Help - no signal on monitor

Patrick Bateman

Limp Gawd
Dec 31, 2007
This is my first time building a PC and I'm not getting any signal on my monitor. I know the monitor and cable works and the graphics card. The gfx card is a several year old PCI card though and I'm not entirely sure it's compatible. I'm only using it until I order a card.

Here is what I'm using;

Asus P5K-E
C2D E8400
Crucial Ballistix 2x1GB
Seagate 320GB SATA
Corsair 550vx
Cooler Master 690

I tried reseating the CPU and RAM, switching out the RAM into different places, resetting CMOS, switching HDDs, switching monitor. No signal, no beeps (no case or mobo speakers). All the fans work including the graphics card one... Mobo light is green.. I can't hear the HDDs but I feel them vibrating... Any ideas?
First of all did you install the motherboard standoffs? No standoffs can cause a no boot from shorting issues. If you have intalled the motherboard standoffs, a deeper problem obviously exists. Since you do not have a motherboard speaker to test out beeps, I have to think your bios chip or CPU is bad. There is a slim, outside chance a rail on your power supply may be bad. Do you happen to have or could borrow a powersupply checker to test if the power supply?

Good luck!
I'm guessing the board you got needs a BIOS flash, since the E8400 chips were released recently. Do you have a friend you could borrow a CPU from? Or, you could contact Asus and ask them if they can send over a BIOS chip (if its easily replaceable by the user).
I tried basically everything I could and it's been narrowed down to the RAM, CPU, and Bios. The only other RAM sticks I have is 184-pin and the other CPU is socket 478. I don't know anyone with a similar build so I'm basically stuck. Is there any way to check the bios version without the monitor?
Call ASUS, see if they can tell you what BIOS revision the board shipped with if you give them the serial number. If not, request a BIOS chip flashed with the latest revision shipped to you, as enginurd said.
I spoke to Asus and unfortunately my board was made in September so the Bios is indeed outdated, and my board has a soldered on Bios chip. Before I RMA the board, the Bios being outdated for the processor definitely causes no signal to the monitor?

I just don't want to send it back and wait a few weeks to find out something else was causing no signal and that fixing it gives me access to the bios to update it.

Although, perhaps I can take it to a computer store and they can update the bios for me. I think I may know of one, but I've never been there.
Yep. If the BIOS can't recognize the micro code on the CPU it will not POST. Remember, no logic processor means it will do nothing.