Hero Status to you if you can answer this...


Jan 4, 2005
For background, check this first:

Since that thread, I've gotten a new motherboard, set everything up and still got the same result; 3 or 4 beeps on startup, no post, no display. Also, it started doing different sequences of beeps and also powered off on its own.

today, I took it to a shop where we switched out the vid card, RAM chips, PSU and even the CPU... STILL the same, no display no bootup.
So basically, we tried all new components on a brand new mobo and STILL no dice.
THEN we tried another mobo from the shop (and Intel board, mine's an ASUS), with all different combinations of components from the shop and my own (vid card, cpu etc etc) and amazingly, STILL nothing! Even w/ completely different equipment.
We were all completely and utterly stumped. This included 3 techs and myself (been building and doing technical for close to 10 yrs) so with our combined experience, we couldn't come up w/ a rhyme or reason to this problem.

I thought I was gonna be stuck in the house a55ed out w/ no computer to play HL2 on thru this huge blizzard we're having. =P
So just for the heck of it, we decided to connect an older PCI vid card (I have an x800 xt PCI-E card) into one of the slots and booted up.
And guess what.
It booted up.....

SO THEN, we put my PCI-E x800 back into the machine, et voila, machine was alive again. Swapped all my components back on and everything was working. So after going thru all new RAM chips, CPU, mobo and PSU, the culprit was ... ???
I still have no idea what caused it and why it started working again after booting up w/ just the PCI (NOT PCI-E) vid card...

So the question is..... WHY?? Why did my machine die and then work again after plugging in the PCI card?
The machine had originally died after running 3DMark05 and Memtest86.. Did that somehow affect the PCI-E slot on my mobo? But I even switched mobo's... did it affect my vid card somehow? Then did that status transfer to the INTEL mobo from the shop??? If this all sounds insanely confusing, .. you're right. It is.
Can anyone see any sort of logic behind this?

I also now have an extra Asus P5AD2 Deluxe mobo (if anyone's interested) thats in perfect working order. Maybe I'll build another system. =P

********UPDATE 1/27/04*****************************

Not sure if anyone's still monitoring this thread, but the problem came back. =T

Originally, it happened after running 3DMark05 & Memtest86...
Now yesterday, on a whim cuz my CPU temps were running high, I re-applied AS5 to my HSF/CPU and upon bootup, same problem as before! No display and system beeps! I don't have the PCI vid card w/ me so I gotta get it back before I can see if it'll fix the issue again, but why would this happen upon re-applying thermal paste??? I understand w/ yours, the system didn't boot cuz you were flashing your vid card BIOS. Mine seems to happen at completely random times... this is frustrating as h3ll!!

Also, I didnt have my speakers on the last time, but this time, the board actually produced vocal post msgs. On bootup, I get a "System failed due to CPU overclocking." Thing is, my system isn't even OC'ed. I checked around and found that a lot of people were having this problem w/ Asus boards and all fixes seemed very random. Also, after the OC'ed error msg, I get a "VGA test failed" msg also. Another interesting thing to note, if I take out my vid card, the system doesn't give the OC error msg and just the VGA Test failed msg... Can my vid card be forcing my CPU/BIOS to overclock somehow??

Arghhhhhhhhh :(

********************* UPDATE AGAIN!*****************************

Got a hold of a PCI-E x300 vid card today. System booted up fine w/ no problems. Altho the CPU temps were higher than normal (Im guessing due to removin/re-installing heatsink so many times), system booted w/ no problems and no error beeps or msgs.
Swapped the x800 back into the system again, no boot, same problems.
So OK. Pretty much isolated it to a vid card issue w/ my x800 right?

Well, we then tried to change PSU's. Mine's rated @ 460w. We put in a 500w PSU. Then guess what, machine booted up w./ the x800 w/ no problems. Was in windows for about 10 mins (w/ higher than normal CPU temps) then system shut down on its own. Tried powering back up again, no dice, machine shut down on its own. Possible overheat?

