HELP: Problem with Big Screen TV Flickering/Can't Get it to fit the screen


Aug 7, 2004
I'm sure it has something to do with my video card and NOT my monitor... Let me describe the problems...

Setup: Geforce 6800 Ultra
Panasonic PT50lc13.... DLP style with DVI

I connect using DVI, and I CAN get smaller resolutions to NOT flicker, but I can't get the edges of the screen to show and there doesn't appear to be any resize tools that came with my TV for digital in... And I tried using the Nvidia control panel, but it doesn't appear to have any options for that...

First of all, I cannot find a way to adjust my monitor so that it fits to the screen WITHOUT it being too large for the screen. Anyway, its a headache, any help would be great. Thanks
That's a problem with the big screen tv, I think. Talk to a tech or a sales rep with experience with your model.

No, its not, because as I said I can get it to work at lower resolutions (so it doesn't flicker)... Or different settings here and there.

It is surely not the TV... My BIGGER concern isn't the flickering anyway, its the fact I can't see the edges of my screen...

Anyway, I was told the people on this board knew a LOT of technical solutions, being very tech savy myself I figured we could easily work together to find the solution. Thanks for the thought though...
what resolution is it that you cannot see the edges of the video?
Whats the max resolution you can run with it still on screen. I realize your stating that the edges are missing but its hard to know what that means w/o a pic or reference. It sounds like a problem getting the right resolution to work on your TV. You may also try using power strip to creat custom resolutions that may work out your your particular TV.
I would go with the powerstrip idea myself.

Have you tried updating the drivers? If you aren't, try the new beta drivers from nvidia here
hignaki said:
I would go with the powerstrip idea myself.

Have you tried updating the drivers? If you aren't, try the new beta drivers from nvidia here
He speaks the truth. Powerstip is your friend in this adventure. Head over to and check out the HTPC section.
Nate1492 said:
I'm sure it has something to do with my video card and NOT my monitor... Let me describe the problems...

Setup: Geforce 6800 Ultra
Panasonic PT50lc13.... DLP style with DVI

I connect using DVI, and I CAN get smaller resolutions to NOT flicker, but I can't get the edges of the screen to show and there doesn't appear to be any resize tools that came with my TV for digital in... And I tried using the Nvidia control panel, but it doesn't appear to have any options for that...

First of all, I cannot find a way to adjust my monitor so that it fits to the screen WITHOUT it being too large for the screen. Anyway, its a headache, any help would be great. Thanks

Okay, first of all that is a LCD rear projection, not DLP.

Don't use Powerstrip, it isn't necessary. Download the latest drivers from NVidia's website 66.93.

Setup it up this way. Click on Device Settings>> Select TV Format >> 720P. Then click on underscan the resolution.



Click OK and you should be up and going. This should give you the sharpest picture possible. You will be running at a resolution of 1177x662.
good work..i knew there would be something in the drivers for it..the nvidia drivers are really packed