Here’s Elon Musk’s “Submarine” for Rescuing Trapped Thailand Kids

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Aug 20, 2006
Elon Musk took to twitter a few hours ago to demonstrate that he wasn’t kidding when he said he would build a “kid-size submarine” to rescue that cave-trapped group of Thailand kids. While expert divers have successfully gotten four boys out so far, Musk is sending his contraption just in case.

At least four of 12 boys were rescued Sunday after being trapped for more than two weeks in a flooded cave network in northern Thailand. Their soccer coach remains inside the cave with the other boys. It's not clear yet which boys were rescued. The boys are from several schools in the Chiang Rai province of northern Thailand.
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i hope when I'm in trouble Elon comes to my rescue. oh wait, it wont be on the front page news for a month so too bad for me. LOL I think Elon does this for self promotion more than for the actual act.
i hope when I'm in trouble Elon comes to my rescue. oh wait, it wont be on the front page news for a month so too bad for me. LOL I think Elon does this for self promotion more than for the actual act.

hmmm, personally I have no idea about that because I don't know the man ... but apparently you do
i said "I think". Self promotion appears to be in his makeup. jumping to conclusions appears to be in yours.
Inflatable tunnel either one big one or a series of them or perhaps hard water pipe big enough for a human to be pulled through by rope. either way would reduce the size of the area to empty of water and provide a way to get out not having to swim or get lost as you swim in pitch black...
hmmm, personally I have no idea about that because I don't know the man ... but apparently you do
whom exactly benefits from putting a tesla roadster in orbit around the sun?
i hope when I'm in trouble Elon comes to my rescue. oh wait, it wont be on the front page news for a month so too bad for me. LOL I think Elon does this for self promotion more than for the actual act.

Who the fuck cares? If what he provides helps then so be it. I swear people would rather have children die than have someone help and get good press from doing so.
Inflatable tunnel either one big one or a series of them or perhaps hard water pipe big enough for a human to be pulled through by rope. either way would reduce the size of the area to empty of water and provide a way to get out not having to swim or get lost as you swim in pitch black...

the cave is very narrow in places only 38cm wide, there's guide ropes in place afaik. the kids are escorted by one diver in front and one behind. its worked fine up till now, by the time that piece of junk submarine gets there most of the kids will be out, I'm pretty sure it would not get through the narrow or bendy parts of the cave system.
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Who the fuck cares? If what he provides helps then so be it. I swear people would rather have children die than have someone help and get good press from doing so.

because the reason matters and if this over-engineered self promoting bunch of bulshit effort was re-directed to something that really matters, it would save many more lives.
because the reason matters and if this over-engineered self promoting bunch of bulshit effort was re-directed to something that really matters, it would save many more lives.

What? He is attempting to save lives.

Over-engineered? What qualifications do you know about this challenge from the 'MVP' perspective that allow you to class any of his ideas out into that realm?

Elon was ASKED ON TWITTER to assist.

Are you spending any of your time / resources / budget to help?

Naw, you're just sh1tposting garbage on a forum about someone who is trying to help.
The reasons only matter when you're being petty.
There is no time for the feasibility of this pathetic over-engineered attempt at publicity. buddy diving is the simple and fast solution. That's common sense. So a bunch of rocket scientists couldn't figure that out? I'm being logical.
i hope when I'm in trouble Elon comes to my rescue. oh wait, it wont be on the front page news for a month so too bad for me. LOL I think Elon does this for self promotion more than for the actual act.
I'm glad I'm nowhere near in your cynicism and callousness that you exhibited. Even if it is self-promotion, he is trying to save lives. In capitalism, this is what every entrepreneur is hoping to do. Strike it rich while helping to improve everyone else' lives. This is what US is all about.

What have you done so far other than post here with your stupidity?
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There is no time for the feasibility of this pathetic over-engineered attempt at publicity. buddy diving is the simple and fast solution. That's common sense. So a bunch of rocket scientists couldn't figure that out? I'm being logical.

And what if that plan becomes impossible? It will take days to get everyone out, assuming the weather holds off and nothing goes even the slightest bit wrong. Even this current plan is incredibly dangerous. There is nothing simple or fast about it. These are children that have been stuck in a cave for many days and are already in a weak state, compounding that is the fact that none of them are good swimmers. They went with the best, current, plan because they didn't feel they could wait for all the engineers to figure out a better one. They're taking a big risk because they want to try to get them out while the weather seems to be holding. That could change at any time.
that long tube just isn't going to be able to get around any curved narrow areas in the cave system, I don't think any of the engineers have ever gone potholing (spelunking). its just a non starter imho.
There is no time for the feasibility of this pathetic over-engineered attempt at publicity. buddy diving is the simple and fast solution. That's common sense. So a bunch of rocket scientists couldn't figure that out? I'm being logical.