Reseated HSF and put back old PSU(460w) along w/ the x800 card to try and see if it'd work this time. No luck, machine wasn't shutting down, but it was back to original problem, no post, no display. Put the x300 back in, voila, machine booted back up again.
THEN, to see if it was a voltage w/ the card issue, put the x800 card back in but this time, didn't plug in the power supply for the vid card (x300 does not need extra power), just plugged into PCI-E slot w/ no power. Again, machine does not boot up.
THEN, put the 500watt PSU back on along w/ the x800 card again and voila, boots up. Tried to start up Far Cry to see how it'd handle some 'stress' and the machine shuts down.
So thats where I'm at now.

Does it sound like a PSU issue? A vid card issue? Or both? Is my machine shutting down due to overheating (a completely un-related issue?).. Should I need more than 500watts of power for what I'm running? I have 2 CDroms, 2 IDE HDD's, a floppy, the vid card, and 4 dimms..... My machine was running fine for 3 months w/ the 460w PSU... did it go bad? Its made by 'sun cheer.'
Or is my vid card somehow F'ed up and requesting too much power? Will it short my mobo if I give it more juice (like a 600w PSU)??

Sorry this was so long. I just wanted to present the issue as clear as possible.
Please help.....


*********************Update!!! (hopefully final! 3/22/05)***********************

Hey, who all remembers this crazy thread and the problems I was having with my possessed PC? :p

Anyway, just thought I'd give a final update for everyone who was following this thread from ways back. I had originally thought the problem was fixed w/ a new PSU but alas, a week later, same problems came back as before. Finally narrowed the problem down to the vid card being bad (a powercolor x800 xt) and sent it in for an RMA. In the meantime, I used an x700 and machine worked like a champ for 1.5 months straight. Just couldn't play any graphic intensive games (ie. HL2, Doom3, Far Cry...) Now finally, after over 2 months, Powercolor sent me a replacement card. And since they didn't have any x800xt's in stock, they decided to finally send me an x850 xt. :D

So yea, I'm a happy camper now and everything seems to be working fine (its been over a week w/ the x850). Hopefully my posting this doesn't jinx it!!!!
Thanks again to everyone who helped me with this. I hope we all learned something in the process..... and that is TO JUST BUY A DELLLLL!!!!!!!! :cool:
jus kidding.
Phantom mobo & vid card problems? Ya got me on that one.
My best guess was that there was probably a short somewhere on the motherboard that conflicted with vga card in pci express. Switching to a pci slot cleared the short. And that makes me wonder if it could come back. Kinda makes no sense, but like I said, its a guess.
Diesel187 said:
Phantom mobo & vid card problems? Ya got me on that one.
My best guess was that there was probably a short somewhere on the motherboard that conflicted with vga card in pci express. Switching to a pci slot cleared the short. And that makes me wonder if it could come back. Kinda makes no sense, but like I said, its a guess.

But how'd the 'short' transfer to 2 other mobo's?
Conflict between the card and the board? there was problem a long time ago when the tyan tiger 133 first came out where you couldn't use the then top of the line card, a 3dfx voodoo 3000 if i remember correctly. the board refused to post, it just beeped 3 or 4 times like yours
LittleMe said:
Conflict between the card and the board? there was problem a long time ago when the tyan tiger 133 first came out where you couldn't use the then top of the line card, a 3dfx voodoo 3000 if i remember correctly. the board refused to post, it just beeped 3 or 4 times like yours

I thought about that also, but I had been using my system w/ no problems for over 3 months before this issue came up... The only thing I can think of is there must be a gremlin lurking in the circuitry..
Yeah, sounds like the only thing you didn't try was swapping the PSU, The X800 uses alot more juice than any PCI card out there.
Well, if you tried different RAM, mobo, cpu, and PSU, maybe it had something to do with the way you mounted the mobo to the case. Maybe it was grounded or something? Did you mount all the mobos the same way?

