcry just dragged on and on... After the first 12 hours I was sure it was almost over...... But no, it kept on going.. and going... and going... I never did finish it. I am sure I will finish it sometime soon, but I am in no rush to get back to it.

HL2 so far seems to be moving at a good pace. The boat riding section dragged just a little but the rest has been fun and well paced.
Far Cry simply owned me. I absolutely loved it. Its story hooked me. The comedy hooked me. Nothing really like listening in on the conversations those guys would have(ala' NOLF?) The monsters were very ingenious, they were very original(imho). Grafics were amazing, too.

I am only about 45 minutes into HL2, so I have not had the time to get addicted yet. Although, the 45 minutes i've played it I have loved it and the enviroment.

I just figured those who liked Far Cry would have good enough taste to like hl2 and to get a opinion on it.
FarCry was brilliant. Anybody that says it was boring/too easy just needs to turn the difficulty level up (or stop cheating, if that's the case).

To compare to HL2, I'd say FC's more like an action-adventure movie and HL2's more like a Sci-Fi movie. Both are great "movies", but it's almost an apples-n-oranges comparison. It's hard to compare the scenery, though, because FC is set in a lush tropical jungle and HL2 is set in the desert southwest. I'd say HL2 has better graphics overall, and a more efficient use of system resources, but FC has better water. Yeah, I know HL2 has better water shaders, but there's no PHYSICS to the water. It just ripples there and looks purty.

Gameplay-wise, they're both an absolute hoot. I will say that, with difficulty at max, FC is harder by far. I need to qualify that with the fact that I'm only about 25% into HL2, though. It may yet kick my ass.
Far Cry was good. But it dragged. The AI was ok. But it lacked.

Half Life 2 is good. I like it so far. Again the AI is ok. And it lacks.

I would like to see a game developer focus on AI and get a truly engaging enemy to work with. Can you imagine a pack of trigens actually hunting like wolves or a group of headcrab zombies setting up traps on the fly (not prescripted)?

I think the AI in the original HL was damn good. I am playing HL:S and the marines are still damn good at flushing me out. This game is 5 years old and the AI is better than Far Cry in my opinion.

Graphics are great and all... but dammit people - give me an enemy that seems to think! I hate being able to drop enemies that are too stupid to duck or dodge. I think that is the only reason I truly enjoy MP with UT2004. Playing against humans is always a superb experience, regardless of skill.

Don't get me wrong. Both games are good and I enjoy them (still playing my second time through FC). Half Life 2 may be great (and I may have to play it multiple times too)...

But deep down they just seem to lack something. Something truly profound. That is what I want to see... something that makes me sit back and marvel at the AI.
Haven't played HL2 yet (too busy :( ) but Far Cry had some problems. After awhile, there's just a huge sameness to it. Zoom in, shoot guy in head. Move. Zoom in, shoot guy in head, move. Repeat ad naseum. It was fun the first two times I played through it, but now I get bored in a half hour every time. The damned Super Rocket Monkeys pissed me off too. Everything else dies in a clip at worst, these things take three-four rockets and/or five clips? Just didn't fit with the rest of the game to me.
lol.... I think someone who says Farcry is too easy is trying to be leet or certainly can't mean that in comparison to other games.

Anyways, I liked all three. Gaming is much more enjoyable when you can appraeciate games for what they each bring to the table. Of course, you could obviously have gripes with any.

Anyways, I think the most impressive thing about FC is here we are comparing it one of the most anticipated games of all time - HL2, one that most people think lived up, to a game that came out of nowhere.

When gameplay and graphics are considered, HL2 and Facrcry probably get spots 1 and 2 for me this year. Probably when the last couple of years are considered too. I only played MP FPS's last year or two prior it seems.
Aaron_ATX said:
and my only REAL beef with HL2......

You cant kill scientists!!!!
that pisses me off as well. i want to be able to bash in barney's face when im through with him.
as far as innovation goes, i would say hl2 has got them beat with the physics graphics and such, also halflife2 is much more intense, even though far cry was supposed to be a litle more thought out than hl2. far cry may have dragged on a bit more than hl2, but i thought i had a lot of fun all the way through. the AI in far cry is superior to that of hl2. a squad of mercs would be able to take out an equal squad of combine soldiers IMO. overall i say they were equal but it was good to see a game wow us like far cry out of nowhere.
HL2 is hands down the best FPS ever made,far better than FarCry could ever hope to be.That being said, HL2 took 6 years, cost 40 million dollars and was created by the top design team in the industry.FarCry was the Rookie effort from some unknowns on a shoestring budget.What they accomplished was quite impressive and I hope to see more from them in the future.
I'm about 3/4 the way through HL2 now, and it's just simply awesome. I finished both FC and D3, and HL2 owns them both.

The variety of gameplay in HL2 is amazing. The graphics, sound, physics, all kick ass. I mean.. geez.. the first time I saw a strider was unreal, and watching the things they were doing is so awesome. The game is simply filled to the top with little moments of way cool stuff..
Yes, farcry did seem to drag on and on .. but it was fun and very difficult (almost too much so at times.. {think top of that waterfall after falling out of the helicopter..])

