Help with hard drive indicator


Nov 28, 2011
I am in the process of building an OI/Napp-It All-in-one server and have a hard drive that is behaving differently from the other 5 drives.

My build includes:
Norco 4224
SuperMicro X9SCM-F-O
Xeon E3-1230 v2
2x8 gigs Kingston Unbuffered Ram
6x 2TB Seagate (STBD2000101)
Running ESXi v5, OpenIndiana (151a5), Napp-It

For 5 of the 6 drives, I can see both the blue and green LEDs lit when the server is on. For one drive in particular, it only shows the blue LED and no Green (never lights up). I have tried moving it from one bay to another and also to another connected back plane and it doesn't affect the lights. From Napp-It, I see that the drive is recognized (along with any others connected) and I see no errors listed.

Any ideas or suggestions as to what is causing this behavior and how to make it consistent with the other drives?

Thanks for the suggestion...

The LEDs are in the backplane though, right? I tried switching the drive to several different bays and even bays that light both blue and green LEDs on other drives only light blue for this one drive. I also tried switching drive sleds (which pass the light through) and same result.

I guess it's somehow the drive even though the diagnostics show it ok?
Thanks for the suggestion...

The LEDs are in the backplane though, right? I tried switching the drive to several different bays and even bays that light both blue and green LEDs on other drives only light blue for this one drive. I also tried switching drive sleds (which pass the light through) and same result.

I guess it's somehow the drive even though the diagnostics show it ok?

Is the drive you are talking about at a different firmware level than the other drives which are operating properly? There have been a few threads on the Seagate forums about the 4224 and Seagate drives and LED anomalies.
Thanks for that suggestion. I thought that might be it. But based on the smartinfo available in Napp-It, they all have the same firmware: CC4C. I also found out that the green light is the activity light and should be off. When I run the smartinfo on the drives, they all start to blink, including the ones that I thought was broken. The others to blink when accessed, but stay on even when idle.