Also, did the mobo/s give memory beeps when you took out the RAM, i.e. were they operating correctly at all?

Did you have any other components like IDE or SATA devices (HD, optical drives) or fans plugged in?

There must be something consistent throughout the situation, one of two things:

A) the hardware being used, i.e. some device that was consistently present throughout it all, causing the problem. (probably the video card, although I don't know why it started working again.)


B) something being done consistently incorrectly when assembling the parts.

My bet is that it was the video card. It was the only thing that you were consistently using throughout. Plus, the comp died while running 3DMark05, which is obviously stressing the video card. Were you OCing the video card at all?

Now the question is not "what caused the problem?" The question is "Why did your video card begin working again?"

EDIT: After re-reading the post, you say you tried all new components including the video card. Did you use another card of the same model, the X800XT?
lexcruiser said:
So the question is..... WHY?? Why did my machine die and then work again after plugging in the PCI card?

its because youre worshiping the wrong god. :p

but seriously, the PSU seems like the most likely thing.
TSS Modder said:
its because youre worshiping the wrong god. :p

but seriously, the PSU seems like the most likely thing.

Thanks everyone for throwing your thoughts into this..
For the record, yes, I did try another (and higher voltage) PSU. As of right now, my system is once again working fine w/ my original 460W PSU. :cool:

UltimateMan said:
Well, if you tried different RAM, mobo, cpu, and PSU, maybe it had something to do with the way you mounted the mobo to the case. Maybe it was grounded or something? Did you mount all the mobos the same way?

We tried testing the mobo inside the case but also outside of the case, same result.
My x800 was not OC'ed at all. I thought that 3DMark may have stressed out the card, but the system still rebooted fine afterwards. It wasn't until after I ran Memtest that the system stopped booting. The system would give (usually) 3 or 4 beeps but sometimes just 1. No other devices were plugged in when we were troubleshooting today, just the vid card, cpu and ram. We didn't try another x800 card (none were available =P) but we did try another PCI-E card. The strangest thing was that we tried all new components on a whole NEW mobo (basically, a completely new system) and it still was not working. The only thing in common was that my x800 was plugged into that new mobo also prior to testing w/ the other components.
Crazy eh? :confused:

Here are some thoughts that someone from AT gave... Tell me what you think:

FWIW: Back when I was more adventurous I used to reflash vidcard bios on a regular basis. Since there are versions for ea incarnation of cards (video out etc.) I often flashed the wrong code and then had to blind flash back to previous or dif version. This resulted in black screen no boot, even after reflashing. So in desperation I loaded a PCI vid card (same as you) to see if anything was working. I would leave in the agp card and set bios to boot from PCI (vga) first. And, like you, the PC would boot fine. Then (while holding my breath) I would take out the PCI card and reset to AGP boot first and the thing would work again. APPARENTLY, bad bios - wrong for card - or CORRUPTED BIOS for card involved seems to scramble the mobo bios chip. The PCI card is kind of a "reset" for the code and has saved my butt many times. I ALWAYS keep an elcheapo PCI card around for trouble shooting (SIS 305).
what that guy from AT said actually makes sense to me. its kind of confuzzling, but i see what hes saying.

ive only been working w/ computers for a couple of years, but ive run into numerous confusing/stupid computer problems, and im surprised by what fixes the problem. something like wat happened to the AT guy seems understandable to me.
maybe bios problems, and sticking in the pci vid card cleared the x800's bios when you stck it back in?
this sounds like an absolutely classic flakey.

a "flakey" is a technical term that originated in the very early days of computing. what would happen is that, during manufacture, a tiny piece of wire would fall onto the board. it would somehow stay there until the board got into the consumers' hands, when the bit of wire would generally bounce around and wreak a ton of havoc with the computer's functions.

it sounds like you experienced exactly that.
starhawk said:
this sounds like an absolutely classic flakey.

a "flakey" is a technical term that originated in the very early days of computing. what would happen is that, during manufacture, a tiny piece of wire would fall onto the board. it would somehow stay there until the board got into the consumers' hands, when the bit of wire would generally bounce around and wreak a ton of havoc with the computer's functions.

it sounds like you experienced exactly that.

