HL2 Ep1: the return of the stutter


Oct 2, 2005
that Steam update a few months ago fixed 99.9% of the stutter for me in HL2. WELL WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN EP1 CAUSE ITS BACK. it cracks, pops and stutters just HL2 did before that update fixed it. how can Source games be the ONLY games that have ever have stuttered like that? Valve..have you learned nothing? i lowered everything and turned off all services and that barely made a difference. to be honest the game seems a little cheesy so far but that could be cause i am pissed off. :mad:
trek554 said:
that Steam update a few months ago fixed 99.9% of the stutter for me in HL2. WELL WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN EP1 CAUSE ITS BACK. it cracks, pops and stutters just HL2 did before that update fixed it. how can Source games be the ONLY games that have ever have stuttered like that? Valve..have you learned nothing? i lowered everything and turned off all services and that barely made a difference. to be honest the game seems a little cheesy so far but that could be cause i am pissed off. :mad:

Why should they learn? You bought another game of that crap game engine after you had trouble with the last one. I had the same problem with the last one so waited untill some reviews came out.

Glad I waited.
Saloma Teale said:
I havent seen this stutter on the original or Episode 1... Where is it happening?
if you havent seen then dont worry about. it justs cracks and pops and then sometimes just loops the sound.
You'd know if you had the problem, when it first came out that game stuttered any time a new sound got played, for me anyway. In it's current state it only does it a litle bit. Never got fully fixed.
I always thought that was an issue with Creative cards as it was about the only difference between mine and my dads machine. I wouldn't be surprised if it was as I have always had bad luck with their drivers. I wish soundstorm or Aureal would come back, as I hate AC'97 but not as much as I hate Creative.
Oddly enough I never encountered that problem with HL2 and I had it preloaded since before day 1 of release, but to be safe I'm going to hold off on EP1. I dont want to ruin the experience nor do I want to be a bitter buyer ;)
I havent encountered that problem before, but now it stutters occasionally since Ive installed this new soundcard.

bleh, kinda sucks. i just got a freeze w/ sound looping then got a crash.

game is hella fun tho
fodder0 said:
I havent encountered that problem before, but now it stutters occasionally since Ive installed this new soundcard.

bleh, kinda sucks. i just got a freeze w/ sound looping then got a crash.

game is hella fun tho

Do you have a Creative card then?

I really wish we had some competition on consumer level hardware accelerated Sound cards.

Edit: For people still having Stuttering issues, When was the last time you updated Sound and Chipset drivers?

I would recommend that.
I also never experience the stutter. I played through the entire episode completely without stuttering.
HL2 never stuttered for me. It just crashed the comp a thousand times. :rolleyes:
Why do people post that it doesn't stutter for them?

Hey guys guess what? I don't have cancer! Never have!
Cabezone said:
Why do people post that it doesn't stutter for them?

Hey guys guess what? I don't have cancer! Never have!

Its in response to all the people who will read the first post and think that everyone has the problem.
I've only experienced it once in ep1 so far. And even then I hardly noticed it. Just kept on playing the goodness :)
Cabezone said:
Why do people post that it doesn't stutter for them?

Hey guys guess what? I don't have cancer! Never have!

Sometimes knowing who doesn't have the stutter cant help resolve an issue, for example, the people with the stutter may have onboard audio (or vise versa), me personally I use an Audigy and I've never experienced the stuter.
inotocracy said:
Sometimes knowing who doesn't have the stutter cant help resolve an issue, for example, the people with the stutter may have onboard audio (or vise versa), me personally I use an Audigy and I've never experienced the stuter.
I use the nvidia soundstorm onboard audio and I have very light, very infrequent stutter. Could it be a ram issue? (I have 1.5GB)
fallguy said:
Actually, I think its the other way around...

Yeap. Like it or not, the stutter is more of the minority.

