Hi-Tech Coffin

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Someone please tell me this site is a joke. Call waiting anyone? Blame Edward Cabarles for the linkage.

In traditional Ga culture you are buried in a coffin that reflects how you earned your living and lived your life. Samuel, the creator of these clever and witty pieces first worked as an apprentice coffin maker and then, in order to pay off his tuition fees, worked many years on a low salary.
Someone please tell me this site is a joke. Call waiting anyone? Blame Edward Cabarles for the linkage.

I'll take a regular wooden coffin please! :p Seriously that shit is jacked up for sure. Who'd want to get buried in a beet coffin. I can see his/her friends now, "Jack got buried in a beet coffin, lol!" Oy vay. What the world has come to. :(
Coffins are a waste of $.

The person is dead, so whats the difference? Either throw the body in a pit and cover it up or burn it.

I'd tell everyone to save their money if I die and just throw me under a rock or something, but when I die I could really care less what happens to everyone. :p
When I die I want to be thrown off a cliff. I agree, it is definitely a waste of money to be buried in expensive coffins. I don't see the point personally, you are dead, it doesn't matter.
As humans (well, decent human beings), we try to have respect for the dead as well. I wouldn't wanna just toss away my family members. Most people don't even do that with their pets. It isn't that we believe in some after life. We don't want to think that the body of someone who used to be full of life and whom we loved wasn't thrown away and treated as if it were garbage.

And that's my mushy post for the month. :D
Coffins are a waste of $.

The person is dead, so whats the difference? Either throw the body in a pit and cover it up or burn it.

I'd tell everyone to save their money if I die and just throw me under a rock or something, but when I die I could really care less what happens to everyone. :p

While I would certainly respect a loved one’s request to be buried in something other than a cardboard box, I sure don’t want people wasting money on my funeral!

I have always told my friends and family that if I die, to just toss me on the government/refuse to claim my body. Whatever is the cheapest way of getting rid of me. I am freekin dead.. I could care less what happens to my lifeless corpse.

I would just have them throw me in a ditch or a river, but I think the “law” frowns upon that. I would much rather that my friends and family honored my memory with a MASSIVE 10 keg kegger than some fruity funeral. Whatever money is lever over will be split between the humane society/ASPCA and marijuana legalization groups like MPP and SAFER.
When I die I want to be thrown off a cliff. I agree, it is definitely a waste of money to be buried in expensive coffins. I don't see the point personally, you are dead, it doesn't matter.

Agree 100%. Toss me in a pit with 1000 other corpses. Buying a coffin is like buying a Mac... WHY? :D :D
Are they really "high-tech" though? The site is pretty horrendous and is only good for viewing pictures. Is there any tech incorporated into the coffins, or is it only involved in fabricating the coffins?

I was expecting like LCDs on the outside of the coffins for the viewing pleasure of those still alive. I dunno.
It looks like these coffins are strictly for artistic purposes (no tech involved). In fact, I think they are carved by hand. The site says that they are carved by African craftsman. Considering the quality of these things, the prices are REALLY reasonable. I guess when you could earn $5 a week in a sweatshop, $1000 for an intricate hand carved coffin isn’t too bad. Plus these are sold directly from Africa to you…. No greedy corporation in the middle.
its totally real, not for show.

Look at the site, its for people in Africa who hold a different set of beliefs in regards to the afterlife. There was a story a long time ago about coffins being shaped out of cars in Ghana.

here's a quote from an NPR story: The coffins are designed to represent an aspect of the dead person's life

I work in the funeral business, the greedy corperations are the ones that insure funerals are expensive.

We had a 20% increase to buy coffins, headstones etc. thanks to "gas prices" going up. Have the prices dropped? no.

Thankfully we didn't take this increase out on our customers. Give the peoples loved one the respect they deserve, and give the family + friends great service and love. Helping someone through the grieving process anyway possible is what should be done.
When I'm dead surely I'll want a car with the same license plate number on, wait if I get that someone write "idioto!" on it
lol, I've travelled to Ghana, West Africa before. I was there 3 summers ago actually and I got to see these coffins first hand in Accra. There are some amazing crafts, but the sight of people being buried inside those things creeped me out. More so not everyone believes in these "afterlife coffin's", etc, From what I saw the coffins were mostly used for the more village, local folks who tend to have stronger cultural beliefs compared to the people in the city who live a more American/Europeanized life but retain some if not most of their culture. But there are still people getting buried in everyday normal coffins just like here. Great country though.
As humans (well, decent human beings), we try to have respect for the dead as well. I wouldn't wanna just toss away my family members. Most people don't even do that with their pets. It isn't that we believe in some after life. We don't want to think that the body of someone who used to be full of life and whom we loved wasn't thrown away and treated as if it were garbage.

And that's my mushy post for the month. :D

The physical remains are just that, remains. If you believe in ascending to a higher plane (you know.. like, going to heaven, which the entire concept of "you die, and your spirit moves on" precisely is) then wouldn't that indicate the the physical material is just a shell?

Am I my arm? Or is my arm me?
Am I my legs? Or are my legs me? If my legs get amputated, do they get buried? No!

I'm still me even without some of my body parts. That is true through the ENTIRE body.

Cremation is a way to get rid of that matter efficiently
Burying is an wasteful method. ESPECIALLY since you have to pay 5,000 or more for the box to put me in.
I didn't mean for my post to be Existential. I simply meant that the body of someone you loved doesn't just become a body you care nothing about. You don't have to bury it in a fancy coffin or bury it at all. You don't have to cremate it. What you do with it should be respectful. If you want your family to toss you into a giant pit with a hundred other bodies like in ancient times or during the building of the Great Wall of China, then I hope your family agrees to carry out your wish.

Even if you think a person simply stops living when they die, their body isn't garbage. The dead can still have shame.
Even if you think a person simply stops living when they die, their body isn't garbage. The dead can still have shame.

I agree with you that we shouldn't treat bodies like trash, but I don't agree with this statement. Perhaps I'm reading it differently than you intended, but the dead can't "have shame".
Shame is attributed to their bodies by the ones in mourning. Think of Black Hawk Down. Soldiers in helicopters being shot down. The locals storm the wreckage, pull the bodies, and desecrate, mutilate, and humiliate them. Hang them from bridges and burn them.

It's a bit selfish to ask your family to treat you like trash when you die. Your family still has the right to celebrate you, whether it's your life or your death. You might be dead, but your loved ones have to carry on. You're still part of them, they still represent you, and you still represent them.
As humans (well, decent human beings), we try to have respect for the dead as well. I wouldn't wanna just toss away my family members. Most people don't even do that with their pets. It isn't that we believe in some after life. We don't want to think that the body of someone who used to be full of life and whom we loved wasn't thrown away and treated as if it were garbage.

And that's my mushy post for the month. :D

My idea of having "respect for the dead" does not involve placing your deceased family members, which will soon become worm food, in something which looks like a ride designed for toddlers from an amusement park.... though thats just me.
Nor is it mine. I'm not really talking about these coffins at the moment. More of a response to the people who'd like to be tossed away when they die.