Which board do you think this wire fell on? We tried 3 different mobo's, 2 diff CPU's, 2 PSU's, 3 Vid card's, 7 diff ram chips and every single possible permutation of each. =P
my guess would be that it was on the case, actually, and was shorting out the mobo. when you put in the pci vid card, something bumped it, and it fell out. keep in mind, we're talking about something that's about 24awg at the largest, and no more than 2mm long.
Not sure if anyone's still monitoring this thread, but the problem came back. =T

Originally, it happened after running 3DMark05 & Memtest86...
Now yesterday, on a whim cuz my CPU temps were running high, I re-applied AS5 to my HSF/CPU and upon bootup, same problem as before! No display and system beeps! I don't have the PCI vid card w/ me so I gotta get it back before I can see if it'll fix the issue again, but why would this happen upon re-applying thermal paste??? I understand w/ yours, the system didn't boot cuz you were flashing your vid card BIOS. Mine seems to happen at completely random times... this is frustrating as h3ll!!

Also, I didnt have my speakers on the last time, but this time, the board actually produced vocal post msgs. On bootup, I get a "System failed due to CPU overclocking." Thing is, my system isn't even OC'ed. I checked around and found that a lot of people were having this problem w/ Asus boards and all fixes seemed very random. Also, after the OC'ed error msg, I get a "VGA test failed" msg also. Another interesting thing to note, if I take out my vid card, the system doesn't give the OC error msg and just the VGA Test failed msg... Can my vid card be forcing my CPU/BIOS to overclock somehow??

Arghhhhhhhhh. :(
Pardon me if I missed this reading through your threads, but what kind of CPU cooling do you have? I get similar symtoms to yours at times. My system starts for a second with some beeps and shuts down. No display. What I have found is that I just crank up my cooling fan speed and it starts fine. Then I can lower the fan speed. It's wierd though, leaving the fan speed alone it will do numerous start-ups, then at random it wont start till I up the fan speed. Just a bios protection thing.
I can't see how a video card could force the rest of the system into overclocking.
That's all the two cent's I've got. Anyways, good luck with your grimlin there.
msummers80 said:
Pardon me if I missed this reading through your threads, but what kind of CPU cooling do you have? I get similar symtoms to yours at times. My system starts for a second with some beeps and shuts down. No display. What I have found is that I just crank up my cooling fan speed and it starts fine. Then I can lower the fan speed. It's wierd though, leaving the fan speed alone it will do numerous start-ups, then at random it wont start till I up the fan speed. Just a bios protection thing.
I can't see how a video card could force the rest of the system into overclocking.
That's all the two cent's I've got. Anyways, good luck with your grimlin there.

Hi Summers, thanks for your input. I'm curently using the Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 HSF. Theres no fan control, but it worked much better than the stock HSF. We did try a different CPU w/ another HSF last weekend when this happened (w/ mobo out of the case) but it still didn't resolve the issue... Man... When everything works, I ain't ever opening the case up again.
I'm just kind of curious, but between you and the other techs, with all that experience, no one owns a port 80 card? That would have been the quickest, easiest, and most accurate way to determine what part of the process was failing.
unrelated but, speaking of weird problems....