But to the OP: Creative sound card or no?
I know x-fi cards right now have a pretty big problem with how it is handling sound (I have one but don't have problems)
I experienced the shuttering and sound looping, which caused two freezes. But I made it all the way through with more unanswered questions. Quite an unexpected turn of events!
fallguy said:
Actually, I think its the other way around...
who are you kidding? HL2 is well known for its infamous stutter. almost everybody had a stutter of some sort in the game. there were many variations and some people just ignored the small ones that didnt affect gameplay. i had virtually none when i played the game the first time on a mx440 in DX7 mode. my other comp with a 6600 had horrible stutter in HL2. the update a few months ago seemed to fix it in HL2 for most people. for me Source games are the only ones that have ever popped, cracked or had a sound stutter.
trek554 said:
who are you kidding? HL2 is well known for its infamous stutter. almost everybody had a stutter of some sort in the game. there were many variations and some people just ignored the small ones that didnt affect gameplay. i had virtually none when i played the game the first time on a mx440 in DX7 mode. my other comp with a 6600 had horrible stutter in HL2. the update a few months ago seemed to fix it in HL2 for most people. for me Source games are the only ones that have ever popped, cracked or had a sound stutter.

Really, almost everyone had it? Where are the facts to back this up? Most people from what I have seen, have not had any stutter. "Stuttering" can be confused with low frames. You playing on a 440MX... ouch, thats painful just thinking about.
I actually never had the stutter.

I originally started out on a 9800pro, 512mb ram, and an xp2800.

Now, i have an x1600pro, 1gb ram, and the same processor.

If you ever browsed the steampowered forums you'd notice that the stutter has been a major issue since HL2 was released and not just for a few people. If you don't have the problem you should consider yourself lucky, or blessed since you're just not noticing it. As noted here it has something to do with the way Source handles sounds as theres a fair amount chop everytime source handles a sound the first time it's played after you start a game straight from launch.

I've had the stutter to some degree on every computer Ive played HL2 on. Like many others the latest update that dealt specifically with it fixed it to a large degree. One other possible fix that has helped many is to increase the default memory allocation HL2 E1 uses at launch. Google heapsize for some suggestions on the string to add to your exe if you're running a lot of ram.
Ive never had a st st st st stutter, i do have a twitch in my h h h hand though.

Ive never experienced it in HL2, and the guy that thinks everyone gets it and the people that dont are in the minority...pull your head in.
For whatever reason, i never had the stutter until the 64bit update. Ever since then HL2, Lost Coast, Sin Episodes, and now EP1 have the stutter. It's not as bad as i've imagined it was when HL2 first came out, but it's still annoying.
No sound problems here :) Very good sounding game experience. Has some great 5.1 experiences as well.
fallguy said:
Really, almost everyone had it? Where are the facts to back this up? Most people from what I have seen, have not had any stutter. "Stuttering" can be confused with low frames. You playing on a 440MX... ouch, thats painful just thinking about.
that just shows how much you know about the source engine then. the mx440 had awesome framerates in dx7. sure it was a little ugly but it smoked the other low end cards that ran the game in dx8 and dx9. theres a whole article about it on anandtech. you have been in a cave if you didnt think stuttering was an issue in HL2. there are entire sites and forums dedicated to trying to fix it. it took valve over a year to finally admit it was issues with the source engine that affected many different pc configurations. the fix a few months ago finally addressed those issues. heres a few thousand cases for you. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2006-15,GGLG:en&q=hl2+stutter
Hi guys, I think Valve (or was it someon else?) indicated (back when this was an issue with HL2) that the "stuttering" wasn't actually audio stuttering but video thrashing.
Or maybe I'm out to lunch...I might be confusing this with the thrashing problems that nforce 3 users were experiencing with geforce 6 gpus.

Here is a link to their support page about sound skipping:


It indicates that users should update video drivers. Don't know what the solution will be this time around.
i had the audio problems to today. i was using a sb live value not 24bit. i installed the nforce audio, and the game runs great now!!
I decided to go ahead and purchase EP1, I'll let you guys know if I experience any stuttering.
never had any stutter on HL2 but HL2:E1 is a totally different story. Game crashed 2 times on the opening scene and the game jumps from time to time. Kinda pissing me off since my comp is way above specs and im using onboard sound :(
Stuttering is a well known problem with HL2. It has been reduced since released through updates, however. From the looks of it, the stuttering is carrying over into HL2:E1.
I got stuttering once in a while with HL2, more at the release, less after the fix.
I didnt get it with lost coast
I have it once in a while in SiN episode 1, usually with large explosions, but no system freezes or crashes.
I got a retail HL2Ep1 today but wont play until tomorrow. I'll have to see what happens.
I have the X-Fi cheap card with the latest drivers.....always have. So it doesnt seem to be driver related.

We'll have to see what hap-hap-hap-hap-pens once I load the latest game. :eek: