Here's Why Google Could Disappear in Five Years

Difficult to see, the future is.

Yahoo never became anything beyond an email, chat, and search platform.

Oh but they tried. They spectacularly failed trying to make their email chat and groups into something like facebook. It took a few weeks of flaming and holy hell rioting on their support pages before yahoo gave in and put it all back the way it was, and not before they lost 1/3 of their userbase.

The problem yahoo and google have is they've lost sight of their userbase. They don't do what brought them their users,or what keeps them there, they try to be what everyone else is instead of perfecting their niche, or being original, they just make poor imitations and screw their existing users but trying to shove them into things those users dont want.

That's the problem.
Once again a tech journalist fails to acknowledge that Google is NOT in the search business. They're in the ad revenue business. As long as AdSense and Links From Google is on just about every web site in the world - and on millions of Android phones - Google Search isn't going anywhere.

They most definitely are in the search business, they just realized they could make more money by piggy backing ads on their search model. You are implying google search is nothing more than a front to serve advertisements. It just so happens advertisers are willing to pay obscene amounts of money for what google throws at them.

Anyway whats really funny is that comparisons to yahoo are being made here. Even during yahoo's "heyday" I didnt know anyone outside of my grandparents who used it for anything, which is the reason they ultimately failed. They never had a superior product, they simply had a bunch of simpletons using their product, which will inevitably always fail. Their search results sucks, their page layout sucked, they had enough ad's and bloat splattered across the screen to qualify as myspace material, so ultimately they crumbled. They were a shell of a company, existing on their own branding for no more than a few years. Yahoo was never considered king of anything for much longer than this. I could have told you yahoo was going to bust 5 years ago. Just like I can tell you Google will NEVER bust, unless something bizarre happens like the CEO's engage in a child smuggling ring while snorting coke off of dead fetuses.
I used to use Yahoo back when the internet 1st went out. It ended up too cluttered with crap and Google came out, which was very clean cut and straight forward. Found the stuff I was looking for.

Now if you go to, they have way too much crap, sort of like Google kept things simple and clean, which is why people use them now. Also, Google develops a lot of web apps and services, hence people have a reason to use and unlikely for them to go out of business.
Google does far more than search these days and its profits are not solely tied to ad clicks. They know how to diversify and play the market. I doubt they will find themselves out of work in the next 20-30 years.

I would actually pay for more Google like services, like removing those damn political ads from Youtube. And 10$ more a month for better Android phones and updates. They have plenty of products int heir portfolio, they just need to start monetizing it.
Yahoo was never the king of search, certainly not 5-8 years ago.

I was in school 12 years ago, and even then "Google" was a verb. I have no respect for "analysts" whose only job is to keep on top of trends and yet manage to be 7 years late to the party.
Search is all about vertical integration that is why yahoo became the web page they did, they just forgot to keep their search good. As long as google gives the best results then it will be in good shape. You can tell just how stupid the article is when they like all stupid reporters think everything in the world will somehow be dominated by apple. If they said some new start up like google might overtake them that might make sense but right now google has huge search market share on just about every platform, but on top of that they sell more mobile devices than anyone else. Even though advertisers are not willing to pay as much now for mobile ads I suspect they will in the future when they have no choice because so many people are using mobile devices. Hey a TV add is smaller than a billboard, doesnt mean that you can get more out of a billboard.
Yahoo was never the king of search, certainly not 5-8 years ago.

I was in school 12 years ago, and even then "Google" was a verb. I have no respect for "analysts" whose only job is to keep on top of trends and yet manage to be 7 years late to the party.

Where were you? Google was 2 years old at that point unless you're talking pure site registration which was 15 years ago. Sure, Larry Page used it kind of offhandedly in 1998 but seriously, school kids knew about the use as a verb?
I'd say good fucking riddance.

And meanwhile, all the Google cultists will continue to make "Micro$oft" jokes in a display of stunning irony.
google will always be the king of search engined, who else could replace it ? sometimes I wonder, no need to use bing, cause bing search results is identical with google search results.
I agree. Alta Vista passed the reins to Google.

Absolutely. I was never a heavy user of Yahoo. AltaVista was the top choice for me, and then Google surpassed that. Yahoo was definitely big, but I would have never labeled them the 'search king' at any point.
You mean wipe out all life on earth in the future.
That not far off 12/21/2012 or is 12/31/2012 ok maybe thoses doomsday sayer can't get there fact rigth at all becuases they really don't what talk about after all sounds to far fetched to say the least, especially to us who remember the unfulfilled doomsday predictions of Y2K or the earth-changing harmonic convergence that never quite converged in 1987, so when is the next great blockbuster movie coming out??.

Yes "wipe", not "wrote"... edit... Ah

Next great event? My money is on the next Carrington Event! Guess they could make a movie out of it... or maybe not... :D
Idk. Seems all search results are shit compared to 10 years ago when I did a search. There was a golden period where the search algorithms had gotten good but the Search Results weren't gamed, or influenced by ad dollars, or what have you.