I have a Samsung 955df monitor, used it for a few yrs now. Some time back, it died in the middle of a Quake match, I used a 17 for a few days, and bought a new cheapo 19 from Sams. Mom-in-law needed a new monitor, so I gave her my new 19 (shes a complete angel, total opposite of stereotype mom-in-law, but I digress) so before I setteld back into my old 17, I gave the 955 a try. No go. To the trash with thee! I said, but on the way by my wifes PC, I decided to give it one last try before the ol file 13. On her pc, with a PCI vid card, the monitor worked like a charm! So she got a 19 too, and I got her new 17.
The 955df, after much curious testing, now would work fine with PCI cards, but no go with any AGP card (9700 pro, ti4400, old ATI rage AGP, SIS, etc).
After a year of service with hers however, it decided one day to work again with AGP cards, dont know why, and I'm on it to this day.
It is the X800, I am pretty sure of it. It worked with another video card, it doesn't work with the X800. Give me my freaking Hero Status.
UltimateMan said:
It is the X800, I am pretty sure of it. It worked with another video card, it doesn't work with the X800. Give me my freaking Hero Status.

But the x800 worked after putting it back into the system... It was running fine since last week until I decided to re-apply the thermal paste yesterday. Not sure what I could've done that recreated the same problems as last week?
Got a chance to try two other PCI vid cards earlier this evening tho, no luck.
This sucks. :(
I would also say that it was the video card.
I had a geforce 2mx that would occasionally "ghost" (that's what I called it) my old machine.
But after removing the card for a little while and resetting the cmos and voila! Back in buisness!

I don't want hero status. I just want to help.
I say it's a combination of the PSU, and the video card. Most modern psu's have a protection circuit that kicks in when ever it senses voltage or current running out of specs and it shuts down the rail. To reset the rail you shut down the psu at the switch if it has one and remove the power cord for a few minutes. That would explain the beeps. But it wouldn't correct the problem. Remove the card and check the molex connector on it. I have heard situations where the connector gets damaged. You can use a continuity tester one end on the plug and the other to the solder pad to make sure the connection is good. Do this for each of the four molex connections. If it checks out OK, try using a different lead from the PSU directly into the card. Try not to use splitters to the VGA card.

Hope this helps
Just to clarify one thing you mentioned about the AMI beep codes.

3 quick beeps = Base 64k or CMOS Ram Failure

4 quick beeps = System TImer Failed

I checked my Pocket PC Ref Guide for the beep code count you mentioned and that is what I came up with. Grant it my edition is from 1999. But I just checked the AMI site and they haven't changed since this book was published.

Anyway here is a link to the most up to date beep codes for AMI BIOS


Also for those that don't know about this little gem of a book called "Pocket PC Ref",here is a link to get it. I've been using this book for eons. It's saved my ass a bunch of times.

Pocket PC Ref

I could only find this latest edition (13th) directly from the publisher. Amazon only had the 12th edition as it's most recent. Only thing that sucks is, to buy from the publisher, It's gotta be snail mail.
Actually I was wrong I didn't read the post well enough.

I bet it was just a motherboard bios bug and plugging in the pci card somehow jolted it back to life for one of many reasons including using different IRQs.

Sorry guys, I forgot to update the original post w/ updated info....
Here it is for those who don't wanna scroll back:

Originally, the problem occured after running 3DMark05 & Memtest86...
Few days ago, on a whim cuz my CPU temps were running high, I re-applied AS5 to my HSF/CPU and upon bootup, same problem as before! No display and system beeps! I don't have the PCI vid card w/ me so I gotta get it back before I can see if it'll fix the issue again, but why would this happen upon re-applying thermal paste??? I understand w/ yours, the system didn't boot cuz you were flashing your vid card BIOS. Mine seems to happen at completely random times... this is frustrating as h3ll!!

Also, I didnt have my speakers on the last time, but this time, the board actually produced vocal post msgs. On bootup, I get a "System failed due to CPU overclocking." Thing is, my system isn't even OC'ed. I checked around and found that a lot of people were having this problem w/ Asus boards and all fixes seemed very random. Also, after the OC'ed error msg, I get a "VGA test failed" msg also. Another interesting thing to note, if I take out my vid card, the system doesn't give the OC error msg and just the VGA Test failed msg... Can my vid card be forcing my CPU/BIOS to overclock somehow??

