Hey Now, Alienware and Koolance?


Limp Gawd
Oct 29, 2004
Woah, I had no idea about Alienware using Koolance for their water cooled systems.

I saw a koolance cooler in the pic when I was browsing their site. Strange that, throughout my stomach turning visit to their site there was never once the mention of the name Koolance.


I also spotted a blue screw holding down the cpu cooler. It should be a black one. Teh blue screws are for cpus without a heat spreader. Of course it may be a old picture but just adds to my previous theories about Alienware being a complete ripoff.

Any comments?
They have been using Koolance OEM units for quite a while now. Koolance will assimilate all :eek:
interesting indeed as koolance provides pretty decent water cooling options, however ive opted to the custom route on my next build :)
I have an EXOS I sitting here on a PC-75 A7N8X-Dlx 2400+ OC to 2.4Ghz Works great cooling CPU, NB, and ATi 9800 Pro :D

However, I am also building a new computer from Aqua Computer stuff as well. I like the A-C stuff for the same reason I like the Koolance stuff. Electronics, readouts, buttons to push, interesting water follies, etc. :cool: