Help XP home Freezing randomly!!!


Nov 24, 2003
Okay, i am having a big problem with my PC. It randomly freezes at certain points. Sometimes it will freeze in like 10 minutes after rebooting, or 2 hours. it is really random. I can be doing stuff and it will freeze and i could have only AIM running and it will freeze. I am not sure what to do. Especially since i just reinstalled windows XP home (tried Pro but every time it got to registering componets on the install screen it froze). I thought a fresh install would help, but it did not. I checked my ram and it is okay (i used another persons ram and it still did it. So any suggestions would be great. I am thinking about borrowing freinds video card and swapping it in and seeing if that helps, tell me if that is worth doing. Thanks for any info you can provied

PC Stats
2800+ AMD
Aopen AK79D-400VN
2x256 elixir ddr-400
128mb 9800 Pro
80gig Maxtor
Sounds definitely like a hardware problem. I know you said you tried another friends RAM, but have you tried running memtest with your RAM in. I am wondering if you are have a bad memory slot. Have you tried running with just one stick of RAM (basically take it out of dual channel)?

I would also try your friends video card and let us know the results.
Well I ran memtest, and encountered 0 errors. I let it do one complete pass. I will try the video card when get down with some homework. Any other suggestions. Thanks for the help by the way.
get a program to check your temperatures.. it might be overheating.. try speedfan... i had a computer that ran like crap and sticking a fan in front of the hard drives fixed it.. so try that..
also check your power supply voltages. Aopen probably has an utility for it.

my friend had similar problem, he fixed it by simply unplugging and re plugging the power supply cable.
just to let you all know, but i have had my pc now for like 2 years and have not changed any hardware since (aside from adding a harddrive a year ago). Everything has ran great till now. I just thought i would let you know, so you do not think i jsut built it recently. It used to work, but something went wrong, who knows what. I will give all you suggestions a try, thanks.


(incase you can't see image)

here is a pic of speed fan with voltage and temps, does everything look okay? I still have yet to try swapping my vid card, probably do not have time tonight. but we will see.
All your temps look fine, but your 12V rail looks low. It might just be a PS issue.
MY COMPUTER DOES NOT TURN ON ANYMORE. Well, all today, my computer has not froze up. I thought my problem was fixed. I left it on overnight lastnight and it did not freeze. All day was good then 8 pm rolls around and it freezes up and i restart. It freezes up another 2 times in the next 2 hours and i look at SpeedFan and the 12 volt rail never reaches 12 volts it is around the 10-11volt (it is around 10 though most of the time). Not sure if this would cause it to freeze when only at desktop. but anyways it iwll not turn on. When i press the power button the lights (power and hdd activity) come one and the case fans turn on. The hdd does not spin up. all i get is a black screen with no familiar startup beep from the MB. Also if it mattters my cd drive lights up but does not spin up (the little light comes on and thiat is it). I am thinking my PS went out. What u guys think? Never had any experience with this so any hlep would be great. Thanks.

PS Would a bad videocard cause this big problem. I cannot see a videocard causing my ps fan to not turn on.
I would at least get you a new power supply if your 12V rail drops below 11 then that can cause alot of problems. You might have burned up your PS and that is why it won't turn on.
scottatwittenberg said:
also.. read the psu section before choosing one.. to help avoid getting a cheap one...

Definitely great advice. Also read the stickies at the top of that forum before posting as they might give you insight as to what you need. I would replace the PSU before doing anything else.