Thanks to everyone who has been trying to help me w/ this..
I really appreciate it. :(
interesting... but a vid card will not oc your chip... it woud just run slower.

just for entertainment value... what are the bios settings for your fsb and multiplier? what should they be?
starhawk said:
interesting... but a vid card will not oc your chip... it woud just run slower.

just for entertainment value... what are the bios settings for your fsb and multiplier? what should they be?

I'd tell ya but I can't even boot into the BIOS. They should all be @ default settings. My system wasn't OC'ed when this happened again...
sounds like the bios took a crap... try clearing the cmos. that sometimes helps.

*one interesting note: if you clear the cmos on a mac lc ii that won't boot (takes about an hour for the charge to dissipate totally) then it'll work again :D did this once for one of my highschool teachers... despite her rather vocal protestations.
After reading your other post I just have to ask, why would you run 1.5GB? Wouldn't that force the motherboard to run single channel? (I'm guessing 1.5GB = 3 x 512MB DIMMs)

Also, during your testing did you reduce the amount of RAM?

It's possible your RAM is defaulting to SPD settings that are too tight to run with that much RAM in the system without a voltage boost.

Could also be an overheating problem or voltage problem that the ancient video card is helping to correct by lowering the total power load the motherboard has to handle.

I would also check your voltages in the BIOS to make sure nothing is being undervolted, like some motherboards can and will do.

I think your heatsink swap issue was just a coincidence, unless that other heatsink is touching some components on the motherboard and either causing a short, or causing them to get ultra hot.

Could also be a fan RPM issue. Your board might be set to shutdown if it doesn't sense a certain minimum RPM from the CPU fan, or that fan might be defective and not always report the RPMs correctly.

I hope you take the time to read all that, might give you some fresh ideas to look at.

It's easy for 2 or 3 techs to overlook something when they're all working simultaneously and thinking along the same lines.
This will sound silly, But I know exactly what you are experiencing. I had the same exact problem everytime I used an ATI videocard. Whenever I would stress the system or do Driver updates the card/computer would flake out.
The only solution was to plug in a PCI video card and boot the system and then set the BIOS to AGP slot for Video, save the Bios, shut the computer down. Then put the AGP card back into the Mobo and start the system up again.
Now that said, I believe you said you had a PCI -e card, but still it seems awfully similar.

My final solution wasn't the normal one .... I just stopped using ATI videocards., once I was fed up with the issues.
Never had that problem since.

Seriously, thank you all so much for trying to help me w/ this. I sincerely appreciate it. Almost makes me, a grown a55 man, wanna cry. :rolleyes:

Astral Abyss, thanks for your input. The 1.5 GB is had by way of 2x512 and 2x256. I originally had only the 256 chips in there, decided to upgrade and got another 1GB, so decided to use it all. Do you think I should take out the 2x256's? The voltage & overheat issue you bring up is interesting, I'll get to that in a sec...

Nobody - I got it to boot today w/ another PCI-E card (x300, I have the x800), so Im not sure if its a slot issue?

CleanSlate - Whats IRQ 10 & 11 for?

But ok, here's the update.


Got a hold of a PCI-E x300 vid card today. System booted up fine w/ no problems. Altho the CPU temps were higher than normal (Im guessing due to removin/re-installing heatsink so many times), system booted w/ no problems and no error beeps or msgs.
Swapped the x800 back into the system again, no boot, same problems.
So OK. Pretty much isolated it to a vid card issue w/ my x800 right?

Well, we then tried to change PSU's. Mine's rated @ 460w. We put in a 500w PSU. Then guess what, machine booted up w./ the x800 w/ no problems. Was in windows for about 10 mins (w/ higher than normal CPU temps) then system shut down on its own. Tried powering back up again, no dice, machine shut down on its own. Possible overheat?

