High Resolution Live Recordings

Jan 25, 2005
Just found this website, bt.etree.org
It is a website full of raw high resolution audio from live concerts, supposedly only with the approval of the artists. I haven't downloaded anything yet since I'm in class, but felt like passing it along to fellow [H]'ers.
I have 300+ Gb's worth on NiN material HD video (3 NiN gigs) that Trent made available, they're amazing quality, wouldn't mind getting some more for other bands, cheers.
bt-tree's fine, but there isn't much variety in the artists that show up. I personally prefer dime-a-dozen at www.dimeadozen.org . There's also the big archive of live recordings that you can download direct without a bt-client over at archive.org .

It's pretty cool these services are available. It's pretty rare that an artist says "no" to have their recordings banned. Of course, quality varies depending on the type of gear the recorder used, ambiance, acoustics of the venue, etc etc.