Help needed on hard drive selection :rolleyes:


Oct 29, 2006
I'm about to get a new hard drive to go with the new tj09. Considering either a 150 Raptor or a WD Caviar 16 320 gig hard drive. Mainly for gaming. The Raptor is ~ 10% ? faster but is noticeably noiser. Given the placement of the hard drives in the tj09 ( behind wire mesh ) I'm thinking this noise factor will not be muted at all and will be a real irritation. Listened to comparison soundtracks on a site and the raptor sounds like a coffee grinder. Leaning towards the Caviar but looking for thoughts. Caviar is obviously cheaper too.
If you don't want noise, you don't want the Raptor. They do grind when they're seeking. for sure. I'm thinking most gaming machines have the fan noise to overcome this.