Reseated HSF and put back old PSU(460w) along w/ the x800 card to try and see if it'd work this time. No luck, machine wasn't shutting down, but it was back to original problem, no post, no display. Put the x300 back in, voila, machine booted back up again.
THEN, to see if it was a voltage w/ the card issue, put the x800 card back in but this time, didn't plug in the power supply for the vid card (x300 does not need extra power), just plugged into PCI-E slot w/ no power. Again, machine does not boot up.
THEN, put the 500watt PSU back on along w/ the x800 card again and voila, boots up. Tried to start up Far Cry to see how it'd handle some 'stress' and the machine shuts down.
So thats where I'm at now.

Does it sound like a PSU issue? A vid card issue? Or both? Is my machine shutting down due to overheating (a completely un-related issue?).. Should I need more than 500watts of power for what I'm running? I have 2 CDroms, 2 IDE HDD's, a floppy, the vid card, and 4 dimms..... My machine was running fine for 3 months w/ the 460w PSU... did it go bad? Its made by 'sun cheer.'
Or is my vid card somehow F'ed up and requesting too much power? Will it short my mobo if I give it more juice (like a 600w PSU)??

Sorry this was so long. I just wanted to present the issue as clear as possible.
Please help.....

Actually if it's what I think it is, it's a configuration problem. The x800 and all the other radeons use irq from 8-11 (ussually 10 or 11) and the bios on the motherboard can double-assign those irqs to things like usb chips and what-not.

If I'm right, figure out what IRQ the x800 is **DONT rely on windows information for this, windows IRQs are NOT bios IRQs** and it'll fix it permanently.

Throw away everything related to that posessed computer, that's right, mobo, cards, wires, drives, case, PSU, monitor, cds you put on it, games you played on it, etc etc etc. NEXT.......Throw away everything else you owned, including your clothes, don't sell your house, just leave, and walk, don't even take your car, don't visit any stores on your way out of state, especially not any computer/electronics related stores, and super-especially the one (s) you visited with your problem. Before you're too far, get an old preist, and a young preist to excersise whatever the hell the demon did to you, and to make sure it doesn't follow you. keep going. Someone's bound to offer you clothes. Don't accept until you've made it past the state border. Don't accept anything until you've made it past the state border. Now, if you are still alive (I'm assuming you will be, I mean, you only want a new computer-COME ON NOW!), you should find shelter and a job...and maybe some clothes, too. Oh, and some food while you're at it. Then, slowly start working your way up to that new custom rig, and if you followed all directions thouroughly and completely, then everything should work fine! Congratulations! :D LOL, man, I wouldn't have been able to figure that one out even if someone told me what was wrong...
i read most of all that, but not all..so sry if this was already covered. Did you try flashing the x800s bios?? maybe its a bad bios...also see if the heatsink is on...if its not even touching it might be over heating in a second...these are just ideas cause im stumped...also are you grounded and careful when you put together your computer??? or have you been near and nuclear power plants, chernobyl, or a un-heatsinked prescot lately??? could be radiation....or your own innate magnetic field...

and lesman you just want him to do that to see him naked :p
xSyzygy666x said:
and lesman you just want him to do that to see him naked :p
Well, no I don't- ah, yeah, I guess I do.. ya got me, now that it's out in the open... ;) LOL
Sorry man, I'd send you that issue of PlayGirl I was in, but I think its all sold out. :cool:

I'll try to change the IRQ settings if I can boot back into BIOS. Unfortunately, the x300 wasn't mine and I had to return it to the shop. Machine right now won't boot w/ the x800. I'm planning to buy another PSU tomorrow in hopes that it will correct the problem. Maybe it was just a bad PSU afterall?

No Doom3, HL2, or Far Cry for me this wknd....
I should take a whole week off from work once I get this machine back up and running... :confused:

So tired ... so tired... my eyes are about to fall out trying to read all these forums for info on this dinky laptop... arghhhhhhhhhhhh
I have a pci graphics card that you can buy cheap and just leave it in :D. **FS Thread in sig** ;)
