Help: Spontaneous shutdown


Nov 3, 2004
I have had my iDeq 210 for about a 2 months and it has now started to spontaneously shut down on me. The only thing that remains on is the green power light and I have to pull the plug so that I can power on with the power button again.

1) I wrote a small program to perform a calculation in an infinite loop -- never saw it crash with 100% CPU load and I let the temps rise.
2) Have two sticks of ram, tried them both individually and in seperate banks
3) Changed power outlet. Checked connections
4) Pulled video card -- thought maybe I was drawing too much juice
5) Doesn't seem to related to temps
6) If it crashes, will often crash again right after reboot while loading windows desktop (Which is why I thought it was temperature related until I tried (1) above)
7) Has worked for a couple of hours straight without crashing

Anyone experience anything like this? Anyway to isolate the problem down to the CPU or the mobo? Any other suggestions?

definitely pull that mobo out and have an overall peek at all hardware. got any other hardware to swap out and test?
No, not really. I mean I could pull the CD but it shouldn't be doing anything. I think I might try to install windows on another harddrive and install that to see what happens.

Do you think this would be a mobo issue and not a CPU issue?
MD said:

That would be the first thing I would shoot for. I replaced a PSU in a friends HP not long ago that was causing random reboots. It got so bad that the reboots were occuring every 10-15 minutes or so. Replaced the PSU with a new one and it hasn't done a random reboot since.

either PSU like they said, but id shoot for the cpu or ram. i kno i was having random reboots when i downgraded to 512 of ram instead of 1gb, because i have my cpu overclocked ram matters. It would reboot SOMETIMES not on a schedule or when i did a certain thing. i have back to 1gb and it hasnt done it since.
there aren't any wierd errors before it shuts down are there? it just turns off in a heartbeat? shitty deals but it's gotta be the psu, ram'll need other hardware to swap in and test. I'm quite sure it isn't software related..

ain't troubleshooting hardware fun? g'luk
1) Check to make sure the heatsink is properly mating to the CPU and reapply thermal paste.
2) Inspect the caps on the motherboard and make sure none of the tops are bulging. Especially the caps found around the memory slots.
3) Try running the system with an ATX power supply instead of the iDEQ
4) Try running the unit with the lid off. If it runs without issue, then it is still a heat issue.

Well its been running for about 24 hours now without crashing. Looks like its definetly an overhearting problem. One of the tests I did on it was to disable the smartfan -- it's aweful loud but it's not crashing at the moment. I am going to try to again run that program I wrote -- maybe I didn't let it run long enough. I'm going to check the thermal paste but I put it on myself and it shoul be good. Everything else is nice, clean and dust free.

I am almost wondering if it is some other component on the mobo which is causing the shutdown other than the CPU, since the CPU temps don't seem to be running higher than 55. Moreover,I have is underclocked to a AMD 2500 (Is a 3200).
