Here's a nifty little program to test your LCD for any dead pixels...


The man behind the curtain...
Jan 13, 2001
I use to go to Monitor's Direct and use their dead pixel tester but I havent been able to find it lately so I stumbled upon another tester that does the same thing.


its a handy tool to have to see if your LCD has any dead or bad pixels.
I only know about my one questionable pixel.
Goes away with some massage and doesn't come back unless it's cold and unpowered.
My guess is you gently depress the suspect area and move about in circular motions.

I have some specs of food on my monitor. I should really stop eating/drinking while computing.
Goat said:
here's a really small doesn't-get-any-easier-than-this LCD tester.

P.S. how do you properly massage a pixel. I have a stuck green one on my brand new L90D+ and it would be awesome if i could get rid of it.

I just tried that but I dont like the fact that there's a taskbar on the bottom when testing.

so you wont be able to see a dead pixel if that pixel is hidden in the taskbar.
So far i only tryed the one you linked to ozziegn but its a nice little utility. I didn't find any dead pixels on my L90D+.
ozziegn said:
I use to go to Monitor's Direct and use their dead pixel tester but I havent been able to find it lately so I stumbled upon another tester that does the same thing.


its a handy tool to have to see if your LCD has any dead or bad pixels.
Nifty little program. Thanks.

I never tested or checked for bad pixels ever since I had my monitor, and this is the first time today lol. Had this monitor for probably 3 years already.