Help pick out a UPS


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 22, 2008
So can any you guys suggest a UPS for these 2 computers:
1: 8800GT OC 512MB ( will upgrade mid june)
750 corsair PSU
C2D e8400
antec 900 w/ 5 fans
4x1 ddr2 800
19' WS Acer

2: 8600 GT 256
450 Corsair
2x1 ddr2 800
amd 64 x2 3600+
17' HP w/ speakers

i know jack nothing about UPS, cept i want one to save muh shiz
Well my first few questions are;
a) how long do you want to be able to run the computers off of the UPS
b) what is your budget
c) just the computer or other stuff such as monitors, routers, hub, switch, modem...

I would suggest looking at APC's web page, it has a rather good qualifier section to help you decide what you need.

For an idea, here at work each workstation has its own APC UPS BR1500, my computer runs for about 30 mins on backup before the battery runs out. I think the battery is getting a bit flat tho, according to APC's page it should run 75 mins.

For my home setup I have a SUA2200VA(HUGE) that I got used, it can run my comp in profile for roughly 4 hours, this includes monitor, cable modem, and router. More then likely the 2200va is a bit beyond your range, it cost about $1200 new, I paid 350 for the unit and another 200 for a new battery.
I don't really care if my computers stay online when the power goes out, i just dont want them to get fried if there is a surge.....
That said, would just some good surge protectors do me ok?
I don't really care if my computers stay online when the power goes out, i just dont want them to get fried if there is a surge.....
That said, would just some good surge protectors do me ok?

Well the other major function of a UPS is to provide "clean" power. They correct ripples from the incoming power and regulate which helps when you have lots of variations in voltage. So I would advice to get one for those reasons alone.