High-end Fingertip Mice?


Limp Gawd
Dec 26, 2009
Hey I am currently using a Razer Diamondback. Does anyone know of some other high end finger tip control style mice?
I would like to suggest some of the mice to you..

1. Logitech G9X - Highly customizable and comfortable gaming laser mouse.
2. Razer Deathadder - Best palm grip mouse from Razer w/ 3500dpi sensor.
3. SteelSeries Xai - Pro gaming mouse w/ built-in profiles, LCD screen, sturdy build.
4. Razer Abyssus - Possibly the best fingertip grip mouse: light, small and accurate.
Look no further. In my vast time looking for exactly what you are looking for, I found the best mouse ever.

I present to you, the Roccat Kova+
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Thanks for the replys.

The Corsair M60 seems to be described by people in reviews as more of a palm grip. I believe the Deathadder, G9X, and Xai are all palm grip as well. The Abyssus I had a look at and it looked good, but there are only three button, I prefer to have at least 5. Also the Roccat Kova seems to be described as a palm grip as well.

It seems no one prefers to use finger tip style exclusively like me :confused:
Circumnavigate, I'm looking for a fingertip only mouse as well.

I've held the abyssus and it felt like it'd work well as a fingertip mouse, but yeah... it's limited on buttons.

If I find anything I'll try to remember to come post an update... us fingertippers seem to be in the minority so we have to stick together :D
I'll tell you right now, the Kova is the size and shape of a Copperhead. It's nowhere near a palm grip, and I don't honestly know HOW you could palm grip it. It's too small.
I am a claw gripper... the Logitech G9 is a claw grip dream. It comes with two different grips depending on your usage. The smoother one is more designed for palm grip, the textured one is for claw gripping. The texture gives you better hold when you pick up and move the mouse with fingertips.

I've been using mine for about two years now and it's a fantastic mouse.