I'm still just getting in to hl2 because when I get to the top of that first building where they're chasing you I get sent straight to texture corruption hell.. not sure what the deal is..
Half Life 2 has a far, far better physics implementation than any of the other "next gen" games that are out so far. It's also less of a resource hog than the others.

It's a bit too brief for my tastes though.
Far Cry was an excellent game in my opinion. I made it to basically the 2nd to last level, reformatted, and didn't bother to play it all the way through again (Jesus, that was a long game... But it flowed well).

I'm almost 75% of the way through HL2 (based on looking at the chapter list), and I have to say, I'm greatly disappointed by how short the game is. I seem to remember Half-Life 1 being an EXTREMELY long game, and I loved that. I want to be able to drop $50 and play it at my will, and take a few weeks to get through it. It's been a hell of an experience thus far, and I can't wait to finish it, but I've really gotta reformat before I do because the framerate dips while loading resources on the fly are driving me fucking INSANE. There are instances where I've died because my system will drop down to 0.5 fps for a period of time when loading a bunch of crap, and it's not a weak system by any means (P4 2.53, only 256 megs of RAM and a GeForceFX 5600 though). I figure that once I've reformatted and castrated XP a little I'll be fine.
The storyline in FarCry was easier to follow than HL2.

FarCry also had better AI from what i've seen, but i haven't tested HL2 yet in that regard, just playing through the game for now. I'll have to experiment more, but In HL2 I usually don't feel like I HAVE to sneak around so someone doesn't hear me. However, that could be because I don't have to worry about losing much with all the quicksaving I do. Take away the risk, take away the tension.

One problem I have with HL2 is the extreme linearity of the environments, FC was great in giving you several routes to an objective. HL2 seems to be: just keep plugging until you find the one way to get around this hurdle.

I'm not seeing the uber gameplay that HL2 has over FC. Physics are on par, but HL2 does have some very good tweaks that make it accurate (i.e. tossing a box by spinning sideways imparts a spin to the box). You can't lean around corners, can't go prone, the weapons are mostly carry-overs from HL1, and there seems to be even fewer weapons than HL1. Also, differentiation between the SMG and the squad rifle is poor. Both are inaccurate, even when crouched, no penalty for being tired from sprinting, and you can carry one of everything. Using squads is nice, but the interface is too limited, only "go there" and "come back" and they come back after 30 seconds anyway. Interaction with objects is very nice, but FC was only one step away in that you couldnt pick things up, only push them around. Gravity gun is quite a bit of fun though.
aNtHrAx323 said:
and it's not a weak system by any means (P4 2.53, only 256 megs of RAM and a GeForceFX 5600 though). I figure that once I've reformatted and castrated XP a little I'll be fine.

actually.. for far cry and hl2.. that 256mb and fx5600 is really hurtin you... can you even run hl2 in dx9?
think the AI in the original HL was damn good. I am playing HL:S and the "MARINES" are still damn good at flushing me out. This game is 5 years old and the AI is better than Far Cry in my opinion.

Theres a reason for that... ;)
Both great games. Seems like Far Cry had more action all the time. HL2 is slower paced, and has more puzzles. I beat Far Cry and I know I'll beat HL2 (unlike doom3)
lithium726 said:
actually.. for far cry and hl2.. that 256mb and fx5600 is really hurtin you... can you even run hl2 in dx9?
Yeah, I know for a fact that having only 256 megs of RAM is killing me (I had 512, but I started noticing weird glitches in everything and whaddya know? BOTH sticks of 256 had numerous faulty chunks in them... heh, tho I had those PC2100 sticks for close to 3 years and through umpteen motherboards and systems). The FX5600 is definitely holding me back as well, but framerate wise, it's doing great (upwards of 60fps on max model detail, texture detail, shadow detail, water detail, etc, but only at 800x600... I just experience these hangups when stuff is being cached, which is where I know more RAM will help). And, despite the fact that the FX is indeed a DX9 card, the HL2 engine REFUSES to let me use anything other than DX8. So, my textures look a little grainy at times, and for some reason, I'm getting the weird feeling that I'm only running in 16-bit color. Does the -32bpp command line switch still work with the HL2 engine?
Aaron_ATX said:
and my only REAL beef with HL2......

You cant kill scientists!!!!
Noooo! your kidding?!?!?! that was the funniest thing in hl. you know you hit the scientist and then he convulses uncontrolably and then so do you b/c your laughing so hard. I loved how they say stuff like... "Well, I seem to be seriously wounded."
I liked Far Cry a lot and finished it with the help of the " \save_game a" thing.
I was really pumped when I finished it and will definately play it again.
I got about 2/3 through Doom3 and just didn't have any desire to finish it.
I liked it but like Far Cry better.
I just got the Gravity Gun in HL2 and I'm really enjoying it.
I know I'll be playing this a few more times easily.
If I had to have only one out of the three it would be HL2.
I'm still very impressed with FC coming out of nowhere as others have noted.
I gave my copy of Doom3 to my son.