Help! Persistent cookies deleted every time!


Mar 27, 2008
My persistent cookies (ex. preference settings in Google or sign in info on Netflix..) are erased EVERY TIME I restart my computer. I have placed a number of website url's in the "allowed" section of the privacy tab (under the "sites" button..), including google and netflix, and the websites seem to be remembered as long as I don't restart the computer. I can shut down a IE8 browsing session and come back online and the cookies are still in effect, but if I shut down and restart the computer the supposedly persistent cookies are deleted. Very frustrating! I am running only Eset Nod as antivirus and Zone Alarm Pro as security right now...I have just completed a fresh install of Windows XP sp3 and I'm trying to run down this gremlin. I checked the settings on Zone Alarm Pro and they are set to allow cookies (cookie control is set to off...). Does Eset Nod have a system whereby it automatically deletes cookies on startup? Is there a setting for windows proper whereby it either deletes persistent cookies or doesn't recognize me as the same user every time I start it up? Am I totally just missing something? Any help would be appreciated. While this is not a show-stopping problem, it IS super annoying and I hate having something happening on my machine of which I am not aware and of which I currently have no control over...

Thanks again in advance...
Might want to remedy that wall'o'text, just a suggestion.

If you where using Firefox, I would say a complete and total re-installation would be your best bet, as that always fixes the issue when that happens.

May I ask why you are using Zone Alarm at all?
In Firefox 3.5.2, Tools>Privacy>Use custom settings for history

Is "Automatically start Firefox in a private browsing session" turned off?
Is "Accept cookies from sites" toggled on, "Accept third-party cookies" turned on, and "Keep until:" set to "they expire"?
Is "Clear history when Firefox closes" turned off?
First, I appreciate your suggestions. Second, although I know I probably should migrate to Firefox, I'm still more comfortable with IE8, so thank you for the Firefox suggestions but they won't work for my problem specifically.

Third, I'm using Zone Alarm Pro as it has been suggested by a number of sources to be one of if not the best software firewall on the market. Perhaps you are suggesting I would find the included XP firewall sufficient?
Well if you are behind a hardware firewall, that makes a software firewall needlessly redundant. And I believe Comodo firewall is the most recommended in the enthusiast community.