Your level of assumption about the whole situation implies 0% logic, 100% bias.
that long tube just isn't going to be able to get around any curved narrow areas in the cave system, I don't think any of the engineers have ever gone potholing (spelunking). its just a non starter imho.
That's why god invented dynamite and Elon has a boring machine. Together they can straighten out those narrow curves.;)
nobody's going to use dynamite unless you want to give every body in the cave blast lung injuries and kill them.
Are you spending any of your time / resources / budget to help?
Are you?
Naw, you're just sh1tposting garbage on a forum about someone who is trying to help.
Yeah I'm sh1tposting about a sh1t solution that any idiot knows wont work. it is obvious from the videos of the cave and the "elon tube" solution in the thread article. put it together.

I do hope that these kid are all rescued and are saved. it would be beneficial to expend resources on realistic rescue efforts instead of a "moon shot" rescue device that probably wont be ready in time and not work anyways.
because the reason matters and if this over-engineered self promoting bunch of bulshit effort was re-directed to something that really matters, it would save many more lives.
Oh my god...

so, in essence - this "solution" is having the opposite of the desired effect you all believe in so strongly.
As small as that submarine is, I have a feeling that it's still too big to navigate the more complicated sections of that cave. Cool idea though. And it's great of Elon Musk to get involved to try and help. I actually thought he was going to use his "boring company" to try and burrow into the cave through the top.
and serves as a distraction which endangers lives even more.

You are really full of shit. It's not a distraction because it is being worked on while current rescue efforts on on-going. No one is demanding that they stop current efforts in favor of something that is still being tested. I imagine other groups are also working on backup plans in case the current plans stop being viable.
As small as that submarine is, I have a feeling that it's still too big to navigate the more complicated sections of that cave. Cool idea though. And it's great of Elon Musk to get involved to try and help. I actually thought he was going to use his "boring company" to try and burrow into the cave through the top.

Musk said he believes it will fit based on the information he was given from the dive team, but no one is really going to know for sure until they set up a full replica of the passages it needs to get through.

Boring wouldn't have worked. Not only would it have taken too long to get everything set up, but it is too much of a risk. Cutting a hole big enough to get them all out creates a huge risk of causing the only way out they currently have to collapse.
As small as that submarine is, I have a feeling that it's still too big to navigate the more complicated sections of that cave. Cool idea though. And it's great of Elon Musk to get involved to try and help. I actually thought he was going to use his "boring company" to try and burrow into the cave through the top.

I suppose literally no one else proposed to stick kids in a chrome dildo to escape the cave, so he’s definitely the only one to come up with this.
Apparently mega6 is some kind of engineering genius and will have something better than Musk's idea prototyped and ready to go by tomorrow. I mean why else would he show his ass like he is doing?
You do know he offered a few government agencies a free payload and they declined, right? He needed a payload and if no one wanted a free launch why not use his space platform for the ultimate advertisement?
But his space car kills children in flooded caves.
I suppose literally no one else proposed stick kids in a chrome dildo to escape the cave, so he’s definitely the only one to come up with this.

His team very well could have been the first ones to bring it up simply because his various companies have the ability to make something quickly. For anyone else, it might take far too long to even make attempting anything not worth talking about.
There's nothing simple about that little submarine. Maintaining pressure, maintaining air quality, making the tanks swappable underwater, maintaining buoyancy and making it movable by divers takes a certain kind of engineering talent, and I'm thinking that a guy who runs a company that is working on manned spaceflight while also running a company that is working on boring earthen tunnels while also working with people who are making vacuum tunnels for passenger trains might be one of the few CEO's who has all the right people.

As for 'why' Elon does it? Given the guy's background, I suspect he has ideas pop into his head all the time. I would bet that a few of his vice presidents have to slow his ideas down.

I don't think he's doing this for attention. A narcissist would realize that this tube is only going to be used when the choices run down to zero, and if it fails Elon is going to look dumb. He didn't do the electrical vault project in Australia for the attention, he did it because he believes in his ideas.

His team very well could have been the first ones to bring it up simply because his various companies have the ability to make something quickly. For anyone else, it might take far too long to even make attempting anything not worth talking about.

Vile Derangel ganks my post while I am posting.
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