Help with router/proxies


Limp Gawd
Nov 14, 2004
My neatgear router blocks sites randomly. And when I try to go to some it just says "Blocked by Netgear router".

I dont have admin to the router, so i cant get it. my dad wont fix this because he's lazy.

But now its blocking AOL Instant Messenger. So I cant connect, it just says failed. When I go to and use the quick buddy thing where no software is needed, that blocked by netgear router thing pops up.

I downloaded GAIM and tried to use it but no such there any way I can use a proxy to work around this router? It frusterates me so much.

I can give $5 paypal to anyone who can fix this situation for me lol.
well if your dads lazy then he probably didnt password protect the router and so probably there would not be a password on it....dunno what the intial setup for netgear is....but he probably has blocked you from certain sites and now has closed some ports and probably the port that AIM uses.....i could be totally wrong thou :rolleyes:
nah he didn't block anything. It is password protected because he set it up...but he doesn't have it blocking anything because it does it to random sites.

i mean AIM worked fine like 3 weeks ago..i wanna know how to get a proxy to work with it though..because ive tried some and i think im doing something wrong.
Try just using another port. In your connection configuration, use port 80 instead of the default. This should work since port 80 is regular web browsing (http), unless that doesn't work either.
like I said, he's not blocking me from anything. this router is doing it to random things...i think it's just set to like high watch mode or something...i have no clue. well i guess noone here has any answer, thanks anyway
Mudd said:
like I said, he's not blocking me from anything. this router is doing it to random things...i think it's just set to like high watch mode or something...i have no clue. well i guess noone here has any answer, thanks anyway

did you try using port 80?