

Aug 22, 2004
I'm new to networking other then just setting up a cable modem to a router and running 3 computer off a router. But my friend and I are trying to get this program called Guild FTP(downloadable at to work so we can share files back and forth, but we cant seem to get it working, we are both behind a router, and I was wondering if anyone here has worked w/ this program before, if so could they explain how to get it up, Thanks in advanced.

Are you trying to host files with the program so that he can access them and download them off your computer?
|Tormentor| said:
Are you trying to host files with the program so that he can access them and download them off your computer?

That and vice versa, we want to be able to dl programs from each others Harddrive...
Look at it this way:
You try to connect to your buddy's machine. Data is sent from your computer, through your router, and across the internet, and arrives at his router. Your router made note of the port number and which computer was using it, so that when data returns, it knows where to send it. But his router has no idea which of his computers you want, so it stops the data, and you get no connection.
So what you need to do is to "forward" the port you want to use. This is like telling the router "If anything comes in on port <whatever> (for FTP, port 21 is default), send it to compter <x>". For your buddy to connect to you, you would have to forward the port on your router to the correct machine.
Forwarding ports is different for different routers, so you'll need to get into the router's setup routine (usually through a web-browser), and forward the correct port(s). You're not tied to port 21; that's just the one that's most common.
Hope this helped!
P.S. Oh, and try to be a bit more descriptive in your thread titles..."Help" is kinda broad!
Cryptic said:
? meaning?

i wrote something, without reading your question thoroughly. i tried to delete the post but it wouldnt let me (didnt want to fill ur thread up with unuseful info).