help...share net between 2 people wireless


Jan 15, 2006
i live in military 1/4rs walls and floors are all reinforced concrete i want to share my internet with another person to to make it cheaper between computer will be able to run anything you throw at it and the internet is going to be in my room. the guy thats going to get it is one floor down and on the other guessing 10 ft down 40 feet over or 30ft strait line. but its threw a floor and 4 walls. his computer only has one AGP slot open and usb 1.0 personaly i would like to get a router so that when i leave i can take it with me but....what is the best way to share internet between the 2 of us?

thank you for your help
support the troops
Concrete walls are one the worst things for wireless to get through effectively. But befroe you try to do that, are you sure that your ISP allows this kind of thing?
Get a wireless router or AP and try it is all I can tell you, but it does sound like it will be a hard run.
0ldman said:
Get a wireless router or AP and try it is all I can tell you, but it does sound like it will be a hard run.

I agree...

Ideally you should plug desktops in. I've found that wireless on desktops don't work nearly as well as wireless on laptops (since laptops were built to use wireless and desktops aren't).

Make sure you lock the wireless router down with encryption, that way no one else can use your internet without your permission.